Let settle this once and for all. Now that the dust has cleared, who has had the better career and body of work? Who will end up being remembered as the superior actress?
Keira Knightley vs Natalie Portman
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Keira Knightley > Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman has the better body of work and is a superior actress, OBJECTIVELY. But Keira Knightley has the better body, objectively
I'd rather date Kiera Knitghtley but bang Natalie Portman
>Natalie Portman has the better body of work and is a superior actress
Keira, much prettier and more attractive
Thanks Mr Skeltal
I bet she takes a mean dick
>ywn beat Keira senseless after she's come home from a hard day's works
life isnt fair
>bullying Keirafu
Someone must die for this
They're both scrawny
basically because i've got a thing for small tits, but also the face is much nicer.
Peak Natalie beats peak Knightley, but now and until they both die, Knightleys the hottest.
Reminder Natalie portman bullied and asserted her dominance on loli Keira during the filming of The Phantom menace
It's better to see them side by side.
In my opinion young Natalie beats young Keira but as they've aged Keira has become much hotter, so she wins.
This. Knightly is brotier.
Great movie.
young natalie > young keira
MILF keira > MILF natalie
a flat chest with protruding nipples is literally perfect.
>Answers each dumb question with autistic levels of over-thinking.
she's pretty much /our girl/
>someone spent this much time creating fake book excerpt
Keira makes me think Flat chests are hot as fuck
huh, i always thought knightley was older
>reddit: the thread
i've always liked keira better, but you're right, Sup Forums is clearly pro-hershlag. something fucky here.
It's Ms. Skeletal you righteous fuck
amerilard spotted
>bongistan posters
well that explains unusual pro-keira presence
big head
Portman = Movie
Knightley = Film
kino = ?
Basically this. Of course I still like Hershlag's body better, but I don't dislike Keira's.
But who wins in the [SPOILER START] feet department [SPOOLER END]
mommy eva
How can you compare this cow to Keira?
The very ground breaks beneath this fat bitches step.
Not so long ago I would have said Natalie. But now I've seen the light.
keira knightley has a better face and better body but isnt as good of an actress (not that i give a fuck)
if she had titties she would be literally perfect
fugg, didn't realize I saved the small pic
how can such an angelic beauty exist on this earth
Damn that's some nice photoshop
best keira
High Test Keira
Well ofcourse you americans prefer the jew.
Hershlag actually has an ass so she wins by default
going for more dubs
Literally perfect
keira knightly was top tier fuckable a decade ago
i haven't seen shit of her of current, i dont think i should
damn son
taint or shadow?
actually don't tell me.
In my book Knightley >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Portman.
I just can't stand her on screen.
the correct answer is Winona Ryder
I thought that Winona was in the first "Pirates of Caribbean".
knightley is a fucking skeleton, she still gets me hard but not even close to hershlag that is actually hot
speaking peak vs peak obviously, no idea how either look like at this moment
I just want to see them kiss and make up honestly.
Keira has the dutchess face, and I bet she's a nasty whore in bed, but she has very little ass, and a flat-as-a-board man chest. There's very little appealing about Keira's body to me.
Portman is the other way around. Her face is girl-next-door tier and she strikes me as the most boring straight-edge lover in the world. She's got a great body though with an actuall ass and good curves.
The main selling point comes down to what you want. Portman looks better but I don't think she'd be as "fun" as Keira.
Keira is the type of girl who would choke herself on your cock until tears trickled down that pretty face. I'm not sure I would assume Portman even gives head.
Portman-herslag is a true whore deep inside.
Knightly was God-teir in Pirates 1 but Portman is just perfection.
I just want to plaster her face... Is that so much to ask?
She must find it hard to put on this much weight because this is the only movie i can think of where she has this build. It really suits.
just imagine having my celeb collection
>heard my friend say natalie portman is hot
yea, that ruined her for me, natalie is the more mainstream of the two, so my vote goes to keira.
Keira is clearly better, unfortunately she waxes her happy trail and forearms.
jerking off, brb
both are done. keira wins by default because accent and not a jew
Portman's face on Knightley's body would be nice.
>jew face
I'll trade both for Rooney Mara.
in the second one she likes it though