>watch Beyond
>Sulu have picture of little girl
>think his wife died
>turn out he have husband
When will Hollywood stop pandering to minorities in such terrible and forced way?
>watch Beyond
>Sulu have picture of little girl
>think his wife died
>turn out he have husband
When will Hollywood stop pandering to minorities in such terrible and forced way?
Even gay as hell Takei was against this "tribute" but Pegg laughed in his face and called him a homophobe.
This actually really bothered me too. They wanted to avoid making a "token" gay character by just making an existing one gay. Absolutely no reason it's thrown into the plot.
Did his daughter come out of his ruined asshole?
Dont remind me of this shit..
>pandering to minorities
it's more of Hollywood's racial hatred of Asian males. They won't portray them other than sexless kungfu masters, nerds or gay.
hollywood is absolute evil
>total badass
So fucking lame, if they wanted to make gay character Chekov or Scotty would be better option
Just planning the day we literally gather them in camps to cut their balls off and then take their women
Need to make sure they are passive and co operative when it happens
To be fair, I think it's meaningless if they make a random character gay. By making a previously assexual character gay, they were able to make more of a contrast.
And his husband is also asian.
When people like you cease to be so easily upset, OP. That'll happen, right?
Chekov would've been perfect to make gay. They could've written him out for getting HIV in Beyond and his death would make sense.
>real Sulu was gay
>Federation is a liberal's wet dream
>sex between different SPECIES is alright
>but gays? Now that's just ridiculous...
> They wanted to avoid making a "token" gay character by just making an existing one gay.
That's the best way to do it, rather than opening the movie with some lisping queen in a pink uniform whose entire introduction is him shoving his tongue down some guy's throat.
>This actually really bothered me too.
And the reaction of normal people was, "Oh, I guess he's gay in this," and then never thought about it again.
The real weird thing is thinking about how Sulu's sexuality changed in the first place. We all know the Star Trek filmed rebooted the universe through the actions of Spock and Nero, but how would anything they did affect his sexuality? Was him being attracted to women tied of exclusively in the fact that Vulcan existed? That doesn't make sense.
Absolute madman
Takei probably laughed too after that though, he seems like a good sport
The only issue i have with it is what it's saying about the nature of being gay. If you assume you're born gay then sulu is gay in both timelines, but that's not been established. So you have to say Kelvin sulu is gay and Prime sulu isn't, which means nurture turns you gay not nature. Which i suppose some gays would find, you know, problematic.
Really makes you think.
yeah you do that
I'm pretty Sup Forums frankly and I thought it was fairly tastefully done. Honestly had there not been media buzz about it I might not even have picked up that much on the scene.
Both are possible. This isn't a black or white situation. Some people are born gay. Some people become gay (can be due to hormonal shift and/or psychological.)
Nah, Takei was pretty miffed that they ruined his friend's vision. Pegg would unironically call Takei a homophobe though.
That and the fact that Takei was a gay man playing a stright chracter. Why would you need a gay to play a gay? Plenty of stright play gay characters, but gays have to play gay ones for some reason.
What happend?
>When will Hollywood stop pandering to minorities in such terrible and forced way?
>>real Sulu was gay
Real Sulu - Takei - was on record as saying this was a terrible and forced pandering.
He wanted them to have a gay character but an original one, not retcon an existing character to be gay.
Also what fucking sense does it make that a character of a gay actor is gay? The people who argue this and also claim to be pro-gay and left are fucking retarded.
What you're arguing is some kind of sexual essentialism, that gay actors can only play gay characters. It's retarded and literally worse than nazi reasoning.
>hey George, I'm going to make Sulu gay in my new film as a tribute to you!
>well that's nice and I'm honored but I don't think that's a very good idea, the character isn't gay
>lol fuck you im doing it anyway
What did he mean by this
>literally worse than nazi reasoning.
"it's a Sup Forums ruins whatever retarded point they were trying to make my defending the nazis again" episode
turned the tv off, immediately
>it's worse than nazi reasoning
>you're defending the nazis
Your brain is rotting.
>Takei is a moaning fuck sometimes but he has right on point with that one and the SJW's said he was the one with a problem. Just demonstrates their warped logic.
Captain with heavy drinking issues
>defends nazis
>backs down like coward after getting stomped in
you must actually be german
asian males are never the heroes and if they're in the story they're usually an emasculated sidekick. on the other hand it's pointless to pay cultural reparations to the asians in the way whites are doing to the blacks, asians have their own films industries and they don't complain about getting shafted in hollywood, at least not as vehemently
it amuses me because making the asian gay is not pleasing anyone except for clueless white audiences who wants to feel warm and fuzzy over representation
sodomy is fucking disgusting
You'd literally need to be aware of the drama to know that was his husband.
Sulu comes back from more than a year on tour. First thing he does when he meets up with his significant other? A warm hearty pat on the back. Platonic as fuck.
Two asians males patting each other on the back? Shit would end up being interpreted as a guy having his brother watch his daughter while he was on a business trip.
But no, you sit around reading celeb gossip. So you're bitching about barely homo because your celebrity news tells you its gay. OP you're literally the gayest part of your topic.
If they actually wanted to sell the character as gay they should have either made it interracial or had them be actually intimate.
Do you know why they call people like you homophobes? Because you recoil wildly from even the most restrained depiction of homosexuality.
I actually thought it was his brother until I read article later that it was suppose to be his husband, felt disgusted
>yfw he married his brother
btw the best can of worms in this whole thing is when white progressives have to confront the issue of homosexuality becoming emasculation in the sense that asian males never attracts the women in hollywood movies
I don't mind gay character, I don't like forced shit like this though especialy since two previous movies didn't even have mention of him being gay in any way
The legit gay that this was supposed to be a tribute to didn't like it either but they dismissed his opinion because it didn't fit their narrative. That's what pissed ME off. More SJWs telling the straight and gay community what it should think and feel.
I'd listen to the gay guy, he's more likely to know the score.
Trips of truth
>I'd listen to the gay guy,
I'd listen to myself, because I'm able to make my own mind up rather than acquiescence to the opinions of another because they pass some sort of minority checklist.
But I wasn't raised by a single mother like you.
But just prior to that scene, there was a scene of an Asian male hooking up with a white female.
What are you talking about single mothers? I hatched from an egg you cunt.
They were making Sulu a token because Takei is gay. Gotta have to diversity points even if the people you're claiming to represent see right through your liberal shilling. They didn't care about representing gays just getting those SJW diversity points and based Takei called them out on it.
The reason they announced his homosexuality instead of just showing it is they're just virtue signalling and they want everyone to know how tolerant they are, especially those who won't see the movie, which is the category the most vocal people demanding this belong to.
Takei is a degenerate scumbag.
> Some people become gay.
Thats literally what conservatives have been saying since forever to stop the hollywood pushing "their gay agenda".
Either way this is fucking retarded. The timeline couldnt have changed so much if he had a wife and a daughter.
Fuck this forced shit.
Go back to tumblr cuck.
You don't become gay because of media though. THAT'S retarded. It's like saying heavy metal makes you suicidal or D&D makes you a Satanist.
Men having babies in Trek is more believable than half-human half-vulcans like Spock existing.
The DNA code base between different aliens would be far greater than between two humans of the same sex.
Trek doctors probably gave Sulu a working neo-vagina. Much easier than splicing two alien DNA sequences together to make Spock.
Or he just adopted.