ITT: when normies ruin your show

I'll start
>watches the new star trek movies
>buys a 'best of the TOS' dvd
>watches maybe 2 episodes max
>"Oh, I'm really into star Ttrek, chris pine is sooooooooooo hot!"

>I love Star Trek!
>Person looks bored and is on their phone the entire time.
>Wants to stop after like 2-3 episodes.
>No dude I love it I'm such a geek!

There were already multiple Star Trek threads up. Yet OP here felt the need to post another one, using an image of a nigger and a woman, with the only content being complaints about normies. Trifecta bruh. You know what's trash.jpg? You.jpg

it's not a star trek thread faggot, I just used it as an example. Another could be like when shippers ruin a good show

>be typical edgelord teen
>wear nothing but Metallica, Slayer, Motorhead ect shirts
>get made fun of by staceys and chads
>fast forward to now, and its fashionable for these LA douche bags to wears shirts like that

normie genocide when?

Irony of this is my dad is a boomer who grew up with TOS, while I grew up with TNG. He thought TNG was boring and talky and techy, where TOS was more fun and adventurous, with Kirk and Spock.

Don't you love it when tumblr ruins a good show?

>>be typical edgelord teen
>>wear nothing but Metallica, Slayer, Motorhead ect shirts

Well, as someone born in the 70s and grew up when Metallica and Slayer were actually in their prime, I gotta remind you that's not really your music either, son.

is that rihanna or uhura? i cant tell them apart

has there been a time when an ongoing series changed dramatically to meet the demands of its growing fanbase? otherwise who fucking cares if people like what you like

>the 70s
>when metallica was in their prime

not him but you can't read for dogshit

born in the 70s, meaning I was 14 when "And Justice for All" came out.

The exact same thing but David Tennant

At what age did you discover the Internet?

oh GOD. You have no fucking idea

In 1991. Bulletin boards. Why?

you're 15 aren't you


BBSes weren't Internet (necessarily) but that's an okay response. Just curious because not every 70s babby used computer networks before their mainstreaming.

how does a normie you obviously only talk to at your job, who shows just a passing interest in a show you obviously live your life for, ruin said show?

I was born in 1971.

Got internet in 1995, but was on local BBS since the late 80's.

They weren't the web, but I and my friends definitely considered them the Internet.

So happens my family's business invested in one of the larger BBS in Canada, so I got free access.

You'll never know the sweet ecstasy of starting a topless Pamela Anderson download and then going to watch TNG and check in at commercial breaks to check on the progress of that one pic you were trying to download on your 14.4 modem.

>all those 'mega star wars nerdzz' complaining that there's no bothans in Rogue One


Good, fags who like star wars deserve to see their favorite show normalized

>favorite show
when did I say that? I like it, but I wouldn't say it's my favorite

Any good BBS era stories?

I set up a honeypot BBS just to collect passwords
I was banned from three fidonet echoes for trolling
A local sysop doxxed me

I wasn't born into that era, but I do have several BBS's set up on various old computers. I've called into a few late at night, and it is creepy as fucking shit. Sometimes, the owners shut down their BBS's, and they just answer the phone asking "are you calling for the BBS? Because it's offline. Don't call again"

Nice trips.

That's Rihana brother

Well, I remember being on a "fantasy" forum when I was 17 or 18 leaving explicit messages with a female member. A bunch of other girls were too, kinda a "continue the erotic story" thing.

Anyway, she wants to meet and my one friend is excited. I tell him it's a bad idea, but figure it's safe since it's us two guys meeting this woman at a restaurant. We get there a little early. I see this 30+ year old landwhale sitting in a booth by herself. I tell my buddy that's her. He wouldn't believe me and sits in a booth.

Sure enough she waddles over and introduces herself. We were polite, but that was the end of the fantasy.

That's funny. I got voice pickups on BBS dials lots of times, once resulting in cops showing up at the house.

Was also visited by FBI, Customs, and Secret Service. In retrospect I feel really bad about putting my grandparents through that.

>A bunch of other girls were too

Haha yeah *snort* it's truly a travesty no one is as real a fan as me. They don't even delve in the lore and books! If you don't spend your friday nights reading comics then get the hell out of my fedora field of view you reeking normie
*phones Mother to come pick me up*

Sometimes kids/teens would set up a BBS on the only line in the house, running it in the evening or something. I remember a couple boards like that, where you could only call after 11pm until 7am or other shit.

Also remember going on a board and trying to play Tradewars or something and the sysop would break in and start chatting with you. Fuck off man, I just wanna play the game. Would do my turns then call another board and play on that one, etc.

I meant guys. There was just that one girl on the board participating in the sexy forum.


I swear to god. These people are insufferable cunts.

The thread I was born to post in! I ran a Wildcat BBS from 3pm to 5pm, during the period after I got home from school but before my parents got home

I remember Wildcat software. Shit, only two hours? Did you get other kids from school going on basically?

I did like local boards because everyone was nearby. I met quite a few people, met to copy games, etc.

My userbase was literally fellow classmates Sarah and Bob.

I eventually got my own line and ran a semi-successful fulltime Telegard BBS.

Meeting other sysops and users was a total fucking trip. Every one of them was a huge weirdo, and I mean that as a compliment. My main source for pirated games was the owner of the local Radio Shack. Copied like 40 games in that Radio Shack. Good times.

I never ran my own BBS, but was co-sysop on a couple friends boards. Made fancy ANSI art for the board, helped install/run the games, all that shit. Was fun.

Used to call into one board at 1200 baud and download Amiga games overnight, tying up the board for hours just to download one disc image. Surprised the guy running it didn't get pissed off at me, I tied that board up so many times. 14.4k was the standard at the time for an "elite warez" board.

Was stuck with a 2400 for well into the 14.4 era. I made a rehearsed pitch to family members to give me cash for Christmas instead of presents in order to buy a 28.8 modem. I have never lived this down. Good times.