>You are posting among a sea of children
You are posting among a sea of children
>Tfw too intelligent to not smell my own farts
I really wish there was a way to know if I'm not arguing with stupid fucking kids.
I know Sup Forums is almost entirely shitty teens, but I'm starting to think all of Sup Forums may be shitty teens.
Sup Forums is a waste of time but man if I found out that I was arguing with kids all the time I would really leave this place forever.
Sup Forums and even Sup Forums have more adults than Sup Forums at this point
>arguing with stupid fucking kids.
all Sup Forums has since 2012
Can you drown in a sea of children?
An easy way to spot them is when they post about Trump, way too easy to identify.
When the realization hits you you just leave for a while
Then come back in about an hour or two and go back to shitposting
Because you know what? We don't have anywhere else to go, and you are here forever.
>ywn drown in that
A good portion of the userbase of Sup Forums was born in 2000
Think about it
me on the right
damn bruh that's a lot of IQs
If you're getting baited into arguing with a retard then you're stupid as well.
A friend of mine used to be a 4Channer when we were freshmans in highschool. At the time, I was desperately trying to score some poon because those were the years to fuck and I knew once it was behind me I would not be able to fuck (This proved to be true later). I was extremely busy skipping classes, getting drunk and trying to fingerfuck any bitch I saw so I didn't have time to look at what the fuck a Sup Forums was. All the while my buddy was on 4Chinz and worrying about whether or not he should approach girls.
I'm sure both of us are on this website shitposting now, but the point is yes, it's always been an edgy teenybopper site, and not only that but very neglected and nervous male ones.
me on the right about to give a kiss
I've totally abandoned Sup Forums boards before. I've stopped posting and stopped using Sup Forums. I can do it when I decide that it's not worth it. I don't go on Sup Forums or Sup Forums, I honestly just started coming to Sup Forums.
Maybe when they go full Sup Forums cuck memes, but Trump is supported by millions and millions of adults.
You missed the point.
The only adults who support trump are rednecks.
Sup Forums is the best board right now. We just fucking win.
Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
>I honestly just started coming to Sup Forums.
You'll fit right in since 90% of this board is just as new as you
Start baneposting ASAP to pretend you've been here for years
removing capeshit and e-celeb faggotry would help a lot
put Star Wars in with the comic book shit
>but Trump is supported by millions and millions of adults.
Good joke.
Good reminder
You need to use "hothead" whenever someone calls you out on being new too
Check out tags on twitter like #baneposting / #capekino / pretty much any flavor of the week spam you see
>still spending most of your time here on r/memes - capeshit, forced memes, and e-celebs
I guess you don't get out much.
>Sup Forums was one of the pioneers in the anti reddit crusade and now its become the reddit board
where did it go so wrong boys? was it a combination of TDKR, TBBT comics, and game of thrones?
>tfw have shitty easy to get in hobbies like playing video games and watching television & Film
it hurts, bros
i think i'm going to start watching anime & reading manga
No you're being called a hothead because you are a small guy.
2 more easy to get into normalshit in denial hobbies
nice blogpost.
You also sound like a looser.
Is this supposed to be ironic?
I'm just trying to help the newfrog fit in with you other newfrogs trying to pretend you've been ""Sup Forums as fuck"" for years
All the pedo posts used to keep the normies out. But they must have vanned the pedo because he stopped posting the threads
>147xxxxxxxxxx frogposter
lmao just like you
See like this is the kind of shit I'm talking about.
I can't fucking imagine grown men thinking like this.
I get the point of this image, but it should really be another guy surrounded by women than that manlet.
He's not a big guy at all.
I don't give a shit about how long someone was where numnuts you can keep your dumbass integrity of being on this shitsite for years
Fucking fatass
>Baneposters: normal people
>Hotheads: Massive fags and women
What did he mean by this?
>threw in the towel this quick
Typical baneposting rword. I bet you don't even know what the first meme that came from this movie was
I can't imagine grown men posting frog memes either, but your thread is right here.
then leave faggot
it's never going to change for the better