1st for hype
>group in the light
>negan in the dark
this was the last time they spoke as friends
what's that one website with all the comics? it's high quality and you don't download the issues they just have it all there with convenient dropdown menus?
Maggie dies
I didn't even realize this was tonight. Its like Christmas came early.
UKfag here. Any stream for me to watch this on? I don't want to wait until tomorrow night.
They filmed multiple death scenes to stop people finding out.
how are people saying this is a dream sequence?
how retarded is amc if they have the same dialogue for negan and then him killing each character, doing this as many times as there are characters
What if they play every dream sequence and we don't find out until next week who really got it?
I don't pay for television.
Does Sup Forums have a stream prepared?
I hope the death isn't revealed until the next finale tbqh, why rush
Maybe this or I'm retarded:
Remember after last season you said you were done with this show Sup Forums?
Hopefully Glenn gets it
no idea I'm just gonna start opening all the streams I use for last game of thrones season
what time is it going to air at for UK?
shit thank you user, actually thank you so much :)!!!!
We will be streaming it if you want
9:00pm on the 24th in the U.K. but I'd rather watch it now which is why I'm using this stream if it works:
Post any streams you have.
Will the general audience say Mad Man Nicotero went too far in a few places?
>It can't be real AMC spent a bunch of extra money filming every character dying to prevent spoilers, the producers even said so!
>Every character dies in a dream!
>Any leaked footage from any show could just be a dream sequence!
Why are people falling for this retarded attempt at preventing spoilers?
Imagine if HBO put out a press release saying that they "shot extra footage with Jon Snow as a dream, so anything you see of Kit Harrington on set is a dream" would anybody believe that?
You're welcome. :D I'm not sure if it's reliable but it came up on the first page when I searched up "the walking dead season 7 stream" so who knows.
is going to work.
It's an embellishment. They filmed only three.
According to The Spoiling Dead.
How are cars still running in this universe?
Wouldn't most abandoned cars have some form of dry-rot on the tires? Also gasoline is not stable, and degrades over time. In fact most gasoline won't be very effective after about a year, so how are all those cars running perfect like that?
why am i still watching this shit show. why am i doing this to myself.
>he's taking it like a champ!
walking dead's writing is so shit
the bad guys are always these one-dimensional psychotic guys that make consistent illogical decisions that let the "good guys" escape
if negan had any brians, he'd kill Rick to make the group submit and exert dominance
even if they try to rebel for a little while, they'll be too uncoordinated without a leader to do anything
if a bad guy ever actually based his decisions in a systematically rational approach, he'd sustain and build on his advantage and win every time.
doesn't make good tv i guess
things that were never said
how long till the episode? 5 hours?
Are you really going to try and make this show more dull than it already is?
"Coarl, wur gunna hav ta wauk ta Kanada buyt naht b4 we run acrows anuda gruup who a will becum thu leeder of."
Neegan should pull Karl's underwear over the back of Karl's head and call him Baby Bangladesh as he waddles around Neegan's compound looking for someone to wash his feet
4 hours.
It airs at 9 pm EST.
why does this show try so hard to stir up peoples emotions by doing its best to be as edgy as possible?
why is this show grossly overrated at this point?
samaurai girl and bike rider
i havent watched since they dicked around on the farm for like 5 episodes in a row with no zombies, did it get better? what did i miss?
yeah that's the one thanks m8
reminder negan has never done anything wrong and just wants to restart civilization and keep as many people safe as he can
is this actual dialogue from the show? jesus christ
>have brother in law who's a writer for the Walking Dead
>know that Maggie dies
>just realised we're due a new title sequence
He didn't kill rick in the comic because "it would be a martyr for his people". Well he came up with reasons to not kill each of them. He said if he killed michone or glenn, hed be racist.
>Tfw I realize TWD threads are vastly outnumbering Westworld threads now
>reading the comics
>whisperer leader is a girl called Alpha
>2nd 'leader' is a big guy called Beta
The only way TWD can redeem itself after that shit cliffhanger is if they killed Maggie. She's been with them from almost the very beginning, we have seen her evolve as a person, she is a strong female character, and she is pregnant. Her death would have one of the biggest impacts the group would ever have faced.
If she did die we'd see Glenn in a new light as he comes to terms with his unborn child and his lover's death. Rick will feel guilty for not doing more to protect Hershel's last living child. Aaron will have to deal with losing a friend he counted on, Enid will lose her mentor.
But we all know AMC won't kill off a pregnant woman on basic cable. Which means Abe and Glenn will be the ones to die (presumably), and honestly I could give fuck all about their deaths. IMO their deaths would be more of an inconvenience regarding future plot lines with which they would have been tremendously helpful.
But seriously. Fuck that cliffhanger.
>still watching after the forced nicholas on top meme transcended into reality
anyone know where i can watch a live stream?
glenn death will hit me. I watched the earlier episodes a lot and he's been on since second EP. Just going to be weird without him and poor maggie
No they need to kill Glenn to prove that they didn't cliffhanger us for no reason. They cliffhangered us because they didn't have a twist.
Those were the pinnacle of last seasons threads though
After watching FTWD, TWD writing is not as bad as I previously thought. Be thankful.
After Glenn's supposed death when Nicholas suicided sorta ruined it for me. I'm desensitize to his death. It would mean nothing.
ME? YOU... hehuhe,,, YOU MEAN ME?
That was dumb indeed. makes his death just seem much different. They should have done that with someone else at least if at all
I know they filmed deaths for every character but would they actually edit it and release it? I doubt it. it's fucking Maggie
how long until episode airs?
Regarding the cliffhanger though I really just don't understand why they did it. The tension was extremely intense the build up was insane. If they had gone through with being Lucilled it would have been one of the best finales of a TV series (imo).
Is Kenny the Sup Forums approved walking dead character?
It's Maggie.
3,5 hours
>We're the Saviors, not the Kill You Friends So You Don't Fucking Like Us At Alls
>you will never be a part of the Negan World Order
what a shame
>hot horny slut
>picking the gook manlet over the alphas
Was this written by a bitter asian?
nah. it's eugene
its obviously carol
Literally doesn't say he.
>Yawn: The Television Series
Dude was just looking at the volumes on eBay considering buying it, God bless you both anons
suptv or brettygood??
Did they find the Walking Dead yet? Who was it?
filming it for each person would be the big task. adding some blood splatter in post isn't a big deal. it's not like that was high quality video was saw.
How would you feel if Neagan got the bat?
Yeah they did. They (the people) are the walking dead
I've come up with new names for the character so it's easier to remember them OK? From now in every single TWD thread you will use these names
Daryl= Dick
Maggie= Meg
Glenn= Glen
Abraham= Dad
Sasha= Ace
Michonne= Mike or Iron Mike
Rev. Gabriel= Father Gabriel
Rosita= Lola
Eugene= Red
Rick= Ass
Carol= Kip
Morgan= Keane
Carl= Bro
"we are the Walking Dead."
- Rick, 510
>Glenn= Glen
>negan smiling is a part of it right before the title
Yes please
kill yourself
no you
kids are annoying
Damn you got me there... Welp, it was fun guys.
When you reach the afterlife, tell me who Negan killed.
Yeah they get enough viewers regardless. maybe they didnt have script ready for next season. dunno. oh well wait i snow over
Is that why she left? They have giant Tara hiding behind a diner plate now.
I really do fucking hate this show. I know it's shit. I know I give up on it every fucking season. I can't help but watch the first episode, which is usually good, and then after that it goes to complete shit. I watch with hopes that it won't be, but it always is.
that's not the line, this is:
"I guess we really are AMC'S THE WALKING DEAD™, story by Robert Kirkman"
-Rick Grimes
I guarantee AMC forced them into doing it. That way the ratings will be high for the season premier tonight due to people wondering who it was.
Kirkman says it wasn't a stunt and he really thought it was the best way to do it. So he's dub or lying.
This meme is not and was never funny.
Hi, I’m Negan, and this is my new world order. I work here with my Saviors and vampire bat, Lucille. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I’ve learned after 2 years of bashing in skulls – you never know WHO is gonna kneel.
I really hope when Rosita dies she is eaten alive by the zombies. I know she gets her head cut off and set on a pike in the comics, but I hope that happens to Michonne again, and Rosita gets surrounded by like fifteen or twenty zombies and they tear into her, their rotted teeth sinking into her soft juicy mexican flesh, and she can only think of Abe (whose brains are already spaghetti sauce at this point thanks to Lucille) and how much she loved him and how Abe was just using her for sex, and she realizes that all she was ever good for was being a sack of meat, and now the irony of that hits home more than ever as the undead tear apart her breasts with their rotten fingernails, revealing the muscle underneath, and biting her lactate glands so that her milk spills forth over their bodies. The zombies pull out her intestines like spaghetti, feasting on her thick tender thighs. Her muscles tense as she thrashes but snap under the zombies' teeth and before long she can't move at all, only lay in insane agony and utter acceptance as the horde of hundreds tears her apart.
the walking dead is a filler sandwich
Starts with a good episode, then 6 episodes of filler bullshit, then ends with a good episode before they take their mid season break
they love this formula and profit off it
Will Rick bend the knee?
I stopped watching after the end of the fifth season because I felt like I was on a ride of never-ending mediocrity. Has the show gotten better?
Wtf Rosita better not die. She is the only good looking woman left.
He's a big guy
it is i saw on Sup Forums