>it's a worf's heavy handed but completely reasonable suggestion for pre emptive measures gets rejected by Picard putting the enterprise in deep shit yet again episode
It's a worf's heavy handed but completely reasonable suggestion for pre emptive measures gets rejected by Picard...
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inb4 tell me about your sexual organs commander
TNG would've been a lot more fun had Worf been Captain.
kill them all immediately
What if Worf was a captain? Would he shoot everything at sight? Could Starfeet make him a captain with his experience on the Enterprise?
I don't think the series would have gone beyond Farpoint as Q would have judged them all as barbaric races.
>Sir, it's an alien thingy
>Torpedoes, full spread. Cancel that order, lieutenant. Double tap of torpedoes, full spread.
>Well, that goes this episode plot, we still have 20 minutes to fill.
I agree
Being a Klingon on a human vessel is true suffering.
The Emissary is a great episode about Klingon's shoot first ask questions later attitude.
When would such measures have worked?
Would have Kirk passed the Q test?
Depends if fucking Q passes the test.
Being Worf is suffering.
>That camel toe
Q, we can do this the easy way or the human way, you choose.
Kirk got tested by Godlike aliens all the time.
Kirk would have exposed him like the child he is, just like he did to this Q
>trigger happy murder machine
>kind of incompetent, always getting beat up
He's perfect starfleet admiral material
> "Bloodwine in Ten-Forward!"
> "Three cheers for Captain Worf! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!"
> The crew parties in Ten-Forward for the rest of the episode, playing drinking games, gambling, having laughs.
> Picard sits in the brig with a massive pot of cold earl grey tea.
>kill them all immediately
He commanded the Defiant well in DS9.
Worf in command would make the Enterprise feared throughout the Galaxie, make Data first officer and assign Picard to con or science/diplomatic rolls.
You mean the best episodes?
Kirk, fail a test...HA...HAHA
I made the comment even with that episode in mind. I didn't feel Worf's actions were as reckless as Sisko considered them to be.
He'll never get to be Captain because of fucking up that operation to collect the Cardassian Defector.
Doesn't matter though, he seemed thrilled to be the Federation Ambassador to Qonos.
Oh wait, he's back on The Defiant and now he's back on The Enterprise because they're still making movies and gotta get paid.
Yeah that episode was retarded.
If they were going to kill off Dax, why not have it during that episode, so Worf has deal with leaving his wife to die, instead of "killed by Demon processed Dukat"?
>It's a we can't keep a Vulcan actress for more than one movie movie
Sad. Valeris was the best.
You can deny me all you want. But you cannot deny Ben Sisko EXISTS. That future. That space station, all those people, they EXIST, in HERE. In my MIND. I CREATED IT. And every one of you know it. You read it! It's here, you hear what I'm telling you?! You can pulp a story, but you cannot destroy an idea. Don't you understand? That's ancient knowledge. You cannot DESTROY an IDEA. That future, I created it, and IT'S REAL! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? IT IS REAL! I CREATED IT! AND IT'S REAL! IT'S REEEAL!
>Mufuggah you shud have checked the target before you fired foo
How would they do that? They'd have to scan the whole ship because there's no way you could trust their transponders, faking them would be procedure #1 in a battle situation. There isn't time with a decloaking vessel in front of you, it's a fair bet that a ship with a cloak in a battle is up to no good.
This shit makes no sense
I love the way sisko talks
I enjoyed it, I liked how the Empire exploited the Federation's tendency towards caution.
But yeah, what are the chances an unarmed civilian transport decloaks in the midst of two combatting starships. Worf was protecting the Defiant and her crew, nothing more.
That would've provided some interesting further characterization for Worf, for sure.
I love how no one pointed out that the Klingons were whining about Starfleet blowing up a Klingon civilian ship...in Cardassian space...in the middle of a battle where the Klingons were attacking a convoy filled with medical supplies.
Wait, he actually said that?
Starfleet really love them some Prime Directive
>W-we're sorry, w-we sh-shouldn't have been defending them, a bloo bloo bloooo
>Take my Worf, please
>tfw you can't tell if that's Avery Brooks playing Sisko or just everyday Avery Brooks
Yes, verbatim.
I think it would have been an interesting direction to go in with DS9 if it hadn't ended with Sisko becoming a space manta ray or whatever the fuck the prophets were.
I don't know how Shatner didn't get annoyed with Brooks when they were filming The Captains documentary. I'm guessing he let him smoke some of that bomb ass weed he has because there's not way I could put up with his crazy sober.
I really enjoyed this episode as a whole, but man, that was an awkward scene.
I just want to know what Avery was thinking or trying to convey. I get the feeling he didn't like Shatner but I'm not sure why unless it's the same reason he doesn't like Vic's.
> Because it's a simulation of 1960's Las Vegas, and our people weren't allowed there.
> Jesus, Ben, just go have a drink with your crew.
It was absolutely absurd considering it was so far into the future. One of the major themes in Trek is that race is irrelevant to humans at that point. It makes sense that it would be considering your have all these aliens to deal with at that point. Xenophobia still exists towards aliens but humans stick together.
Brooks, as I recall actually forced that shit into certain episodes. He even said "our people" when referring to black people as if that would have any meaning in the 24th century when there are hundreds, if not thousands of aliens species making race among humans totally irrelevant.
> "Our People"
> "Uh...you mean, like, Starfleet, sir?"
Yeah, it got a little hamfisted at times.
black people still being butthurt in the 24th century is actually extremely realistic desu
>"OK, back to the Batleth training rotation. And may I remind you: attendance is mandatory."
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
yellow and green etc.
Imagine if you get an ultra honoburu weeb to captain the IJN Yamato. Worf was basically a 1000x folded baakonite bat'leh Klingonweeb.
Voyager had that episode where Sulu was commanding a vessel during the pre-tng era. I liked how they handled him back then. An outstanding bridge officer that was very loyal to his friend. Then they made him honiboru gay Japanese man with katana in JJ trek.
Belay that order Chekhov
Supposedly Brooks didn't want to do the video, or was mad at Shatner or something like that, so he was going over the top ham as hard as he could just to annoy the Shat.
>its a Garak wears his Tommy Hilifiger tracksuit episode
ST Beyond: A fucking 100+ years old ship(USS Franklin NX326 was build in the 2140's) was practically intact after ridiculous amount of damages(crashing on a planet,jump start on a mountain range, stopping enemy ships with ease and finally crashing on it side on a waterfront in a starbase).
Why didn't the UFP continued to built starships with armor plating?
That's literally all Kirk did, the reason he beamed down to every shitty planet was because he just wanted something to stimulate him before he handily blew it the fuck out.
And high tech shields and structural integrity fields would be better at anything except still working after a century of sitting around rotting.
>high tech shields and structural integrity fields+armor plating
That would make a ship ridiculous powerful during a battle!!
Yeah, but Starfleet is not a military, etc, etc.
They do go back to real armor on ships after the Borg invasions and the Defiant proving it's worth, I think.
He just doesn't like historical inaccuracies in his entertainment.
Same with a lot of people on Sup Forums.
Where are you Gowron?!
>It's a Dukat cucks a poor bajoran witeboi with his BCC
How is Dukat so based?
I fucking love this video.
I always knew this instinctively as a TNG fan, but seeing a SOLID 15 MINUTES of Worf's aggressive decisions getting shut down and objectively proven wrong was stunning.
>proven wrong
Worf is literally always right.
He was still doing the "our people" shit in that episode. I'm more than a little familiar with it. I'm Cree native-american and I get to hear that shit sometimes. It's like, "oh you mean how we saw white settlers and put their skulls on pikes fucking predator style?" I don't blame them at all for fucking my ancestors up.
>Divert all power save for life support to the computer
>Computer, using our accumulated knowledge of human psychology, which is applicable to all aliens, predict what the bad aliens will do and how to stop it.
"Divert all power save for life support to the computer using their accumulated knowledge of human psychology, which is applicable to all aliens, predict what the bad aliens will do and how to stop it."
>Computer, create an opponent who can defeat the Borg
Problem fucking solved. Promote me to Admiral please Starfleet Command.
It's not that ridiculous of an idea. The borg didn't seem to be shit next to the enterprise computer. it was the sum of all knowledge from hundreds of sapient species. They just needed a threat that could defeat the federation. Except the federation was already a really advanced collective. I think that's why the borg would lose. It was a non-hostile collective against a hostile one. What the borg won through conquest, the federation won through peaceful diplomacy and the sharing of ideas.
That's how Scott cheated at the Kobayashi Maru, it's not so easy in real life
>he still believes the federation is a benevolent soft power meme
>it's not so easy in real life
their mission was to explore and be ambassadors
not to blew everything up
Like Kurt Cobain once said, "The best defense is a good offense"
>be ambassadors
What was the point where every fucking alien race was a bunch of assholes who demanded the Enterprise respect their retarded way of life while showing no respect in kind?
to be morally superior
Was there a more top-heavy ship in the Post-Dominion war Starfleet than the Enterprise E in Nemesis?
In the EU there's that Galaxy Class ship that has Shelby and a whole crew of people that were on the Enterprise once
That's like a Captain and five full Commanders, at least a couple who could be Captains in their own right
Riker passed up promotions a couple of times but at some point doesn't Starfleet just force some of them to leave
The TOS movie crew ended with 3 captains and everyone else was a full Commander
>gates smiling
fucking combo breaker
>tfw always had the urge to eat a milky way when i saw this guy
I wish I was Star Trek
You will be, one day.
How does that even work, can the high ranked people just order everybody under them around or assume command?
>its a worf is a jobber to the villian of the week episode
>can the high ranked people just order everybody under them around
That's pretty much the point of rank.
Was Starfleet negligent in sending a ship on long-range exploration missions with a command crew mostly in their early 70's?
Also, why was Starfleet shown to be so incompetent in the TOS film era?
You're on the promenade with your qt Trill gf and suddenly this dude comes along with his genetically superior hands and slaps her on her genetically inferior ass. What do you do?
Does Starfleet even have physical fitness requirements? Would Scotty's rascal work in the jeffries tube?