Fact: Enchantress is hotter than Harley Quinn.
Fact: Enchantress is hotter than Harley Quinn
It's because Cara is cute.
Anything's hotter than a fridge
>doesn't have a fucking huge bush
can you tell?
>tfw she will never wave goodbye to you after a long night of lewd cuddling
i agree
>cucked by kstew
But this was the only time she was fappable. And only the gross swamp witch version.
They tried so hard to make Harley look sexy that she ended up looking unsexy
I can see your point of view, OP
Not imo
dat tummy
So perfect!!!
What about a freezer?
Lol check it out guys, I'm replying to a tripfaggot!! Lmao!
I liked the way she moved her hips in the other version. The dubbed sultry voice too.
that's clearly not the consensus
hd rip without chinese hardcoded subtitles when?
When its out on dvd.
Chinese subtitles are the best I ever hope for
She looks too much like my brother did when he was a teenager
i wish the japs made as much art of her as they do of harley
Your brother was hot
Is he still cute?
>what are her eyebrows
d-did you fucc and succ?
i wanna smell that flower
You spelled creepier wrong
Anything is hotter than margot robbie
even a gremlin
>id taker her flower
Don't bully.
I'd shower that flower
margot robbie btfo
gross foot
>no cute feminine penis
did anyone else wave back to the webm?
>my face she looks like this one chick who cucked me hard
getting hard just thinking about it
I did it unconsciously the first time I saw it lol
Why hasn't a shimmy webbum been posted yet?
I really don't understand why you fags don't think Margot Robbie is attractive.
Cara also has a fridge body.
there is your explanation
I do but she reminds me of Joy from My Name is Earl/I'm your sister from Joe Dirt.
nice feets
No one really said she was UNattractive but she definitely gets more credit than she deserves for being an above average generic blonde
Well sure; if you're into the whole body of a gruel-fed, 12 year old boy.
Cara is 0/10 dogshit.
>implying that's a bad thing.
rawr!! :P
Look at those spindly fucking twink legs. Somebody should force feed her
>hi im a runway model
>swamp witch
She was so hot like that, the green weird suit was shit.
looks like the mother of the wendols desu
> Lewd cuddling
Yeah I thought she was a hotter version of Jaime Pressly
>you'll never get the old double suck from Margot and Cara
>they'll never fight over who gets to suck it first and who gets to ride it first
I didn't imply that at all. I even watched that shitty DoA movie and enjoyed her in Earl.
>if you dont like unattractive white women you are a nigger
nice shitposting babbie
is this picture official
Blacks love white bitches, breh.
male negroes would have that much of a bad taste
Seems like you forgot what you originally posted. That's alright I know you monkeys have trouble with memory let me remind you
I agree. Swamp Witch was pure sex.
And Katana's cuter than both of them.
Bonus: She's got your back.
doesnt change anything
Nope, cara has 9 yrs old body.
you're retarded then if nothing else
The Chinese bitch's mask looked so stupid
lewd official pictures/videos make my dick harder than any fan art would
I'm super-attracted to women who have larger than average eyes so long as they're shaped in an aesthetic way. She's definitely not generic.
i just dont find white women attractive
deal with it "Linda"
She looks like Joaquin Phoenix, or however you spell it.
i want to eat her swampy pusy!
She's Japanese m8 but I agree. Thing is, it's 100% true to the costume design from the comics.
Harley is more open to interpretation unless you've got a great big hard-on for her costume in the Batman animated series.
>Enchantress is hotter than Harley Quinn
if you are gay yes
she's fucking disgusting
She looks like she smells.
Cara and Kstew are my favourite actresses, what does it all mean?
You're attracted to dykes.
You like lesbians
Great contribution to this thread, it's because of posters like you that Sup Forums is such a great place.
Is K-Stew gay though or just bisexual?
She dated, and cheated on a the dude she was dating with a married dude.
>no one really said she was unattractive
Is this your first day here? Faggot.
Theyre so damn hot and charming, i want to straighten them out and put babies in them.
A lot of the time they just do it for publicity.
Funny thing is that you guys here think Cara is prettier than anything.
What is on her finger?
You like shitty actresses. I only liked Kstew in Still Alice but otherwise I'd fuck her and those nice feet.
I work at a theater and when we were throwing away this standee, one dude took all the cutouts of the girls with him. God knows what he's doing to them now.
shut up alright, just shut up
Fact: that female guard at the end was hotter than harley
K-Stew seems to hate the publicity though. She seems pretty anti-social. It's one of the reasons I think Sup Forums likes her. She reminds them of themselves.