Every dumb generic TWD fan after the premiere

>"Buhu, my favorite character died, so I'll stop watching"

My mom has been gushing over Negan all day, he's her favourite character now.

I don't get it, twd plebs were complaining about this show not having enough balls and then when they do finally show the violence they complain and start acting like pussies

I've never watched a single episode of this show.

How patrician am I?

Negan is a shit character and a retard, allowing your enemies to plot and seek out revenge always ends bad.

Do people like this actually exist, where they have absolutely no foresight?

Who even cared that much about Glenn?
I didn't even give a fuck in the comics, the shock value came purely from him having been around so long you just assumed he was safe.

Especially considering all the show retards had like 6 months to be told Glenn gets bashed to bits by Negan.

While I do like Negan it's all about based William now, new leader of The Kingdon for those who don't know.

I tuned in just to see who died and what the hype was all about. TWD is like the fucking Naruto of tv shows, they tease shit out for so long, then there is little payoff, then like 12 episodes of filler per one decent episode.

Anyways, I thought it was shit, especially the way Abraham died, he wasn't tied up or anything and knew what was about to happen, the guy is a fighter, he has the personality type of going out with 2 birds high in the air flipping everyone off. Theres no fucking way he would just sit there and take it, he shoulda at least tried to tackle him before the bat hit, maybe even bite his jugular.

if abraham tried to fight back, someone else would die too. did you not listen to what negan said just before? "anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boy's other eye out and feed to his father". did you not see what happened when daryl decided to fight negan? did you really think the same wouldn't happen if abraham fought back?

If you watch/ed GOT, BB or Doctor Who, -7/10

What you are is a faggot.

I was cheering for Negan and laughing at him basing their heads in. Does this make me bad?

>uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh hatchet?

>cut the boy's other eye out and feed to his father". did you not see what happened when daryl decided to fight negan
Both of those thing happened after Abraham died

(Sorry, I reposted my comment here due to far too many missing words and errors)

>numale having an alpha fantasy
Nigga if he did anything everyone would've been dead because of his sorry ass. His only choice was to die a hero, to take one for the team, and that's what he did. Take your Bruce Willis fantasies elsewhere, in real life you'd be pissing your pants and crying.

> (OP)
>Negan is a shit character and a retard, allowing your enemies to plot and seek out revenge always ends bad.
>Do people like this actually exist, where they have absolutely no foresight?

Yes, everywhere. They're called politicians. You seem to forget the majority of people are pussy.

nigga he has a much bigger army, and no one knows where he stays, I think he's safe even if Ricks pussy group tried

>Both of those thing happened after Abraham died
How is that an argument to anything. Because it happened after he died, he should've fought back? Wtf.

If you have to ask you aren't patrician at all.

Me too, I'm not even an edgelord I just thought the whole scene was so fucking mean it was hilarious.
I love Jeffrey Dean Morgan too. Glenn and Abraham are a good sacrifice for a far more interesting character.

I am mad that Coral is still alive

Yeah, I'm sure she's gushing to Negan alright

S1 Glenn was awesome. Crafty and always chose to be the bait. Now that he's banging Maggie he became uninteresting

Daryl didn't try to fight back before Abraham died
Negan didn't threaten to cut the boys eye before Abraham died, making this entire point here moot. Abraham could have tried to fight back is all I'm sayin, it's the type of person he is.

You should start marathoning that shit!

This show has only had one good episode and that's the pilot.

Raise an army ancient Roman style or in this case make an alliance.

There's an alternate reality where they successfully evade Negan's exact location lure trap. Or engage with the initial blockade of troops and prolong capture until the alliance is finalized. More troops might have sat behind that barricade or it could have been a bluff. Negan's character strikes me as a cocky arrogant person who would make such a move, trying to play psychological chess.

No. An M4 with a scope can murk anybody. Just cause they don't know where he is doesn't mean they can't find out.

>Negan didn't threaten to cut the boys eye before Abraham died
Have you even watched the episode? He said if anybody tries anything, he'll kill everyone else. So obviously Abe didn't do shit. He's a badass, but he's not a retard.

All I'm saying, complaining that he didn't fight back is childish as fuck. Like I said, this ain't Die Hard or Rambo.

Weird because Daryl defineately tried something and everybody didn't die so


He determined Daryl was the wildcard and Rick's second hand man. So he knew it was in his best interests to imprison him.

All that remains in Rick's crew are weaklings that need someone to be lead and Rick is controlled by his emotions for his son.

Anybody who watches this show has an IQ in the double digits.

No, but at least one other person died because of him. And Daryl wasn't fighting for his life, he was impulsive and "defending" someone else (really he was being stupid). If Daryl was getting killed though, he wouldn't fight back.

Hey, are you being an autist on purpose? I'm having a headache explaining common fucking sense.

Maybe if Abe did try something he'd be the one in the van?? is that so inconceivable?
I just think Abe was a fighter and stubborn, if he knew he was gonna die I think he'd at least try to take someone out with him. And they literally have shown people without weapons use their teeth as a last resort.

He could tell Abraham was badder than him so he had to go. Pisses me off.

>Want to subjugate a group, and have them acquire supplies for you
>Kill the biggest dude
That's going to impact production

Tobin is bigger.

I'm not normally this much of a pleb, but if Maggie got the bat I probably would've considered dropping the show

People get way too attached to fictional characters. The scene was sad, but it's also just a fucking show.

So's Glenn


>Maybe if Abe did try something he'd be the one in the van?? is that so inconceivable?
Yes it is. Abe didn't want to make his friends suffer for his stubborness. It would've gotten him nowhere. When Darryl fought back, he probably thought that at the very least, he would pay for it, which was his mistake. Just move on man.

A little, but not by much. Clearly worth it.

See this smug cunt?
His name was Caligula
Ruled the Roman Empire with an iron fist, his most famous quote?
"Let them hate me as long as they fear me"
You what happened to him?
Murdered by his own bodyguards
No, not A bodyguard, his entire bodyguard
Stabbed him to death on an underground corridor under the palace

He was the biggest dude FOR YOU.

>Just move on man.
Okay fine. Incase you can't tell I liked Abe, Glen I could care less about.

Forgot pic of said smug cunt

Abe definitely took it like a champ, and stayed in character long enough to tell Negan to suck my balls after receiving a blow to the head. He did die a badass.

Yes, but killing the women or the child would demoralise them too much.

And the mullet guy was obviously autistic and not a fighter so he would have intuited that the group was keeping him around for some reason, either sentiment (refer to above) or because he had technical knowledge worth supporting him for.

He probably wanted to kill Abraham BECAUSE he was a big guy with fighting skill (an army sergeant, not some kind of biker ganger).


I thought that guy was Bruce Campbell in the bat scene

it is known niggan dies at the end of this season so you edgelords have fun while it lasts

>It is known

You like Negan? You must be pretty red pilled. I bet you get a lot of puss.

>this season

Yeah I bet they're in a massive hurry to rush through the best bit of the source material

Not totally content with Negan, thought his whole badass act was tedious. Made for yet another tragedy-porn oriented; practically speaking boring episode.

Where is this going?

>Watching past season 2

>tragedy porn
Cool, a new buzzword

>all these reaction videos with people crying like babbies

Literally no one cares for Glenn anymore.

Now it's time for Negan sexynness :]

I'm glad the writers didn't pussy out and have him kill someone nobody gives a shit about

OP here.
I'm a really big fan of the show and the comic.
But two deaths wasn't really necessary. Abe and Glenn are both my favorite characters.
My heart fucking broke when Negan picked Abe. But then motherfucking redneck asshole just had to fuck everything up and getting Glenn killed in the process. That was a dumb decision of the writers. But I'll keep on watching until it ends, and not be a pussy bitchnut like some "fans"

Ive not heard that at all this time around. Not once in this thread now that I've skimmed it.

Prove me wrong. Just one "I'm not watching anymore"


Do you really like Glenn? I liked him, but since he got together with Maggie on the show he got very boring

our guy

>My mom has been gushing

I think it was very hot how he was portrayed. Want to see more



Nigga that was because he was Resident Evil levels of evil and insane and everyone just get sick of his shit.

Negan's more like Attila the Hun in that he has a loyal following with a clear gain by joining him and he has pussies and small fry for enemies.



That's crazy, stupid and sad all at once.

Holy fuck I had a lot of relief watching these guys get their heads caved in by based Negan

I was hoping he just caved the entire casts heads in and we could just follow Negan around for the rest of the show

kek pay attention to how Negan staggers when Daryl punches him. It's funny as fuck he gets noodle arms.


You should fuck yer mum mate

>more like Attila the Hun
>murdered by his wife

This edgy behaviour doesnt fly too good on the real world
When many people hate you, you end up being paranoid and you start damaging even people who dont so they eventually put you down like a mad dog

I don't care for glenn but I was sad when abe and Tyrese died. I hate that lame characters stay alive

His characters stock is on the rise I'll give you that one of the better knew characters.
>tfw Negan and Rick for now fight alongside each other years after caving in glens dome.

>murdered by his wife
>believing that nonsense instead of him just drinking himself to death like most barbarian warlords

>When many people hate you, you end up being paranoid and you start damaging even people who dont so they eventually put you down like a mad dog

He doesn't seem paranid at all. he should've been actually.

You're right, it would be more interesting if he just killed them all and the show ended.

That actually could have been an extremely shocking and dramatic move. If they kill everyone on the show except Carl, Carl is now his prisoner/personal servant. People would root for Carl to rise above the circumstances or to somehow be saved by Carol and her new alliance. Then the show retools around Carol and Carl.

>dumb generic TWD fan

that's horribly redundant

I was thinking this as well

it would also end the show on a high ish note



>How autisic am I?


I've never watched a single minute of Lost, get on my level.

>shock makes show good
Wouldn't it be so cool if a nuclear bomb hit and the main cast got replaced by toads?

You're joking but that'd be great

Imagine it turning into a sort of documentary involving undead toads

It should have been Darryl. The fan outrage would have been delicious.

>find out people are being pussies over token asian guy getting killed off
>find out babbies can't handle entry level Rated R gore and some realism
I feel bad for no one who committed hours of their lives to this shitty show

>Why can't everyone be desensitized like me in their mostly sheltered lives.

The only reason that episode moved you is because all the actors cried and you're a monkey see monkey do kind of fellow.

Guaranteed you did not feel shit when Axel got killed

My sister thinks he's hot and wants to get me a Negan costume for Halloween.

I really don't feel much of anything watching TWD. Not many other shows on TV that I watch desu


Yeah dude, I'm totally enlightened from fellow anons in my secret club.

>i can't process feeling sad over characters people have cared about for years getting brutalized. i can only mirror people's faces
Creepy. No idea why you watch The Walking Dead,