You don't like shitty characters, do you, Sup Forums?

You don't like shitty characters, do you, Sup Forums?

he's a wholesome guy with a great personality

He's a young man with ambitions. For him the end justify the means, even if it means getting rid of emotional baggage through violent acts.

>describe a character without saying what their role was


Space madman needs anger managment when people disagree with him

A hardworker and a loner. He has a good heart but also high ambitions. This means he allows others to use him for their own means in hopes of attaining his aspirations, sometimes at the expense of his good nature which troubles him.

Guess the movie.

He chews on a toothpick and probably has autism.

Anakin Skywalker

wtf, have you been watching my vlog?

He's a likable, wisecracking guy, who overly gesticulates. He respects the code laid out before him, and his loyalty serves him well. One of his flaws is his great love of his own culture.

I'd honestly be surprised if you guys didn't get this.

Why would I describe a character to my friends without saying what they did in the show
Fucking stupid

Spins and schemes

bernie sanders

the fucking maui guy from that cartoon show about the skateboarding kids


>He's an ignorant bigot, yet somehow he's still likable

Who is it, Sup Forums?

Adam Peter Lanza

Stubborn Estrogen Testosterone

He's a big guy

The Apartment


You have to include the movie or the TV show or else this shit is impossible.

A woman who is a War mongering tyrant, she's also a cunt that should be stopped

Gene Hunt


my bitch gf

Was expecting Capaldi Dr Who, but that works too

Shillary Clunton

Wrong, but I assume it's my fault for not going deep enough in my description.

He hates Phil but loves the ladies

He's an offbeat outsider who practices strange methods but always gets results

Will Smith in French Prince of Bellare


Doctor Howser from Howser

Archie Buckner

He's a big boss that's reminisces about the glory days and a giant hypocrite. Even though he has family, makes a ton money, and bangs whores, he is not happy with his life. In reality he's a depressed middle aged man that secretly hates father for setting him on this path, deep down he wishes he had regular parents and chose another life. Oh and at times he's incapable of feeling empathy, he loves animals and babies the most

got it

Young, naive and lovely but also talented and about to become very successful. The very ideal of a Hollywood star.

life on mars is awesome

uh.. Tony Soprano?


You guys better get this one or you can't call yourselves true fans



Always claims to need help, but will not help himself.
Always afraid of failing, but does everything to fail.



I thought it was 'he raised Phil and loves the ladies'

He likes to dissect girls. Did you know he's utterly insane?

wow what a fraud that Mike guy is, turns out his shitty description formula doesn't work that much

She's strong willed but still extremely feminine when she wants to be, and actually knows a man's heart better than most women. Will be there for the guy she loves no matter what and is entirely reliable. Doesn't like killing but is fine with those that do.

Oh this is a guess thread, my bad. I thought from OP image I had to defend my favorite characters.

"ignorant bigot" is a pretty fucking strong statement mate

A young boy who often misbehaves in school and at home. He is starting to love literature. He starves for affection from his parents, which is possibly what leads him to misbehave.

I don't have a favorite tv show or film, sorry.

Merle from twd

A rage fueled revenge machine who really wants to live a peaceful life, and will do so by any means necessary.


he knew that it didn't matter
nonea this matters

Army Dog

He likes to whistle, likes boipucci and loves his shotgun.

a juiced up jew whos a few nuts short and isn't taking shit from anybody, willing to do anything for his brother and fucks nazi sluts for luls.

He is a victim of circumstance who is forced to come out on top one way or another. While it makes him seem like a level headed badass, and indeed he himself believes this, it only just further removes him from his reality.

A broken man with a lot of hate in his heart. Unstable, dangerous and racked with self loathing.
Unlike the "heroes" in most revenge films he is driven less by righteousness and more by the guilt of his perceived failures as a brother

Barack Obama

He's a big guy who speaks funny and hangs around mosquito men.

His weakness is anti tank guns on a motorbike.


"Fuck you assbags! Goddamnit"

No one understands him, not even himself. He's from a backwater planet but has great ambition.

He really loves spinning through the air and screaming.

an old meme sir, but it checks out

I kind of agree. I don't see how saying comic relief or love interest makes a character necessarily bad.


Jack Sparrow


He likes damn good coffee


Strong indepedent women who needs no man


CIA Agent Bill Wilson

Adolph Hitler?


Born with mysterious abilities, orphan, has a sister
When - finds out about - powers - leaves the city and isolate -
Later returns to save the day yet needs to be saved. Happy end

Barney Stinson

People ITT should at least say the name of the movie or the show.

The Matrix.
This character is somewhat arrogant.
they try to look loyal to their group/organization, but they actually only act in their own self interest.
They can be erratic , going from a seemingly emotionless, apathetic state to a sudden impulsive action.

No they shouldn't you retard

Silent, but caring criminal. Drives. -Drive (2010)
Guess. Now kill yourself

correctamundo, legen..dary that you got it, haha the ending sucked tho

Are you aware how many movies and TV shows exist? I could literally describe any character and it would refer to 10 other shows as well.
Some movies aren't suited for this game, like Drive, because it has too few characters.
Also, Drive is from 2011, not 2010 retard

A great warrior with a heart of gold and an unwavering sense of loyalty. His combination of alphaness and stupidity are what get him into trouble. His only friends are his brothers in arms and he loses purpose when not on the battle field. Despite his foolishness he still possesses a certain cunning. The gods are on his side

Then how about you describe it more detailed?
The wacky wisecracking ones were jokes BECAUSE it would be impossible to determine you dumb reddit piece of shit

The ending really did suck. Retroactively ruins the show.

An autistic man who rarely leaves his room and is an object of pity within his family. His arc is punctuated by bouts of depression and frequently features his masturbating to increasingly disgusting cartoon porn. The only reason he has to get out of bed is to incite aggressive reactions from others on the internet in order to receive some kind of attention in his pathetic, stuck-in-a-rut life.

Paulie Walnuts.


Tyrell Wellick?

He's a rich, well-connected genius who disguises his inner coldness with a quirky facade. He's manipulative, lies in almost every word, and often threads the truth into what he says through clever wordplay. He loves people to know exactly how completely he's fucked them over when it's too late for them to do anything about it. He's petty, vindictive, and somewhat spoiled. Deny him and he will make you pay, but giving him what he wants is no guarantee of safety, either. He sees literally everyone as a means to an end.

>calling others reddit
Newfag detected. I guess you've been here since gamer gate when everyone started calling each other reddit. I've been here since 2008, so you can just go back to wherever you came from now. Bye

Close with no cigar. Try earlier in time.

Alright, this is a bit broad. Sooo many tv shows and movies.

So Im gonna add some clues.

Ambitious and patient but affraid about the extent of his legacy. Often quietly observes while others rush in. Listens to others but does what he thinks is best. Inquisitive and willing to fly in the face of tradition and dogma. Slow to anger and willing to be patient, but truly ferocious when he lets loose. A badass. Faulty. Cares deeply about his close circle. Worries about betrayal.

its a tv show.

its not really my favorite character but is the lead.

Tony Stark.

He's the complete package of literal manchild, from naivety to being obnoxious, especially when it comes to his attempts at being funny which are more often than not preschool-tier. He also sabotages himself out of any possibility of being happy.

Normally any person in this position would be forced to grow up, but his behavior is reinforced by his best friend, one who's smart enough to know being silly should just be part-time and in good company, instead of going full retard.
