What does /tv think of this show?
What does /tv think of this show?
I want to impregnate mazikeen
It has its moments.
Excellent concept ruined by them twisting it into just another formulaic detective show.
I want to impregnate Lucifer.
Had to turn it off the first minute in. Cliché as fuck.
I feel sad for lucy.
Does he even have adversaries in this? In the Vertigo comics like Sandman, he was made out to be practically untouchable.
best thing about the show incoming
so far all of his brothers have been enemies.
In a way he starts out like a bored teenager, but has been growing quite a bit as a character. More than I expected, especially after last night.
>"What's your name?"
>"Like the early bishop of Sardinia wo defended Athanasius, was exiled to Egypt and later on canonised?"
>"Uhhh... errrr....."
So just archangels? Isn't he still supposed to be the most powerful of the lot? How the fuck would they even have them battle without ass ravaging the earth when they are practically omnipotent? Or do they just give themselves restrictions cuz REASONS.
My mom watches this show guys, come on you're better than my mom
>continuously tells her he's the devil
>doesn't believe him
is she retarded or something?
police kino
I hear it isn't good but the guy playing Lucifer is hot so people keep watching.
he seems to be strong but his own mentality/mind holds him back, as he though amenadiel could harm him, uriel, the nerd angel tossed him around a bit.
He doesn't understand his own power and without wings..he feels disadvantaged against other angels
I over heard some kids talking about it, oh if they think it's good it's probably shit. Watched one episode, yup it's shit.
It's shit, Pretty sure the only people who watch it are overweight, and 40 year old women
im the devil user
oh user, you're so method
It's a fun show that's good for when you want to relax.
It is a procedural but part of the fun is in how old Lucy gets things moving by being a blatantly unlawful lovable ass that takes the piss out of usual seriousness procedurals have. The supernatural plot arc is interesting and the show definitely has its moments. Lucy is as charming as he should be and watching him develop and work through his existential daddy issues keeps him compelling.
Don't think I've actually gone meh at an episode so far and it's usually a toss up for me whether to watch it or Gotham first.
She's so fucking hot the way they make her eyes look like they have bags and rings under them
I recently began watching Lucifer and it feels like it staggering around the same watering hole as pic related.
I don't understand why so many tv shows feel the need to portray the fucking devil as some "likable guy".
These shows would be much better if the shows in question instead portrayed the devil as a smooth talking charismatic manipulator, as he tried to corrupt the hearts and minds of men to commit deeper and deeper atrocities.
Instead it's just muh relatable personality crap.
>I don't understand why so many tv shows feel the need to portray the fucking devil as some "likable guy".
Brimstone and Reaper had the best devils
I was hoping this was going to be a melo-drama almost noir story about the spin off Lucifer, when Lucifer hands the keys to the Sandman in the comics, and goes on to open his own piano bar.
Such wasted potential.
Brimstone did a very good job with it.
Though the point still stands. It all smells so "designed by committee" when the devil goes around trying to solve a fucking murder mystery.
What would make for an interesting show would be seeing the devil try to push people to the limits of their greed to commit deadly sins for as little profit as possible. Just be a bad guy in a clever way.
Instead we Lucifer is just Sherlock Holmes without the social anxiety.
This. Same with limitless
Likeable characters, but Lucifer In Name Only and starting to go downhill as they add more mysteries without addressing any of the existing ones like why Lucifer loses his immortality around Chloe.
I can't believe it got a second season.
>I don't understand why so many tv shows feel the need to portray the fucking devil as some "likable guy".
Paradise Lost.
What about it? Was he portrayed as everyone's best buddy there?
He was very charismatic and sympathetic. And that was 350 years ago.
>If once they hear that voice, their liveliest pledge. If once they hear that voice, their liveliest pledge. Of hope in fears and dangers, heard so oft In worst extremes, and on the perilous edge of battle when it raged, in all assaults Their surest signal, they will soon resume New courage and revive...
The follow him because he's cool and a good speaker. No one "good" would follow a demonlooking motherfucker.
the devil is at least 4 inches taller, I've played cards with him, so I know
>What would make for an interesting show would be seeing the devil try to push people to the limits of their greed to commit deadly sins for as little profit as possible.
Lucifer knows God's creation inside and out. He should be (as a character) commenting on it by demeaning it and tearing it down by his actions. Lucifer in the comics wasn't impressed with anything or anyone -- and he certainly didn't go around goofing off and trying to solve murder mysteries.
It's corny most of the time but often they get into a deeper side of things with respect to Lucifer and the discussions with the psychiatrist (always liked that actress). In the first season they presented some ways of looking at Lucifer that nobody has ever considered before, at least in a movie or TV show, and it was a great exposition on things.
But that's if you believe in some higher power in the first place, I suppose. It pisses all over the Bible which is just fine with me considering it's all human trash anyway.
Love the show but the second season is a bit lower in overall quality than the first. Also, don't give a shit about "Mom" at all, never liked the actress, still don't understand what people like about her at all and her now being on this show isn't really adding much to it.
He cheats, and he owes me $15. Tell him that if you see him.
Exactly. In the first fucking episode he says something like "there's a special place in hell for bullies". He should essentially BE that bully.
I would much rather have the show be a dozen self-contained episodes of Lucy going from person to person and seeing if he can't get them to ruin their lives.
I don't know, maybe I just felt that the Lucifer series played it a little too light.
Been thinking of getting the comics.
It's good, but the murder mysteries are getting tedious. It's FOX after all, I guess they need something else to pull in viewers other than the supernatural stuff. This show would be a lot better unrestrained on Netflix imo
The comics are definitely better than the show, but have a very disjointed narrative and are a mixed bag overall.
I'd recommend just reading The Sandman of which Lucifer is a spinoff of, it's a strong contender for greatest comic ever
You are not wrong. The murder mystery is such a bore compared to the character, but Fox very clearly WANTS it to be a murder mystery.
It's a shame too because the acting is functionally good and the personalities are there.
Too bad Fox only knows how to tell one story.
His mom is hot af
I've read Sandman, it's because I know Lucifer is a spin-off that I'm interested in it in the first place.
Lucifer is great, get it.
>mixed bag overall
I don't know man. What if it sucks?
stupid sexy robots
It was obvious that they couldn't make the comic into a decent show.
I was not disappointed that the show got nothing to do with the comic at all. But, as others have said, yet another generic and poorly made detective show?
Not worth watching. Not as fan of the comic, not as somebody looking for some entertainment and not as somebody looking for a good tv show.
well, I'm neither.
inb4 "but you are overweight user xd" No I'm not, I have big bones, that's all
It's like Spawn in that it has great ideas but a ridiculous and hard-to-follow story, if that sounds up your alley then read it
Decent concept executed rather poorly.
It's basically somewhat likable trash.
I would have chosen the blonde look for him instead, but this guy has his own merits/personality and pulls it off even with dark hair and a regular suit.
these are correct and should have more upvotes. Anyone who didn't upvote these posts should kys.
i'm sad that it's a formulaic crime of the week show, but it fills the charming lead / great chemistry gap left in me after castle ended, so overall i'm still fond of it.
i wish Sup Forums had more threads on it.
Tom Ellis would be fantastic Lucifer if they gave the character a bit more freedom in the series.
Instead they chain him to a basic CSI formula. They're just too careful with the character which is not good, he's the fucking devil. But I still watch it for Tom Ellis and Lauren German.
Dubs of truth, started watching it just because of Sandman and was bored 20 mins in.