One thing I don't get about the Hollywood Jew Racemixing conspiracy
If it was true, wouldn't the jews themselves run the risk of losing their women to blacks?
That doesn't make sense to me
One thing I don't get about the Hollywood Jew Racemixing conspiracy
If it was true, wouldn't the jews themselves run the risk of losing their women to blacks?
That doesn't make sense to me
jews generally specifically date jews, they aren't losing out on anything
It's like this theory is delusional bullshit, hmmm :/
Jews are cucks, duh.
>wouldn't the jews themselves run the risk of losing their women to blacks?
I take it you haven't met many Jewish people.
JDate exists for a reason.
Jews raise their children to marry and breed with other jews. It's one thing respectable about their culture, this is how these fuckers managed to survive for 2500 years without their own state
I don't think there's so much a conspiracy, as it is just Jews imposing their own sexuality on us.
Jews are the most cucked ethnic group. Think about it. Among them, the child of a mixed race couple is only a Jew if the mother is Jewish. The implication here is that Jews are fine with race-mixing, as long as only the women are doing it.
Race-mixing in the media is just Jewish fetishism unconsciously imposed on white people.
>The implication here is that Jews are fine with race-mixing
Pro-tip: They're not.
Maybe you shouldn't believe everything you read on a board where
Is the best thing they can come up with.
Jews don't integrate, that is what makes them Jews.
muh dick
No, they are. As long as it's goy fucking goy. Race mixing destroys a cultural heritage, ask any mutt about their proud heritage. They won't be accepted by either half.
So the plan is to have a docile society filled with mutts, who have no intent to rebel. They have no blood to defend, and only a lose tie to the country they were born in. (Surprise! Nationalism and patriotism are mocked by the media).
jews actually have the highest rate of intermarriage of any ethnic group, afaik, as well as very low fertility
delete this
Read this and understand
This board fucking goes apeshit over the fucking word JUST
this board is full of fucking retards
>it's a Sup Forums pretends to be a socialist nd generalize how millions of people feel based on what other Sup Forums aspies say episode
Cringy episode desu
Thanks Fishbein for correcting the record
>everyone is Sup Forums
I heard jews kind of hate women. That every morning Rabi's or even just heavily religious jew males do a prayer that goes something like
>oh god thank you for not making me a woman
Who are these semen demons?
>stop generalzing!!!
>btw anyone who disagrees with me is a bigot!!!
>If it was true, wouldn't the jews themselves run the risk of losing their women to blacks?
Jews are probably the most "tribal" of ethnic groups and while they actively promote race mixing for other ethnic groups, they themselves are pretty strict about sticking with other Jews.