>even sheldor had sex
Even sheldor had sex
>Uh, uh, oh, oohhhh. Bazinga.
Sup Forums BTFO
>Cartman and Baz00per got a gf before you
I guess its time to kill myself, finally
Why does this show even exist?
It's the most reddit show in existence.
Episode 9x11
How dare they?
>Asexual man have sex
How and why?
he's asexual, but she isn't. he wanted to do something nice for her birthday or something and gave her the gift of coitus
but how asexual man can get errection?
Asexuals can still become aroused physically.
He closed his eyes and pretended Amy was science
Next time I jizz I'm going to yell BAZINGA in honor of Sheldor
asexual means "i'm not interested in sex and it's not important for me in a relationship", not literally "physically unable to get aroused"
he replied to those "post and you'll get a gf this year" threads on /r9k/
see? it works
How would modern women react if a TV show suggested that a man pushed an asexual women to have sex with him?
Why wouldn't he? He's an alpha. He has a close group of attractive friends, attended a prestigious university, makes lots of money, enjoys life and popular media, is tall, and has a super high IQ--Sheldon's more successful than everybody who posts on Sup Forums.
LOL WTF How can a person be Asexual? Do they reproduce by budding? Damn that's some stupid fucking shit.
Asexuality is an excuse for being a beta
What's your excuse then?
Being asexual doesn't mean you can't or don't have sex.
I've had a couple girlfriends, I just don't like sex at all. I like romance, but sex creeps me out. I still had sex with them because they like it and I can take the bullet. It's not a big deal when you like someone.
I grew up in a mild mannered and non confrontational family. Also I was a pampered only child
You sound like a fucking faggot. Thankfully you won't pass down your inferior genes, but given the opportunity you should kill yourself.
that's just being a beta. Humans reproduce sexually. It's impossible for a person to be asexual. It's just as/if not more retarded than trans fags.
you are actually retarded
That didn't really happen, right?
you are actually a faggot. Asexual was used to describe organisms that can reproduce on their own without gametes. SJW's and Tumblr fags like yourselves need to feel like special snowflakes because they're fucking weird and don't like sex. You are literally WORSE than a tranny tumblr feminist for thinking "asexual" is a legitimate sexual orientation.
You know what to do
And that's why it's doing so well.
God damn you're retarded. We're not fucking animals anymore where reproduction is our only goal in life.
>"asexual" is a legitimate sexual orientation.
Who said that? Here? Ever? You are retarded god damn.
Ok friend keep telling yourself that.
Well it is his goal, we should respect that about him
It was implied.
It's unfortunate you are unable to read. This thread is filled with tumblr snowflake dipshits saying they are asexual because they don't like sex. You have sexual organs whether you know how to use them or not. Humans reproduce sexually. Sponges, protozoa, and other organisms that do not reproduce sexually are "asexual" You however are not. Nor is any human being. Anyone claiming to be "asexual" is a beta failure trying to come up with an excuse for being so pathetic at life they don't even like sex anymore
>that scene in the first modern Godzilla movie won't work anymore.
>when he finds out Godzilla reproduces asexually people will now think Godzilla doesn't like sex
it also has a french man that doesn't surrender
all in all this movie has aged very poorly
He crashed that plain jane with no survivors.