Bram Stoker's Dracula

>Bram Stoker's Dracula
>Which was of course based on a real person.

What did they mean by this?

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Vlad Tepes


So are you just triggered by everything you see or do you actively search for things to be triggered by? This is a serious question.

why, why are they such faggots

it's as embarrassing as them apologising and pussying out all over the varmint movie and going out of their way to signal how they don't condone rape, as if it needed to be stressed, by destroying the best movie because it dealt with the subject matter; signalling so hard they couldn't even laugh about the movie so they wouldn't be perceived making light of the matter

the fuck

I only get triggeres by libtcucks taking over ever facit of the fucking media.


>A harmless joke
>"Oi vey the Zog Machine is taking over! Hitler did nothing wrong! Gas the libtards! cuck! cuck! sjw!

Your opinions have been noted. Try Stormfront or Sup Forums. They will take your rabid paranoia seriously.

Holy shit the cuckright truly is a fucking cult.

You don't have to be a liberal to crack a joke at a retarded living parody like trump. People have been doing that for decades.

to say the "joke" doesn't betray a political leaning is a shit attempt to feign ignorance of the fact that it does

the jab is forced, inappropriate and just not clever, which makes it all the more glaring, and is as obvious as their attempts to be "so bad it's funny" or ironically funny, which it isn't - by defending and obfuscating that it is the case and denying what is in front of you, you are guilty of the same

they couldn't help but politicise the matter in editing and, in your blind attempt to confuse the matter, so can't you

>RLM regularly makes fun of the elderly, rape, AIDS, 9/11, and racism
>makes one joke about Trump
Get some thicker skin, you insecure faggot

God, please give us back Vlad Tepes! We'll give you Donald Trump.

Why is it a prerequistie that when you become a liberal you have to lose your sense of what's funny or what isn't. The joke wasn't funny, it was fucking offensive. Donald Trump gets enoufhh shit fromMSM, does he really have to worry about youtube too? Christ, libs are fucking vampires.

>not condoning the enjoyment of watching animals die
>not condoning rape
>not being a Trumpbot like Sup Forums faggots
>this is a bad thing

They still watched the videos, didn't they? Stop having such thin skin about their opinions and jokes. You're the one being a touchy faggot.

Yeah, the person behind this post really seems like they understand the nuances of good humor.

Fucking laugh or fuck off and move on, you pussy.

nah they're being faggots. they can joke about all that shit but trump is supposed to be some horrible dude to them?

Trump is unironically a terrible person. If you are down with his politics, fine, but he's a garbage human being that is easy to mock.

>nah they're being faggots
"oh im not the faggot, your the faggot"
this is how you sound faggot

>they can joke about all that shit but they shouldn't joke about Trump
Are you trolling or are you really this fucking stupid? Why should Trump be off limits?

you are arguing a construct of your own making when I'm just explaining the situation

you come off desperate to pre-emptively argue a strawman and what you perceive to be my motivations

pointless, take your own medicine you touchy faggots

same goes to you

and you

>The joke wasn't funny, it was fucking offensive.
Isn't this the kind of shit liberals get up in arms about? Fucking lol

Jesus Christ you're worse than the Tumblrinas. You are literally defending an orange billionaire from a jokes on the internet.

LOL triggered faggot can't stop being triggered



Does he not take enough shit from you fucks already? Christ, it's non stop. Why do they not through a jab at Crooked Hillary? Why? It's just humor right? No big deal, right?

What was offensive about it? Please give a serious answer.

I'll wait.

back to your reddit hugbox, libtard.

>Trump is unironically a terrible person.

yeah nice meme kid

he shouldn't be off limits, they should be above making such an easy, low hanging fruit joke. it's like if they were to say "haha christians are dumb" like where's the balls? it's a fag joke

>construct of your own making
>pre-emptively argue a strawman
>perceive to be my motivations

Look out everyone, we've got an intellectual

One thing I love about RLM is they constantly get attacked by keyboard warriors on both sides. SJWS get triggered, alt right get triggered. So much butthurt on all sides. I love seeing limp wristed pussies get mad

Donald Trump is a constant target for harrassment from all sides. The man is trying his best to make America great again whether you agree with him or not. He's not a fucking boogeyman, he's an honest individual trying to make things right, but he gets shit on at every turn. Meanwhile, crooked Hillary is a literal muderer with a rapist for a husband, but she is sanctified all over the internet.

>Does he not take enough shit from you fucks already?
You're defending someone who couldn't give a shit about what people think of him. He does lash out at people, but do you actually think he'd be in the position he's in if he really cared?
>Why do they not through a jab at Crooked Hillary? Why?
You wouldn't be complaining if they only swung at Hillary. They shouldn't have said anything since unless you swing at both sides equally as hard (which still doesn't work), everyone gets triggered.

Of course its not a big deal! ITS A JOKE. The only fucker making it a big deal is you. You don't care if RLM makes jokes about 9-11 or child rape, but you get massively butthurt if your politics take even the slightest insult. AND you insult everyone else by assuming they are SJWs that would be equally triggered if shillary gets made fun of. Grow a thicker skin you assblasted little bitch.


>sjw can't take a joke lmao, grow a thicker skin you cuck!
>whaaaaaaaat? why are they making fun of god emperor trump? I'm so pissed. fucking liberals ruin everything.

Haha, you're going to be such a butthurt little baby when he loses on November 8.

>they should be above making such an easy, low hanging fruit joke
The only possible thing I can take away from a comment this dumb is that you've literally never seen an RLM video before.

Thanks for correcting the record. How much do you shills get paid for this?

it's really really faggy, especially considering it was done in editing

their faggotry just couldn't but seep into the video and end up as a bad punchline

>all these anons legitimately responding to an obvious troll pretending to support and defend Trump

This place is so fucking embarrassing sometimes.

>ITT CTR shills everywhere

can you guys just take a break for a minute?

Are you going to tell me that libs don't ruin everything? Haha thats fucking rich.

>Someone made fun of me on the internet
Literally more cancerous than SJWs

I can't wait until November 9th when you pussies move to Canada.

Sorry I forgot that Sup Forums was your Trump hugbox.

I, and the record, stand corrected

the issue isn't it being a Trump hugbox, but a RLM hugbox

>Donald Trump is a constant target for harassment from all sides.

He's an easy target. Also, welcome to politics. This is how the game is played.

>The man is trying his best to make America great again

No, he just loves attention and figures this stunt will make him a ton of money. He's been pulling grandstand stunts like this his whole life. Just because this is the first election you can vote for and you don't remember the sleazeball Trump of the 1980s and 1990s doesn't mean he's suddenly our messiah.

>he's an honest individual trying to make things right

He's a lunatic with unaccomplishable and ill-informed ideas about our country. So what he can rattle off a few one-liners? Every business he's touched has gone down the shitter (look up the USFL, faggot) and he has such an enormous ego and involvement in everything that there's no one to blame but Trump himself.

>Meanwhile, crooked Hillary...blah, blah, bullshit

From his lips to yours. Do you ever think for yourself, you faggot? Hillary is a shithead too, but Trump is far, far worse. He said in front of the whole nation that he wouldn't be against undermining democracy. The very fucking system that holds all this bullshit together.

Go be butthurt somewhere else.

>falling for the b8

Actually no. The issue is the amount of people from both sides trying to turn every board into their hugbox.

I've got bad news for you...

it really isn't

there's a reason people call RLM a friend simulator hereabouts

I think you did, because what you are responding to is some exquisitely subtle bait itself

Is this real? Is mike nostalgia critic tier now?

All non-biased sources put trump ahead by triple digits.


Not really


>Triple digits


It's takes real bravery to do that. What a tough guy. He must be really popular now.

>non-biased sources
>triple digits
holy fuck i'm laughing

>trump ahead by triple digits

People have been making fun of trump forever you really expected it to not ramp up ridiculously when he gets on the biggest stage in the world

Is that some new Russian porn site?

Only from shameless libtards so I guess im not suprised

Did he make a hillary or bernie joke too or was he worried that would upset his libtard audience?

>triple digits


What faggots

>it's a trumptard shits his diaper over the smallest joke given at Trump's expense episode

wtf I thought he was ahead by quadruple digits

No. Hillary is above criticism. Jewtube woun't allow it.

>Its not okay to make fun of Trump!

That's retarded.

And Nate Silver predicts he'll lose worse than either Romney or McCain.

>inb4 Nate Silver is a shilling Jew

Even when trump identified as a liberal he was made fun of because he's a fucking cartoon character

they didn't talk about witch movies or schindler's list so neither came up.

Sup Forumsfags constantly btfo. Clinton will keep this country the world power it is, expanding our influence in the middle east and asia. Trump wants us to go full protectionist hands off mode which will greatly weaken us in the long run.

Nate Silver works for CTR.

NAte Silverstein can suck a butt.

>Doubts triple digits

>Yet Gets them

Whats your angle?

Of course he does

He's been working for Hillary Clinton for the past two elections, which he has basically predicted with 100 percent accuracy for Dems and Reps, too

He has been consistently wrong lately 2bh

Good thing I dropped these cucks a long time ago

> trump ahead by triple digits.

Do you even know why that is retarded?

>September 23


Perhaps you're wondering why a man would disavow his trips before throwing out a shitpost?

>He thinks non liberals care about locker room banter

I'm just glad the real America isn't as cucked as you.

kek Mike is such a faggot.

jokes aside Silver is as shilling jew as shilling jews get

Polniggers are becoming even bigger thin skinned faggots than the SJWs they make fun of.

>Sup Forums claims to be "redpilled" about "the world really works"
>puts all their faith in the sleeziest man alive to fix everything
What did they mean by this?

And Nate Silver thought a Cubs/Injuns Worlds Eries was as likely as Trump winning.

Let's see how that turned out...

Nate Silverstein has been JUSTing himself hard with regards to the God Emperor
Just wait until November 8 and his entire tribe and their puppets will commit mass sudoku, it'll be glorious


He said more likely

>putting any faith in Shillary

kys my man

Nothing in my post said anything about Hillary Clinton. Has Sup Forums given up on even attempting to defend Trump on his own basis?

And what will you do November 8 if Turmp loses? I already know its whine about muh rigged vote

literally not an argument tbhfam

It was just a lighhearted jab at a well known political figure.

I'm a Trump supporter and I got a laugh out of it. They do this kind of stuff to lefties and SJWs all the time. it's no big deal. So obviously you faggots overreact to at and assume it's some kind of social narrative they're trying to push.