So, who's next?

So, who's next?

>Glenn in a dumpster factory vs 100 Negans
Who would win?


>mfw gooks have round eyes

I hope this part A from season 7 dosen't fall after this bat opener... But this is TWD. So next good episode is 8.

Thats fuggin hilarious mang

Rob is just teasing us. I bet Glenn survived

This. You guys didn't see the frame of him rolling into the trees at the last second

>Maggie's acting
Did she develop Downs while pregnant?

That made me kek

>Korean cosmetic surgeons are now ordering baseball bats by the boatload

>who's next

Glenn was a major character, the show has exhausted their deaths for probably 2 seasons now.

I just finished this episode too, what a shit slow boring episode wtf.

it's gonna be full of filler episode next.

that nigger bitch

Now that you've seen the cliffhanger from last season resolved, you can ignore the show until the last episode of this season for the next big cliffhanger, and you won't miss any plot progression at all! Just hours of walking, mumbling, boring zombies being shot and stabbed, and maybe a few meme scenes with the villain followed by a 'totally viral' facebook macro storm


>tfw a full season of nothing happen with Rick and his crew doing fuck all but serving Negan's food

After the lucille scene in the comics we literally go the longest amount of time ever before we get to our next death (which is Spencer).

If they follow the comics closely then you won't see a death certainly for these next seven episodes and likely none for the entirety of Season 7.


who knew all it took to give asians normal eyes was a smack on the head.


Just like in Full Metal Jacket. "In every gook there's an American that wants to come out".

Walker trade death could be Daryl.

It's going to be pretty boring for most of the season until Rick decides to go to war with Negan at the end of the season.

>zombies being killed
>the walking dead
Good one m8 we'll be lucky if we see any even walking around. the kill quota was filled in the premiere