He is such a good comedian.
10/10 comedy character
He is such a good comedian.
10/10 comedy character
very funny OP you fucking cumdupster
glenn lives confirmed
Why do they call him The Comedian?
It's all a big joke, really.
>She was pregnant...and you beat her down with Lucille
>Yeah I did. And you know what, you watched!
Was Dr. Manhattan right? Should The Comedian have spared Maggie?
quality post i lold
Manhattan could have saved her but he didn't give a fuck.
Probably because he's secretly against racemixing.
>Hello darkness my old friend...
A.. Bane?!
>do you have a pen
>I have a marker
>a.. marker?
Can't wait til he finds out Spencer has guts.
They should've saved Carter from S6E1 for that. Show Spencer isn't some Rick-hating asshole.
>This town like a great big chicken just waiting to get plucked.
what did he mean by this?
If I made a bad joke, would he die?
Just finished the episode. Fuck Negan.
I hope he gets a more painful death than the governor. I need to wait for my gf to wake up so I can find out what happens to that bastard in the comics.
Carter was a likable guy though. I'm sure most autistic fans hated him for daring to question Rick Grimes but all things considered he was a good guy. Meanwhile Tosh.0 just isn't compelling.
>I need to wait for my gf to wake up so I can find out what happens to that bastard in the comics.
he lives for a long, long time and eventually becomes a fan favorite because people have short memories and starts a redemption arc we're currently in the middle of.
i like him now.
In the comic?
He lives, after crippling Rick.
He just cut the head off the bitch running the biggest crew ever seen in the series.
Negan never dies.
Fucken kek
>rick locks him in jail
>2 years pass
>kid who hates rick lets him out
>negan kills the kid who let him out then goes and kills the big bad that rick's crew was facing off against
wow antisemitic much
After he lectures her on why she is shit, no less.
Like most, I root for Negan. Just imagining this series with Negan as the protagonist from the start pisses me off, knowing what we lost.
I wouldn't go as far as saying he was likeable, but he had no place dying that early.
Who can stop this man?
He is still alive in the comics, kek
Is that a real page from the comics?
Yeah, it was 2 or 3 issues ago I forget
>because people have short memories
Or you know it's a fictional story and people enjoy charismatic villains who are allowed to do and say things normal characters can't
He uses the F word a lot in the funny book?