William is a asshole. Having a wife yet falling in love with Dolores. Edition
Old thread
William is a asshole. Having a wife yet falling in love with Dolores. Edition
Old thread
first for muskfu
Azor Armistice
First for Pariah, City of Salvation.
>pointy shoulders
Logan is for fug
Instead of a shrink ray I believe it is more of a shrink beam.
I-it's not over yet. ;_;
How did they shrink the moon though?
Cheatfag please stop watching the show.
What about shrink hats?
The moon is just lamps in the sky
Dolores deserves better.
"This is my fuckin' vacation."
Oink oink.
The man in black is probably considered a LARP nerd
Those must be some big lamps
Pretty QT but has the face of a 35 year old woman that's given birth. A lot of Caucasian women keep fat in their face/cheek region after their first pregnancy and its almost impossible to lose without surgery. Needs to get some face lipo and she'd be a 9/10
This is the most hardcore Olive Garden ever
The moon is the shrink ray
I will murder you to death
Check out Armistice's actress previous good films...
The fuck is wrong with you
Whats in the saloons safe? its a shrink ray isnt it?
Ok how do guns work in this park?
Some anons say all guns are the same however, when William and MIB got shot, only white powder or something like that came off of them. Yet Maeve got shot and was revealed she had a bullet inside of her which those doctors in ep 2 forgot to take out.
She has the face of a woman who drinks pig piss and gets raped by horse cocks every night
quit being a retard
It's a grow ray
this show is melodramatic, corny, poorly acted, poorly shot, and all around fucking dogshit. Hopkins and Harris are great but it's not enough.
>show won't win any EMMYs while Meme of Thrones is still running
Sucks too, because everyone in this is leaps and bounds a better actor.
> I demand a higher standard for my cowboy robot fuck ranch show
There's multiple of us horse/pig posters.
kek on the filename
>smoking and drinking
Cringy as fuck.
heat detecting bullets disintegrate when approaching living things
What was the point of that? Why wouldn't the surgeons take the bullet out of her when they patch her up?
Also she's so fucking disgusting
>literally, LITERALLY, the only actress who should be Susannah Dean in the Dark Tower movies
>probably won't be due to some gay shit
The cigar is a lockpick.
sorry, I was born with more refined tastes than you
They said they were in hurry to put her back in action. She's kinda important character to the starting town.
cute set tbqh
She has a flashback to them working on patching her up and they do a rush job because they're running low on time.
>Those little snakebites of nipples...
would suck venom out of them.
The moon is triggering part of her flashback while she was in the bodyshop
ugly man-face
made of a metal that can pierce robots but can't pierce flesh
It was in the flashback, higher ups needed the host back in the game and the surgeon said he wasn't finished yet.
Hopkins could pull it off. He never really did a TV show.
Leaked scene from next episode
Her's are better than Dolores.
Fuck me, everyone on this board has brain damage. If you're paying enough attention, you would know that this is what is in the safe. It's so obvious.
>she's so fucking digusting
What a faggot
I'd be fine if it was self aware cheese like the strain, but this show clearly approaches itself very seriously. why else would every episode dedicate at least 15 minutes to robots staringl gormlessly into the distance while trying to get woke themselves? also using Habanera during the bandit massacre gave me douchechills
Teddy and __Maeve sex scene
they are called simunitions. They fire an actual projectile that doesn't really cause damage. I'm guessing Hosts bodies are made to be pierced by them to simulate the damage while humans just feel a sting where they get hit.
you can admit all those things are true and still enjoy the show
I wumbo, you wumbo, he/she/we wumbo
wumbology the study of wumbo cmon spongebob this is first grade stuff
The robots are programmed to view the spotlight as a moon, her software malfunctions and she sees the spotlight as is
Notice also that the fake sky has constellations with the wrong number of stars
>Dat curled up snake
that the demiurge
They shrunk the lamps too
C'mon, Teddy doesn't deserve that fate.
>delores is becoming aware though the fusion of the bicameral mind
>mave isn't experiencing any voices at all
Are different bots waking up to different forms of consciousness?
the robots are very clearly about as durable/strong as humans and the bullets blow chunks out of them, so I don't think so
Then why are they talking about angering the neighbors when they're digging out new sections for the park?
Man, Ford just keeps getting more and more evil each episode.
so was the original intent of Dolores' existence to have a bunch of guests go up to the ranch, kill the rancher and his wife, then rape his daughter as a prize?
that or woo her.
That or woo her and she gives up her virginity to the guest willingly.
No it was to kill Teddy and then have him watch from the cuckshed as his waifu is being raped by horses dogs and pigs.
>go back to delores' ranch
>meet her folks
>fend off bandits at night
Neegan makes Rick perform abortion w/ Lucille
Dolores is being manipulated indirectly by Ford through Bernard, while Maeve has only been 'bugged', as far as can be discerned, by Dolores.
MIB was the host who killed Arnold
He isn't real, just a visual representation that only the androids can see and is driving them to become collectively conscious.
Yeah, or just spend a day wooing her or painting nature or whatever. The attack won't happen if a benevolent guest takes an interest in her.
It was a joke.
Not only is the shrinkray still not disproven, there's even proof like this for it
Sup Forums was right again
Enough of this nonsense!
wrong thread, edge fag
Hopkins literally says her purpose. She's a companion piece to Teddy. If you can kill the best gunslinger you can take his gal
nolan said that's how the ammunition works though. I don't know how else the robots would be damaged and have the bullets inside them unless they were made to be damaged by them specifically or at least simulate the impacts with some internal mechanism
It's hosts who do that, guests get to choose whether they woo or menace her.
If he isn't real, then why are the other guests recognizing him?
>Not only is the shrinkray still not disproven
neither has the alternate timeline
>go back to Dolores' ranch
>meet her parents
>fend off bandits
>she's too realistic
>too awkward to seal the deal
>Handshake and go back to lodgings
>Decide the next day that you want to go for it after all
>She's been reset
>Go and hire Maeve only to cry the whole time
The world must accept it.
name one guest and prove they're a guest
That was a--wait for it--joke. The 'neighbors' are the 'people' that live and work in the underground complex.
The "menace Dolores" quest arc ends in raping her, assuming the guest wants to go through with it. The hosts rape her too, probably to make the guest feel more comfortable with the idea, but it's not just them.
I'm betting Ford has a personal grudge against her to give that narrative.