Remember when her garbage flick only made 47 pounds? Not 47 million. Not 47 thousand. 47 POUNDS.
it also made a measly $15,709 in the US.
do you feel sorry for her Sup Forums?
Remember when her garbage flick only made 47 pounds? Not 47 million. Not 47 thousand. 47 POUNDS.
it also made a measly $15,709 in the US.
do you feel sorry for her Sup Forums?
serves him right
This. Worst Emma is for hate sex. Feminism just means the woman isn't getting fucked hard enough
I want to FUCK her
I want to be dom'd by Emma 2bh
>shitty actor
>looks like an ugly boy
shes trying to make the gender pay gap real
She's ridiculously beautiful, like a vision of absolute perfection. I want to take her and pound her asshole for days
She looks like a cute boy though
>She's ridiculously beautiful, like a vision of absolute perfection. I want to take her and pound her asshole for days
I made her in the sims and repeatedly impregnated her because it's the only way to live this out
47 pounds of what
>indie film that opened in ten theatres
beans on toast
She looks like that atheist faggot that the internet used to jerkoff too. The douche with the awful books.
Emmy Watson is LITERALLY the greatest actress to lust over.
Illusion software, The Klub 17 etc
What movie?
______ ______.
She's a career feminist now she'll be fine.
Never even heard of it. No advertising at all for this?
It actually looks good.
Bling Ring
Only worth watching for taissa farmiga who is actually vera farmigas daughter and not younger sister btw
As someone who worked on 'Delgo', I'm glad to see someone fuck up more than we did.
>who is actually vera farmigas daughter and not younger sister btw
Nope. They are sisters.
It's not awful
It's basically direct to streaming but by releasing for a tiny cinema run you get classified as a proper release and so get more publicity.
Taissa's a fun actor
She should get a decent show to work on instead of being a bit player in AHS
>it also made a measly $15,709 in the US.
wtf? I'm a feminist, now!
Good. When you become a sellout feminist complaining about bad pay when you got paid more than most of the male actors in the Potter films, including Ron, failure is your only reward.
Still would though.
its a german film fesitval entry it grossed $2.5 in germany and italy where it was distributed. out on bluray by the time it was distributed on a technicality in britain. its not british. once again Sup Forums proves they don't know anything.
and its good emma upstaged bruhl who I love
$2.5 million*
$2.5 million
So you're saying she's become so irrelevant that she's stuck doing sasuage movies now? alrighty then.
it isn't
kek, apparently not, as this movie made $2.5 million and cost much less than $40 million to make.
>leading a tom hanks film
>leading beauty and the beast
emma watson just makes everyone cry grow up its an indie movie
No, she's so successful and rich she can do sausage movies.
>emma watson just makes everyone cry grow up
Emma made me cry when she grew up.
>emma watson just makes everyone cry grow up its an indie movie
>grow up
>that entire post
She looks like Ron here.
wasn't it just an award bait movie and not a movie intended to make an actual profit?
so, the big debate! Prove how degenerate you are!
Which year in hogwarts did she become fuckable?
Year 3 did things to me back then, but I don't know how well it holds up in retrospect.
What'd you do?
I can't feel sorry for the cunt who was in the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the girl witch and her orbiters from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Between 1 and 2, for sure.
She's cute and it's not even her age that makes me reconsider year 1; she just is a bit more frumpier year 1 than any other; probably why they casted her initially.
Year 2 is absolutely go time.
This chart still makes me laugh after all these years.
fucking tool. kill yourself.
Year One
It made $2.5 million in the countries it was mainly released in apparently
anyone who wouldnt support a film produced or associated with someone that hot must be retarded
I guess you weren't a kid when the books were popular.
Beauty and the Beast will knock it out of the park and all the Emma haters will be absolutely btfo
it seems germany and italy aren't retarded. the movie is also 0% Jewish on so..
Yeah and the one samefag can finally be proud of something\ng HAHAHA
it was a movie intended for in-home streaming, and got a token cinema release in 3 cinemas so it's techically a cinema movie.
I'll have to go back and watch. It's been at least a decade. Maybe my Emma obsession will know no bounds.
The samefagging emma haters will still samefag and meme but yea that one is gonna be a major hit.
I want you to understand this:
The movie didnt even get promoted in fucking chile, the country where that shit happened. It was retarded.
It was fully released in other countries it wasn't a british production.
idk what I expected when I posed that question.
Is really considered that big of a joke outside of america?
it was banned from being shown. And considering the film was about Colonia Dignidad which existed before and after Pinochet they had no reason to ban it other than shit country
pussy and ass
three for me man. my dick was always happy tho shes beautiful
Year 1. I had a dream after I saw the movie where Hermoine and I were in bed together in front of my Social Studies. I was 11.
That's cute and hot.
Poor Emma. Times are tough for her.
Azkaban. But facial wise she looks similar after puberty to how she did in chamber. I don't remember the first one I jerked off to but later on a jerked it to all of them.
Post more Emmas
>it was banned from being shown.
It really wasnt. Chile doesnt censor movies, especially when their current president is socialist anti-pinochet.
Did you look it up? the people who bought the distribution rights did so not to show it. I guess that's not a normal ban but its still a perma ban
>prostitutes rarely look this good
Real life sucks
Maybe where you live. This is what an average working girl looks like where I live.
>Did you look it up?
Acually i just did.
Where do you live that street walkers aren't all washed up crack whores that look 20 years older than they are?
shes so hot but her politics are so retarded...
he posts the same shit in every thread
In her defense, she is concerned with issues feminism ought to deal with, not fictional wage gaps or manspreading, is she not?
Don't blame her she was brought up in the bosom of the Jew by entering show business at a young age and has bought in to the trendy lefty outlook.
No one's perfect. Her politics don't matter when she's my wife and we fuck.
Also remember: kid Emma wasn't political.
Only bothers the average Sup Forums user
I pirated her movie. It was meh
Honestly though I would gladly go along with whatever political bullshit or activism she wanted if it meant going to bed with her every night
Yeah, this.
why is everyone so retarded emma was always like that she did what she wanted. she was involved with fair trade stuff in 2007 2008 and still is.
>stopped acting to study "feminism"
What's with all these samefags only two or three people ITT have seen this.
Emma was really good.
>what she did
dumb frogposter
>filmed three films last year
>next two roles any actress would kill for
I'm sure she's crushed
Her getting political only makes her more beautiful. I'll take her over some braindead bimbo that trashes around coked up fucking niggers every day
>poster count not going up
>this kid is still responding everytime he can to hate on emma
he really thinks nobody is noticing
She chose to become a symbol for a "movement" that doesnt absorb media, they just want to complain about it. That and she seemingly refuses to actually enjoy her acting career and get better at it. Radcliffe has taken a myriad different roles and she does the same shit every time, she isn't remotely as popular as the other two despite dedicating all her time to a cause.
This desu senpai desu. Muh diiiiick
But it would probably have been better for her career for her to have dedicated herself to acting.
Like john boooyega?
I like how half the posts on Sup Forums and Sup Forums are about mocking the incredibly successful multimillionaires who provide us with entertainment.
>she isn't remotely as popular as the other two
are you really this out of it?
don't respond to obvious bait he will respond to you. emma is great
yea he is
it grossed $2.5 million. wah wah
This is a good point I suppose.
It's hard to say she isn't intelligent because she is; she's just has a biased political view, possibly instilled on her. She doesn't neccesarily fight for bad things; rather her intention isn't bad.
Maybe it's just my lust talking. She's definitely better than a tatted up slut bitch or skinhead methie.