Now that trans people's struggles are pretty much accepted to be the civil rights fight of the current decade, how long until we see a wave of transkino?
Think of all the movies about people of color being oppressed and beaten, many of which are oscar winners. It seems that trans cinema should be a license to print money (and pretty much critic-proof to boot).
Imagine scenes like this, but full-on Hollywood style with moving piano and added emotional bias:
That would imply there is anything to be afraid about with trannies. They just have a mental illness is all.
Joshua Green
Not sure it'll go the same way.
I think a lot of people were taught that it's okay to be different, just be true to who you are and where you come from, be proud of yourself, but don't hate others. Accepting trans people in this line of thinking might not be as easy.
Jayden Smith
trannies are good for porn and that's about it
Matthew Long
Guys with boobs and Chaz Bono? No thanks.
Brody Cooper
Gavin Torres
Let's play a game Anons
> go to your local Craigslist ad and see how many tranny's prostitute themselves in just one day alone.
Levi Russell
>implying fucking the wrong gender is being true to who you are.
Landon Green
57 Houston, tx
Easton Robinson
If the TV and talking heads tell people to do it, it's done. Your post makes little sense as people are already defending trans and functioning human beans. I think pederasts are the last taboo, once we start accepting that I'm not sure where it goes from there.
No, I'm not religious.
Jayden Foster
The hype over "trans people" makes no sense. The whole point of the procedeure is that you're switching from one sex to the other sex and want to be perceived as that other sex. Why the fuck are you being classified as your own group like some weird in-between? Just call yourself the fucking sex you wanna be.
I mean you WON'T be, you're just a dude with a mutilated penis, but it's less intrusive than making up your own demographic.
Cooper Sullivan
>Someone in the video talks about the dangers of the doc's words attracting neo-nazis >Said video is posted on Sup Forums to spark arguments about trannies
Oh the irony
Ayden Kelly
>it's perfectly fine! >it's more healthy for them to be what they want to be! >there's nothing wrong with it! >[more than half of all trannies kill themselves AFTER they get their surgery]
Xavier Rivera
Honestly I don't give a shit if trannies get the rights they want. If they're happier and it doesn't affect my life then I don't give a shit and neither should you unless you're some kind of conservatard who wants to shove his beliefs down everyone's throats.
Aaron Hernandez
Blaire works because "she" is super buttfuckable
Dominic Martin
Any pro-trans* movies we make now will only be seen by future generations as relics of a shameful past.
He's just a crossdresser, not a tranny.
Andrew Parker
you realize there is already arguments about men using womens bathrooms right?
Jaxson Kelly
And isn't an insufferable SJW faggot. And can take a joke at his/her own expense. I would sit down and have a pint with Blaire and probably have a few laughs.
Lincoln Wright
it seems like most of the arguments between sjw's and academics is based on them arguing two different points that are a millimetre away from each other but the sjw's arguments are across the line of impeaching on the freedom of others. it's ridiculous how heated things get because these idiot children are taking something thats said means something else.
William Sullivan
>[more than half of all trannies kill themselves AFTER they get their surgery] Citation needed, goy.
Jace Ramirez
More like a martini
Jaxon Nguyen
Nigger, they're the ones forcing shit down our throats. OP's video is about a law that's forcing people to use preferred pronouns, lest they be discriminating against a minority.
Luke Walker
>black people commit the most crime >"prove it!"
Jordan Thompson
>shameful past
look at this bigot
Jordan Rogers
It's not always about religious beliefs. Some weirdos out there are pushing a trans life on children. It's def. something that needs years of intense counseling. But to tell others that you gotta go along with it is mental. You gotta dick you're a dude. Gotta slit you're a female. Until you lop it off or stick your big toe where your cunt used to be you're what's in your pants.
Ayden Roberts
>Your post makes little sense as people are already defending trans and functioning human beans. That is not an argument. People defend everything.
Camden Moore
I want to hang out with Blaire and like make fun of SJWs and then end up fucking a tranny in the mouth and butt all night
Grayson Miller
>the civil rights fight of the current decade Except most of Western society allows degenerates to act degenerate and have been for over a decade. The only possible "civil rights" scale movement is the isolationist-nationalist movements spreading throughout Europe, and now at the forefront in the US, in retaliation to global leaders pushing for a globalist system that people clearly see isn't working and only serves as a power lock for those at the very top.
Austin Phillips
This, and fuck religion and white poeple, too.
Isaac Cooper
Reminder that >children can choose to be trannies >children can't choose to have sex
Ethan Brown
fuck, this look like the future.
Ian Rogers
Yeah you're right, if they want special rights they can fuck off.
Brody Murphy
Guys I LITERALLY said don't force your crap down my throat and you're still doing it
You have no idea how bad you're making yourself look
Gabriel Sanchez
More and more gay kids are being forced into hormone therapy by their parents.
There was a time when a 11 year old boy putting on lipstick meant he was fruit. Now it means that he needs to become a woman. Somehow this is more progressive.
Logan Sullivan
>he doesn't realize that they eventually kill themselves after spending a lot on mutilating their jewels Yes "happier"
Colton Hernandez
>Implying you're me
Nathan Peterson
Sup Forums - Magazines and Trannies
Luke Diaz
You realize the black creature in the OP pic is on tv shows, right?
Christopher Jones
Nigga I'm a fag and I still tell tranny's to fuck off in the club. They are detrimental to society. They can't stand on their own so they latch on to the gay movement and make us look like faggots rather than gays
Aaron Walker
This is what they mean by "transgender rights": >using taxpayers money to pay for sex-change surgeries >using taxpayers money to pay for children's hormonal therapies >push pseudoscientific ideas about gender on children >make the state fund the universities that push said pseudoscientific ideas >Force radical changes on institutional language to accomodate 0.1% of the population >make "transphobia" a punishable offense >In my country (which is not the USA) this is twisted to the point that in certain circumstances, if you are accused of a given -phobia you will have to prove you are NOT a bigot to be cleared
Adam Garcia
I gotta come clean, I think being trans is far from being accepted, the media may show whatever they want, but when I talk with people my age (and I'm only 18) they still think trans people are men with wigs and I live in the gay capital of germany
Aaron Jackson
People still watch broadcast television in 2016?
John Cruz
>taking strangers' opinions at their word
White people do this the most. No citation needed.
Jason Gonzalez
It's a netflix show
Benjamin Rodriguez
I will never be comfortable around male-to-female transgenders. I'm 28 though.
Anyone here 18? How are current high schoolers attitudes towards transgenders? I don't want OP image to be real
>I would sit down and have a pint with Blaire and probably have a few laughs.
Blaire wouldn't sit down and have one with you though.
Dylan Russell
>youve been denied housing?! >from the govenment?? >from the govenment?? >from the govenment?? >from the govenment??
Asher Thompson
Even gay people that I know absolutely hate trannies. They think they're stealing their "culture" or whatever
Zachary Bennett
"Trans cinema" would be critic proof, but not "a license to print money". The majority of people know its a mental illness and don't like it and won't watch movies about it.
Colton Brooks
>those evil jews wanting oppressed people have the same rights as everyone else!
Really makes me wonder how many hoops you guys need to jump through sometimes
Nathan Morales
The funny part is the tranny is so disgustingly selfish she's more despicable than all the other 'just us well-meaning gals' cast combined.
Angel Flores
Carter Young
Would you, anons? "A smouldering femme fatale"
Lucas Price
>it should be illegal to insult me!!
Holy shit and this legislation actually passed? If someone wants to call me a she-man troglodyte with a dick for a chin then that's well within their rights. People should be able to express themselves, they should be able to choose the words they use. Fuck that and fuck any SJW who supports that legislation.
Austin Cook
I won't lie, folks. What a glorious time to be living in. This age is filled with so many freakish fuckups, so many weak-willed cretins who "want to be the little girl," that the chances are higher than ever before of finding a cute one with an enormous schlong that he still enjoys using from time to time, while dressed up as Little Bo Peep.
I, for one, look forward to more freakydeakys having an identity crisis while a truly fucked up society wills them on.
Aaron Ramirez
What civil rights do trannies lack? They can't vote or something? I don't get it.
Man America has acquired so many new freedoms in the last 20 years!
Nathan King
>I would sit down and have a pint with Blaire and probably have a few laughs.
If I'm drinking with Blaire I don't want to just have a few laughs, I wanna buttfuck her
Mason Sanders
>implying TIME magazine cares about any of this shit They jumped on the trans train to stay relevant and to sell their shitty magazines. Bet the Jenner controversy netted them a fuck ton of ad revenue off their website too.
Levi James
john pinette
Joshua Torres
Trans cannot be kino because the premise is that of being one gender or another. For instance, trans woman in op playing the role of rocky horror guy is not a 'transvestite from transylvania' if it is a 'trans woman' dressed glamorously. If you want trans kino it would need to be similar to the original ghost in the shell or persona.
Robert Fisher
Christopher Ramirez
> oppressed
They're not, at all.
Christian Lewis
The right to preferential treatment
Joseph Ward
The tranny shit is the rock that liberalism will die on. It's an repulsive idea that only ends in awful misery for everyone. It's only being pushed because of gender politics. The actual scientific basis for gender-bending surgery strongly suggests it being ineffective and also harmful.
Gavin Cook
Don't sensible gays/lesbs despise trannies for tainting the LGBT movement?
Kayden Young
Post the original because the second panel is me right now as a millennial in [the current year]
Na not really, faggots can get married so whatever. Just shut the fuck up about it already
Noah Lewis
Im not trans but its true that most audiences these days are bored of films that tell the same old cis male stories. I don't see why anyone would object to more trans representation.
Ryder Howard
This. Trannies are mentally ill and actual scientific research suggests that indulging their delusions may be more harmful than letting them stay crazy. We should not be normalizing that kind of behavior.
With that being said, Tangerine is a fucking great movie.
Mason Adams
Are you kidding? We should promote that as much as we can! Chicks with dicks, bro! Chicks with dicks!
Tyler Taylor
>scientific research suggests that indulging their delusions may be more harmful than letting them stay crazy
N-no! That's transphobic!
How DARE you question mental-illness.
Lincoln Gomez
Thomas Campbell
This is why there's never any real discussion for real problems in the world.
Tyler Diaz
It's going to be like swinging.
It'll stay but not be as popular. For the same reason, it's just not a great idea most of the time.
Cancer from constant hormones or just withdrawal becoming public knowledge will be part of its fading away.
Ethan Moore
Nicholas Taylor
>Immediately goes for the Nazi meme >Constantly intterupts the good professor >Accusing him of a bunch of bullshit that he says is wrong or does not support, like inciting violence >Obviously trying to antagonize him so she can play the victim >Couldnt find housing because people dont like obnoxious shitheads >Trannies have literally killed themselves because they werent called their proper pronoun >Trans literally expect to have surgeries, pills and whatever else to be apart of taxpayer funded healthcare
Man Toronto really needs resident right wing deathsquads. You can't reason with these people, it's impossible. Load them up in a spaceship promising them a SJW-safe colony, and fire them straight into the sun.
Luke Reyes
>Trans literally expect to have surgeries, pills and whatever else to be apart of taxpayer funded healthcare
Id rather have my taxes go to these surgeries, than to pay for all women's contraception.
>Well, since I'm wasting my time anyway it wont hurt to check what user posted >embed video >Literally starts with black person going "I am a strong independent woman.." >cringe and unembed video
Christian Wilson
>black trannies At least some white ones can pass.
Brandon Wright
Daniel Carter
I'm fine with minorties but trans people genuinely disgusts me to such an extent I can't even look at one for long
I've seen the operation and only a genuinely mentally ill person would go through it
Jacob Johnson
Oliver Lee
Last one is unrealistic. Society has been moving farther and farther away from normalized pedophilia.
Ian Watson
Shit, I recognize one of them. Thats Renrikka. Look it up preferably on trap trans porn sites. Used to be a cammer and porn star. Don't know if its mentioned in the video couldnt get through all of it
I'm gonna turn my son into a woman weather she likes it or not! She is going to have her boipucci filled with so much cum she doesn't even need to eat for nutrition anymore.
Jason Williams
>mouse over embed >nope
Jose Ramirez
You guys have a surprisingly small amount of empathy for a group of people you seem perfectly ready to admit are suffering from an illness.