Is this shit worth watching?
Is this shit worth watching?
its odd, kinda good, kinda weird, kinda boring. If you got nothing better to do and like trippy visuals then sure
it's worth a watch OP
you kinda feel gaspar jerking himself off in your face at times since it sort of drags a bit in places
other than that, bretty gud not as good as i stand alone but still good
Cool, i guess i'll watch it
watch it until he enters the void imo. then just leave it on the tv and do some chores.
gaspar keeps casting the worst fucking leads in the world. so freakin wooden.
Not really. Starts out very interesting and unique and then it becomes an repetitive excersise in pretentiousness.
Turn it off after the first 25~ minutes.
Once, really stoned, yes. Repeat viewings drag and feel like the longest shit in the world. The first half hour or so with the opening credits and the POV smoking DMT scene are fantastic. This is the opinion of a pothead that likes pretty colors so take that as you will. There's a scene inside a vagina with a penetrating penis head that blasts cum at the camera; shame its not in 3D.
Just get to the mommy part its all downhill from there
Best to watch it if you're actually on LSD.
watched it drunk and it was amazing
Yeah, on a big screen or projector and high af
what the fuck
I saw this on LSD and I had a really bad trip. Started feeling really uncomfortable until at one point I blacked out, had some kind of crazy visions pretty much like the stuff in the movie until I came back.
My friend was shaking me and screaming my name, he was really scared and said I looked like I was having some kind of seizure.
This movie ruined LSD for me
sounds like nbomes user, but I do agree about the unsettling feeling the film gives you on psychedelics
>not knowing hollywood is a bunch of rich fucks living out pedo fantasies
I don't know, it had no flavor. Even if it was nbomes, it's still not a normal reaction to the drug, is it?
It never happened to me or anybody I know before
Absolutely not. One of the worst films I've ever had the misfortune of watching. Can barely even be considered a film, at best a test of patience, mostly mindless shock and pornography, at worst CIA certified torture. Don't watch this steaming pile of shit unless you're dropping serious acid.
lsd doesnt do that dude lol
I watched it on fungus with my gf and we enjoyed it, although we did smoke a lil sum midway to break it up. all in all great time
Yes it's a really chill and comfy movie. Really long, so know what you're in for. Just one small advice- early in the movie the protagonist smokes some dmt and a 10 minute "color-thingy" montage ensues. Skip that shit, fast forward as soon as it starts.
>this fucking moron right here
All style no substance, much like OGF watch it for the eye candy.
If you like Buddhist bullshit theology I guess
I know lsd alone doesn't do that. Clearly there's something wrong with me and the lsd/weed and bad trip combination triggered it