Post conspiracykino

Post conspiracykino

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>Those tattoos

I think her bikini might be too small

> those self harm scars

; _ ;


>ICP Tattoos
absolutely fucking disgusting

kinoest of kinos

Really? The tattoos are what concerns you? Not the dozen razor scars on her thighs? Lel

Angela Merkel is Dylan Roofs actual mother. She gave him up in a government mind control experiment.

I don't care, I'd went so hard that the DJ didn't was if paper-plates


i honestly didnt notice them till have i looked at the picture again

Johnson offed JFK
Moon landing was faked
Webster Hubbell is Chelsea Clinton's father

What conspiracy lol

If they were deep she'd be dead, so no.

would fuq


Apparently the rich fucking kids

This picture of rich people at a lavish costume party surely is irrefutable proof of the world banking elite illuminati jewish reptilian conspiracy.

One of the craziest conspiracy theories I heard was that Bruce Wayne was Batman.

Why won't Hillary release proof that she isn't a lizard person or robot? It would be so trivial for her to do.

Kek, retard. What's next? Clark Kent is Superman?

>if I use a bunch of tinfoil hard buzzwords, it seems like I have an argument.

wow /x/ has better taste than Sup Forums

make it stop

>somebody fucks this

sick tats

i'd fuck her

That made me chuckle

id destroy her pussy

will not pull out



Anyone who says this automatically loses all credibility. If you're under age 50, I doubt you've ever even seen foil made if tin, unless your grandparents were hoarders.

ALUMINUM foil, you asshats! But really, even aluminum foil hats are just a meme, The only way to keep Them out of your head is to build a Faraday cage, and live in it.

wait until they post the face

>implying it wasn't already destroyed harder than Alderaan

Looked like stretch marks until I zoomed.


the term is correct. it applies as an adjective. you are using in the literal sense. you are wrong because you should be saying tinfoil hat.

not pale or THIQQ enough


You know she fucks like an absolute animal though.

Plenty of girls cut. That's far more normal than being a fan of Insane Clown Posse. I'd take a mentally unstable cutter over a juggalette any fucking day. Jugalettes are like the senior year of crazy bitches. Cutters are like grade school.

Some juggalettes look hot...but just looking at their pictures you feel like you are going to get and STI or Hepatitis C

Oh yeah

what a qt


looks good AND dubs. you should feel proud

Does anyone else ever get sad that they can't enjoy a comfy degenerate lifestyle?

I think being a little more dumb and getting to bang qt clowns would be a pretty comfy life

Gangsta rap, crack, and aids to a lesser extent were invented to keep the black panthers from becoming a huge thing, and to keep a large majority of the black population from ever becoming successful.

>can't enjoy a comfy degenerate lifestyle

Where do you think you are?

why do these autists need their own brand of soda

Good point

Anyone can do it if they get fit and know the right people to hang out with.

>feeling sorry for yourself for not being a normie faggot who does everything society tells him to do.

Get out or change your way of thinking, also check these dubs.

Room 237


You're not very smart, user.

I'd limbo under that

Looks too old to like ICP. Even teenagers who liked them 20 years ago don't anymore.

Roland Emmerich put symbols of his involvement in 9/11. In Godzilla 1998 when lightning strikes the WTC, he put 9 helicopters flying near the towers that symbolize an 11. Emmerich told Heath Ledger about it during the making of The Patriot, then Emmerich had him killed before he could tell the world. Mel Gibson still won't talk shit about Emmerich's faggotry because of Emmerich's high ranking in the illuminati, could get Mel killed.

not one person mentions any philip k dick

fucking scrubs

total recall
true lies
blade runner
minority report
a scanner darkly
next/the golden man
man in the high castle

all more about fucking conspiracies than 'ghostbusters or carrie' god damn it lol


enemy of the state(will smith)
conspiracy theory(mel gibson)

and if you are really bored

the pelican brief

>9 helicopters

Is this a meme? I only see 8.

almost everything in that movie has been debunked

total bullshit

Whatever happened to the Loose Change madmen?

>Shitty tattoos
>Cutting scars
>Dressed like that in public

at least she doesnt post anime pics lol

this is much better

Motherfucking this


>complaining about anime on Sup Forums

Went into it thinking it was going to be a trashy indie film, but ended up being surprisingly interesting with some genuinely chilling moments.

>implying someone this fucked up is monogamous

faygo is mah shit!

A glaring problem with this though is the fact that The Patriot was being made in what 1999 and came out in 2000 and that Heath Ledger died eight whole years later.

wow you're kind of smart



Is this implying rich people can't have fun?


So a film-related thread I was just about to post in just got deleted, but this is completely fine.

Fucking mods.


Some great movies desu

>No Rosemary's Baby


>supporting the mods
>not reddit

This. Also i'm certain she craves anal sex.

but i jerk it to imaginary lolis

ugh, disgusting.
all those shitty tattoos...

i would never... oh, is that a dreamcast tattoo? or is that another juggalo thing?

eh, i'll throw it to her and scream IT'S THINKING when i blow

Anime-poster BTFO! Anime-poster on suicide watch! How will he ever recover?!

It's shit. Addendum is better.

Saw vaxxed.
Didn't tell me anything I didn't know and obviously designed to educate the lowest common denominator, but worth seeing if you have no idea what it's about.
Loose change, or really any 9/11 documentary, is super entertaining, even if you take offense to the content.

>true lies
>phillip k dick
pretty sure true lies was based on some french book

You mean Zeitgeist the TRILOGY

All The Presidents Men
Blow Out
The Conversation

Are all paranoia/conspiracy kino

>proof you're not a lizard

Well how are YOU not a lizard m8 ? hmmm ?


The Devil's Backbone is a really enjoyable watch.

Contact is great up until the walk on the beach with Daddy. You never should have seen what she saw. You should have seen the drop from an outside perspective, then gone into the trial as the film did with no more information proving her word to the audience than the people in the movie.

Then end it on the note about how much static the camera recorded.

Sadly it makes the old assumption that advanced alien societies would communicate across the stars using old and primitive tech like ours. It's very likely they're using very different methods we don't look for yet, or even have the ability to look for. Indeed, our signals could easily go unnoticed by a society that's so far ahead that they don't need to bother with our old and busted shit.