>thought it was going to be a realistic take on humans traveling to Alpha Centauri
>turns out to be a black hole magic space gravity wormhole pile of nonsense
>they didn't even travel to a star
Will we ever get a good version of "Interstellar"?
>thought it was going to be a realistic take on humans traveling to Alpha Centauri
>turns out to be a black hole magic space gravity wormhole pile of nonsense
>they didn't even travel to a star
Will we ever get a good version of "Interstellar"?
Other urls found in this thread:
A black hole is a star, a dead one.
Interstellar means travel between the stars, not travel to stars you retard
The ending was pure bullshit.
>TARS, set intelligence to 10%
>Better make that 15%, slick
>it's an another "user doesn't even discuss the actual movie but he pretends to be a fast rotational supermassive black hole expert" episode
What was the point of them traveling to another fucking galaxy?
Like why not have the wormhole jump them like 200 light years into our own galaxy?
what was the point of what they used?
What are you trying to say?
They didn't travel from one star to another, so the name Interstellar is wrong.
>black hole
It's a good thing Sup Forums has their resident quantum physicist on the case
Aren't wormholes supposed to be instant portals to another place far away? Why did it look like they were just using a high speed tunnel?
what a shitty fucking way for nolan to write his character into a happy ending.
yeah it's a common known fact that wormholes are instant portals to another place far away, everybody knows that right lmao
What the fuck are you even talking about? They even explain it like that in the fucking movie, dipshit.
Detailed Analysis of Interstellar (Feat. Grant Voegtle)
>Interstellar had an *extremely* complex plot but it was also rich with themes that structure a prediction for our future
I love you Forever - Interstellar Analysis
Interstellar, movie analysis -Tolec & Dan Brock
>in-depth review, analysis & provide commentary and insight into some of the more profound, salient & poignant moments [up to & including the first half] of this thought provoking movie.
Media Bites Extra Thoughts on INTERSTELLAR
Interstellar - Film Review and Analysis | Abyss: Explorations in Storytelling
Interstellar & 2001: A Space Odyssey - Rough Cut film Analysis
Haven't you seen Event Horizon? It's a instant portal to hell then it shits you out.
Yes, interstellar is from one star to another. They went to a different galaxy, so it should be Intergalactic.
Nowhere did anyone say what you said in the movie.
No one knows what would actually happen if you entered a wormhole.
We are not even sure wormhole exist.
So everything you saw inside was artistic freedom based on a couple of theories.
Great defense mechanism there my dear amigo friend
>explain how wormhole works
>portray it in a completely different way
Great. Fucking. Movie.
>pseudo-intellectual pieces of trash unironically compare Intershitter to 2001
I know for a fact that you are underage by the constant overuse of the word "fucking" in your posts and with you being uncapable of searching a clip on yt yourself.
It is the same explanation like in Event Horizon. Now where did they say what you said please?
underage tourist
Whom are you trying to troll here faggot? Go shitpost somewhere else.
very true. 2001 is god awful and could easily be trimmed down to 40 minutes getting rid of the psuedo intellectual scenes of classical music overplaying shots of space for 2 hours.
Butcher your family and then yourself pls.
the worst part wasn't even the movie itself, but fucking normies telling me how much "deeper" this sci-fi story is than any other.
I mean wtf is wrong with people.
this movie, man!
>fedora tier religion bashing in the beginning
>babby's first time dilation
>babby's first hypercube
>babby's first stable time loop
>"love as a force of nature"
>the previous point isn't even discovered by anything, it's literally just something someone says on a whim out of nothing
>matt damon being retarded and a villain for no reason
had some good visuals, but the rest was cringweworthy and basic.
That's why you can't have discussion of films about WW2 and space here on the autisimo channel.
How is it unrealistic, if weve never travelled to another star?
Decent film, but way too fucking long
Interstellar is regarded as being a very visually correct depiction of a wormhole. They are purely theoretical, but there is a ton of math as to how they work.
> Leave Earth behind when your daughter is only 12
> Come back through time fuckery and she is well into her 80's with a full fucking family of people you dont even know
> Missed out on her entire life
> happy ending
Its a great film, anyone who didnt enjoy it is probably just a depressive retard
this tbqh senpai
>pretending to know shit about science to impress strangers on a Mongolian rollerskating imageboard
How embarrassing.
>movie is called Interstellar despite being about intergalactic space travel
Cute film with some nice feels.
I enjoyed the film's depiction of AI, too. Nice to see sentient robots that have a personality yet don't turn evil.
>Its a great film, anyone who didnt enjoy it is probably just a depressive retard
>thoughtfully enjoying the movie
>suddenly a saboteur
here we go again!
pepe_rolling eyes.jpg
Not him but you seem a little bit aggressive and not very clever. You should relax more and try to eat more fish and vegetables.
Easy to hate on it. It it was still an intense movie
the problem this movie had was pacing, was very long winded
>Implying you didn't get goosebumps when he was attaching to the other part of the ship while spinning
Why are you guys being so autistic?
All I'm saying is that I though it was going to be a fairly realistic depiction of how humanity could travel through deep space in the next 50 to 100 years.
Some of the science in Interstellar may be accurate, but the ending is still complete nonsense.
>i thought it was going to be realistic
>what is the FI in SCI-FI
Holy shit, dude. Maybe The Martian is more your speed.
>I'm pretty sure I know more about astrophysics than Kip Thorne
>I'm so smart that's why I'm on Sup Forums
Awww you're so cute, OP.
Where does it say then went to another galaxy? They don't know where they went.
They went to another star. It's Interstellar.
You don't know that
Literally nobody knows this, OP.
Why bother getting triggered by someone's interpretation of one of the ultimate unknowns?
The "beings" put the worm hole there, they could not control where it went.
>gravity so infinitely high, nothing escapes its destructive force
>lol maybe there is an endless 2deep4u room of bookshelves
You hit the nail right on the head with the love thing. It comes out of nowhere and seems shoved in there half assed.
Nolan is shit and if you like him or his shitty movies you are shit as well.
It's still fantasy to make up something like that. We don't know what's at the middle of Mars, but it's still unrealistic to claim there's a civilization of talking crabs.
Even kip thorne was pissed about some of the stupid shit they did in the movie. In the end, he was just a marketing gimmick.
You need to be 18 to post here.
It was almost hard sci Fi kino with a real budget but they had to appeal to the theatre audience
I guess watch the Martian instead
How fucking retarded are you to not understand a fucking Nolan movie? Love wasn't a fucking force. It was the driving force for the characters in the movie and was always affecting the decisions made through out the movie.
>I'm going to science the shit out this
>In your face Neil Armstrong
>I am now truly The Martian
>Mongolian rollerskating
I usually use korean krayon kraft
If they did not recognise any of the star systems around them they would have been in a different galaxy. They did not recognise any of the star systems around them. They were in a different galaxy.
You need to be 18 to post here.
The beings were humans that have evolved beyond our comprehension. They put the wormhole there to set off events to keep old humans alive and to continue to evolve. Humans evolve beyond comprehension and use their abilities to create a wormhole to save human kind in the past. It's a paradox.
>religion bashing
really I don't remember any,though honestly the way it ended I'd take a continuation dealing with Brant
How were these evolved humans saved in the past then?
By getting saved by the future humans.
They tried explaining this in the movie. First when that woman fucked up the first planet mission, she said maybe the beings can travel time like hiking a canyon. Second was in the final part of the movie when Cooper was able to see and travel to any part of time for that room in the house and paradoxally sent himself to the space mission.
Gosh, I hate paradoxes.
Well technically it's still interstellar, because it's still between stars. The stars are just in different galaxies.
How badly do you want to taste jesus' cock?
>mad that a sci-fi movie is sci-fi
there are so many legitimate reasons to shit on this movie but Sup Forums will never get off the fucking black hole logistics.
Because black holes aren't magic holes to imaginary rooms. The sooner retards accept this, the better these threads will get.
> Because black holes aren't magic holes to imaginary rooms.
We literally do not know this. And can never know it.
Sup Forums does seem obsessed with black holes...
>we don't know unicorns don't exist
Nice relativism there. Science doesn't work like that, though.
Yup. This movie focuses too much on the technicalities of space and panders a lot people who think they're smart because they understand the science behind it. That is more suited for documentaries
What did he mean by this?