damn she's cute. looks Asian half the time.
bravo vince
It is like pottery; it rinds.
What did he mean by this?
To a racemixing fatass ginger?
why did the kill the most based character of the entire show ?
Wish that they hadn't killed Abraham. Should've killed the gay guy instead.
abe's arc was over though, what more did his fatass have to give?
pure muscle pham
>supposed to be rugged tough army guy
>has babyfat fatceps and zero muscle tone
Also Rosita is ridiculously hotter than the nig. No straight man would pick Sasha over the latin sex goddess
>Also Rosita is ridiculously hotter than the nig. No straight man would pick Sasha over the latin sex goddess
100% THIS
pancake batter
>middle of the apocalypse
>civilization crumbled
>still caring about race mixing
wew, with that mentality no wonder you have yet to find a girl
Half the characters on this show have had their arcs concluded
Rosita is easily the hottest woman on the show. Sasha could never even come close to comparing
He'd been banging her for a while. She was probably lethargic and annoying at that point.
Then this PTSD hellcat comes into the picture with inexplicable rifle skills, completely vulnerable after losing a love interest, and you don't think the great Abe isn't going to hit that? She probably fucks like a fighter jet.
>rosita over perfection
lmao, off with you pedro
post examples of """""""half the characters""""""?
She's lost her sister, father, and husband. She's got an unborn baby to protect. She chopped her hair off, and is the only member of the group thirsty for blood at this point.
I'm excited for Punished "Venom" Maggie.
yeah okay
Burn the coal pay the toll
is michonne still in this fucking show?
yeah, rick started fucking her so now she has his plot armor