What the fuck were they thinking? Troll face in 2016? All of the endings to these episodes are forced as fuck are and shocking for the sake of being shocking, fuck this.
What the fuck were they thinking? Troll face in 2016...
why u mad?
>troll face
You must be 18 or older to post here
Should've been a pepe
I don't think pepe is mainstream enough
Also pepe has multiple purposes, it needed to be a simple and easy to understand message.
Normies think Pepe is a nazi thanks to Crooked Hillary and CNN.
it's as mainstream as troll face was around this time in it's run.
I dont think it will pop quite as big though since pepe is a HATE SYMBOL now.
It should have been this
but pepe is a nazi.
not to mention a green supremacist
Episode took place at start of 2010s so it makes sense, plus most people know what the troll face means. I personally would have had they say something else especially since the context may even be lost for some viewers but I didn't have a big problem with it.
Wait until you watch the season finale.
It was like a bad horror movie from the 70s.
yeah took place in 2010 and how THE FUCK were they playing ps4 then?
>h-he wasn't just watching porn... h-he was watching CHILD porn!!! yes, that will get the people talking
Never seen something more forced in my life. Is this why Plebbit is obsessed with this Blacked Mirror?
Every time I see trollface now I think of Tails Gets Trolled.
>it's ok to watch cp and it has backlash on your social life if your relatives find out
You are mentally challenged
>it has *no backlash
>It took 3 seasons for people to realise this show is hamfisted garbage
What's the matter? Maybe you don't know but not everyone is obsessed with muh fresh memes like on this site. The trollface is ok and in line with the rest of the episode
this board has basically become the fighting grounds for politics, believe it or not. all this retarded memeing is on purpose. if you have anything to say to these kikes, do it now.
Fuck off, first two season were nearly perfect
>Danes who don't speak english
lolno there were some shitters
do you think companies are making cringey shit on purpose for bad PR/attention? surely the head of marketing is not this retarded.
>first episode solely consists of talking about pig fucking for an hour
>took until now for people to realize
I really just couldn't get into this show. I feel like each episode should only be 15-20 minutes instead of an hour. Just beats the plot points into you rather than continuing to do interesting stuff throughout the episode.
Probably went the John Hamm one is leagues above the rest of them, broken up into smaller stories so it isn't nearly as repetitive as the rest
You gonna cry, bitch boy?
Name one (1.0) episode from the two first seasons that is not good or engaging
It's a company called "Soylent". There's no way their apparent tone deafness is anything other than intentional.
The Waldo Moment.
White Bear
Waldo was just stupid and didn't have any commentary about tech, just about populism.
>muh contrarian opinion
their marketing has been serious until now, the millenials they target don't even know/care about soylent green.
The fact that it wasn't good like the others doesn't mean that it wasn't good
His uncle works for Sony.
Well you're not gonna attract any millennials with that "how do you do, fellow kids" shit.
No it doesn't. But it just wasn't good.
Also, I liked 'Man against fire' about the augmentation for soldiers, but the idea that society would accept the destruction of a random group of people because of their genes is just retarded. Brooker could have made his point in a contemporary war situation.
waldo, whitebear and the christmas episode were all trash
just watched nosedive. hamfisted as fuck.
I assumed they lied to the police about that. The only video they had was of him jerking off, they couldn't see what was on his screen. So they sent the video to the police along with a couple CP photos and claimed that's what he was looking at so he'd get fucked over.
>the idea that society would accept the destruction of a random group of people because of their genes is just retarded
Last episode, was the music done by the dyke who did Under the Skin?
After WW2, it's absurd to think or society would accept it in the next 20 years.
>random group
It was not random targeting.
I think Waldo was commentary about tech's ability to amplify the charisma of false idols. Though, the feature that every episode had to be some direct correlation to technology and psychology is ill founded and really only a center piece of season 3. Like 15MM and barely had any technological commentary at all.
>After WW2, it's absurd to think or society would accept it in the next 20 years.
Good thing it's been more than 60 years since WW2 and the episode is set even further into the future.
The episode doesn't say enough about roaches to see if it was actually random or not.
Did you even watch the thing? Why they would lie about it, they have proofs and Kenny knows that he's guilty since the beginning
>they couldn't see what was on his screen
If they have access to your webcam, they have access to whatever is on your screen.
Also the police weren't there for child porn, they were there because he robbed a bank and murdered a guy.
They said they tested their DNA and found they had higher chances of cancers and diseases and criminal tendencies and shit. It wasn't random.
Yeah, that's kind of my point
Black Mirror is edgy garbage and Brooker has started to look like an embarrassing dad or gay uncle trying to understand memes
Yeah, you're right. I remember Brooker, or maybe the BBC saying every episode is supposed to be about the influence of tech on our society. I guess those episodes are like that in a way.
15MM seemed more like an allegory to our present society than an actual presentation of the future.
>We don't know enough to say if it's random or not.
>No, it's clearly not random at all because it involves DNA tests
>That's my point!
Questionable thesis.
Did you completely miss the bit where he met the guy in the forest and they had a conversation before the fight about how he also viewed cp?
>tfw you would love to try Soylent, but it's far too expensive to what you can make at home, missing the point of the original concept
most people seem to miss every aspect of most things.
like the people in this thread who think the kid was being arrested for looking at pictures at the end. Completely forgetting the fact he robbed a bank and murdered someone.
Brooker is a hack unless someone better has him around the neck, fuck off back to the guardian.com comments section you plebs.
they're going for convenience, which it is convenient but I found it did not really fill me up. I only tried the powder though.
Yeah that's why this board shits the most retarded theories and memes like the shrinking ray in westworld
>they're going for convenience,
And this might have value for me, but only in the tens of cents. Supplements + milk or a another very cheap source of protein isn't much less convenient.
it's clearly for yuppies
how did that little kid pedo beat the big pedo in a fight
also OP who gives a fuck
Which is unfortunate.
They could have done the same ending without the ridiculous troll face. Like basically showing the same shit with a little more emphasis on how every protagonist's life has been fucked over but this shit felt lazy as fuck. Every viewer could already feel the suspense of the blackmailer finally disclosing everyone's dirty secret right?
I miss those
But trapped in chocolate milk.
>only quads can save him
I was surprised at how kino the ending of nosedive was
>troll face
That's what you think he's called, eh newfriend?
I actually liked this episode. It was typical Black Mirror hamfisting but the end made it worthwhile.
Cuz my pussy pops severely?? And urs don't?
Shouldve posted this instead
Should have been this
>endings are shocking for the sake of being shocking, fuck this
jesus fucking christ, you can't be for real
>racist hate symbol
I'm so sick of people not understanding the extremely basic overarching theme in black mirror. It's about how detached and impersonal technology makes things, and how that allows the worst in humanity to come out. When the screen turns off and the illusion breaks, you realize you were just looking into your darkest self, a black mirror.
those were the best ones tho.
enjoy your (you), by the way
hey guys, is it 2008 again in here?
Shut the fuck up.
I wish
What show?
ok, turn it off and get on with your life.
it was but then they edited him out due to Hillary shit.
blackmirror s3
Could not have Kenny just said the troll planted the evidence?
yes but the social damage would have still been done. He is a dumb teen who had 0 protraction on his pc so its not surprising he did not make the smartest choices but yes the video of him fapping is from the built in webcam thus there is no way of knowing what he was fapping to. Than again there is a limit to have much evidence one can plant without there being evidence of it being planted + in a mass outing its unlikely he would be the only one to have evidence planted on him
I couldn't stop thinking about this gif while watching the last episode.
>not thinking NO NO NOT THE BEES NOT THE BEEEEEEEEES the entire time