So let me get this straight: You can't show sex on basic cable, but THIS is ok?
So let me get this straight: You can't show sex on basic cable, but THIS is ok?
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Welcome to america
You can carry guns but you can't show a nipple.
It's just wholesome family fun. Sex on the other hand is an unnatural perversion of God's creation. If God wanted people to be naked, why did He create clothes?
Checkmate, atheist.
Sex and nudity are considered to be taboo for some reason, man when did America become full of prudes
since forever
>some of the earliest settlers were outcasts because they were seen as too orthodox
Kids should start getting used to kill gooks, spics and other shitskins from an early age, we'll need hardened soldiers for the upcoming race war.
This is fake. Nipples are real.
>man when did America become full of prudes
What are puritans
Movies and tv shows get rated in the opposite way here in Denmark.
Violence has a high age rating but nudity doesn't.
Pretty much every Danish movie has tits and dicks
you can buy guns and drive car too, but cant drink a watered up american beer
Why would you want to see sex? Pretty boring and pointless to watch.
what about the gender wars?
Soon, brother... Soon.
How can this be so hard to understand?
Sex is Satan's tool to corrupt our young. Violence...well, violence is sometimes necessary as our lord shows us.
which countries have TV shows that show full penetration
Well then use pasties and show silicone nipples
I haven't seen ANY fucking webms yet. I gave up on the show but I still want to see the bashing
This board is a bunch of faggy soccer moms.
Americans are fucking retarded, basically -- even the smart ones.
I couldn't watch Baywatch or MTV as a kid without changing the channel if one of my parents was coming.
Mexico always has movies that show hard-core sex but not the actual penetration
Blame Europe.
Find it yourself you lazy fucker
We do?
Why is sex seen as such a vile and evil thing nowadays even though it's the reason why we are all here. What went wrong?
Blame the conservative hypocrite Christian rednecks that infest this country. Violence is ok but a nipple is going too far?
They pretty much cut out all the sex(and BM/WF romances) from the comics and ramped up the violence so they won't lose this audience.
>It's an American thinks they're the entire world post
You and you weird ways are quarantined on a big island, the rest of the world carries on as normal
>when "fuck" was blurred out on a note in Breaking Bad
wew lad
Why do you wanna see nipples so badly on TV?
If you have cable yes
Like I said, they show sex scenes with people fucking but actual movies don't show the penetration unless it's porn
So the penetration is implied but people are naked and on each other
Anything can be shown on cable. Networks choose not to show certain things out of the fear of losing advertisers, not because of rules that they have to follow. And porn is objectively worse for people than fake violence. Just look at how trashy Europe is if you want to see what openness to porn does to society.
i can't read that
no one said violence is ok you fucking retard
>BM/WF relationship in the comics
>Turn white girl into a dyke on the show
>Kill her
This is how hard the show panders to rednecks
>Blame the conservative hypocrite Christian rednecks that infest this country.
Except the people who make these shows and the audience who watches them.
Shouldn't you be in school underage?
Lmao fat dyke detected
>Muh representation™
Go cry on tumblr
if youre so triggered by violence and love nipples so much then watch porn. no one's holding your head to the monitor.
>tfw can brutally beat a person to death but cant say fuck
AMC is the most american channel
No Sex
No Tits
No Bad Language
But Violence, lots.
>They pretty much cut out BM/WF romances
And this is a bad thing how?
>Movies and tv shows get rated in the opposite way here in Denmark.
>Violence has a high age rating but nudity doesn't.
Man, that's pretty much what happens in every rational country of the world. TWD is rated +18 in Spain while you can see full nudity in our +7 films.
Ah there goes that American mindset
>"You think sex and romance is ok?! Go watch porn you degenerate! Noble people like me only watch gratuitous violence!"
No wonder this country is so violent.
Because it shows how insecure fucktards still affect the media. A healthy interracial relationship is bad but watching some kid get his brains bashed out on national TV is cool.
That's not even what he's getting at you fucking autist. Read the post again.
>A healthy interracial relationship
That's an oxymoron.
Well this is how it is in all civilized countries.
Third world hellholes like murica are an exception.
Keep dreaming, cause that will never happen. Go on, cry you litte basement-dweller.
Best reply so far.
>A healthy interracial relationship
I wonder who could be behind this post
Ok Sup Forums
>Just look at how trashy Europe is if you want to see what openness to porn does to society.
Why don't you go to your "safe space" to cry about it if you're so "triggered". Don't get shot by niggers on the way.
Yup and that's how it should stay. I don't want some ugly ass monkey on my screen
Why do you wanna see anything so badly on TV?
That's right, reddit.
Better run along before Abdul fiddles your kid. Don't speak out though!!!!!! Don't want to seem intolerant do we
Americucks are terrified of these things:
Black People
Skinnny people
Fit people
Healthy food
Now you know how to deal with these subhumans. They are pretty much afraid of everything that isn't violent and jewish.
a) That's still implying that there's something bad about nipples.
b) In many cases the nipples that you see on tv actually aren't real.
go cry in your shed, cuck
no one but fuckheads like you care
>Better run along before Abdul fiddles your kid.
My country has less muslims than USA.
>Don't speak out though!!!!!! Don't want to seem intolerant do we
That's again an American thing. You should try going outside of Alabama once because your worldview is really fucked.
wtf I hate The Walking Dead even more now
>"i will find you maggie"
What did he mean by that?
Thought he said something like. "i love you, bye" or something but no, he will find her. How?
what if they CGI nipples?
Were Lucy FLawless' niplles for real or no, in Spartacus.
I don't live in the shithole south.
>That's an American thing
well it sure isn't present where I live. Sucks for you I guess
If you are a white guy, and you actually want to see white women in relationships with males of other races, there's something seriously wrong with you.
>americucks are hated by every sane person around the world
>they're no longer rulers of the world, they're 3rd world-tier now
>trillions in debt, whites being outbred by latinos and blacks at an alarming rate
Just nuke the shit out of that shithole, the world's collective IQ will go up and we'll finally be free to reach the stars without this unberable dead weight holding us back
What shithole you from bud
Or maybe I'm not insecure and don't try to claim every woman as mine.
You're unironically mentally ill if interracial relationships bother you. Elliot Rodgers-tier
I wouldn't say I wanna see anything "so badly" on TV, but when I usually wanna see something on TV it's for my entertainment and/or because you can't find that content on the Internet, at least at the quality it's shown at on TV
>I like to watch Tyrone fuck my wife, because I'm secure in myself
You can't make this shit up.
did you just assume my gender?
>It's an "American thinks sexuality=pornography" episode.
you're the one who's bitching about there not being monkey's fucking women and we're the mentally ill ones?
In a zombie apocalypse no less?
Sorry cuck, but tyrone isn't going to last too long in any form of apocolypse
They think every white women belong to white men like him. They have a free will, you retarded user. They can fuck apes or cats if they want.
You can actually walk around topless in most of the civilized world. And America.
Yes, white women do belong to white men, and vice versa.
Why is the concept of a people foreign to you?
>Asian man (Glenn) with white woman (Maggie)
>white men (Abraham, Spencer) with Hispanic woman (Rosita)
>white men (Abraham, Rick) with black women (Sasha, Michonne)
>white men (Aaron, Jesus) with white man (Eric, Alex (later))
>black man (Tyreese) with mixed woman (Karen)
>white woman (Tara) with mixed woman (Alisha)
>white woman (Tara) with Jewish woman (Denise)
Fuck off, cuck. You're just showing your own true colors by specifically singling out the lack of that one combination.
nah, just keep blaming russia, its been working so far
Holy fucking shit, is the show really that degenerate?
Clearly I'm not missing much.
Seriously. Who cares who some slut fucks
What wrong with that?
cucks BTFO.
>wanting to watch other people have sex
fucking gay
that's because the audience is mostly white men who are very insecure about black men being with white women, they dont really give a shit about white men being with other races or an asian guy being with a white woman since they're not intimidated by them
Are these from Hannibal?
Is it any good? Those pics piqued my interest.
how was this allowed lol yet they cant say "fuck" in breaking bad (a cable show)
Yes, season 1 and 2 are decent, never watched season 3.
Did you as a child ever imagine yourself standing up for cuckoldry on an anonymous forum?
I watched season 1 & 2 and liked it. After season 3 i didnt got anything anymore. They just run around and get these shitty trips. I dropped it because i just couldnt follow it anymore.
Does it contain a lot of liberal bullshit like TWD, or is it just wholesome serial killer fun?