How do you feel about this show? Has it aged well?
What do you consider the best episode?
How do you feel about this show? Has it aged well?
What do you consider the best episode?
Great show. Yes it has aged well. Nightmare at 20,000 Feet.
It's a timeless show that stands as one of television's greatest serials. Rod Sterling's narration and voice greatly added to the atmosphere of the show; it'd be a completely different experience without it.
I haven't seen every episode, but I love Walking Distance, Monsters are Due on Maple Street, Nightmare at 20,000 Feet and Time Enough at Last.
Yes i lobe it and i love watching what it has inspired
Black mirror is basically contemporary twilight zone
I'd say ttz is much more creative and original and just downright absurd at times
>Has it aged well?
I think so. A lot of the stories would be very familiar to a new viewer, Twilight Zone episodes get referenced/adapted very often
>more than 1 post into a favorite Twilight Zone thread
>"How To Serve Man" isn't mention
you people are such faggots
Watched it a couple years ago, enjoyed the fuck out of it, really should re-visit soon.
Absolutely timeless. I've been watching/rewatching them since the 70's.
The Thirty-Fathom Grave
Meme episode
In what way
While not an original episode TZ, they're screening of an occurrence at owl creek blew my mind. The best original episode would probably be Time at last
Nightmare at 20,000 feet is the biggest meme episode.
Eye of the Beholder
Currently watching 5 Characters In Search Of An Exit
solid tbhfam
I remember that one as a kid. Kinda let down by ending. Post what you think of it
Its... on the wing... please, you must believe me I'm shatner
The Invader.
Tgis was one of the few episodes I predicted 2 mins in. Granted I was older and well versed in twilight zone by the time I saw it but stilleh episode
>they're screening of an occurrence at owl creek blew my mind
Evidently a small mind. That episode was trash.
The Outer Limits was much better than this tripe.
There's that Sup Forums contrarian streak we all know and love so much
This is the most gracefully aged Twilight Zone episode. Prove me wrong.
Most of it has aged well, there is some generational gap shit that is a problem sometimes, like I have no idea what the fuck they are talking about with 50s slang.
I think the Obsolete Man is the best epsiode
The question is
where TF can i watch it
Who are these semen demons?
I prefer the Twilight movies
Agreed about this being a letdown ending. Guess it's what I get for taking the advice of some random user who rec'd it last TZ thread.
What are some actually good ones I should watch?
Probably sounds edgy but Sup Forums seems like my own twilight zone
Love that one. My dad and I reference it all the time.
I liked in third rock from the sun where shatner and lithgow were talking about how they both saw something on the wing.
You're not far off the mark user
Make sure to watch:
What you need
The Odyssey of Flight 33
A Game of Pool
Shadow Play
Number 12 Looks Just Like You
A Nice Place to Visit
Death Ship
Walking Distance
A Stop at Willoughby
The Silence
On Thursday We Leave for Home
The After Hours
Passage for trumpet
Midnight sun
The shelter
One more pallbearer
It shows it age but its well for me, been watching since I was a toddler. I cant name a fav because theyre a lot of them I like
Why would you say it's the "most gracefully aged" over others?
It's a good episode, and underrated, but I don't know why you would say it's aged better than any other.
I love TOL but come on now
The ending was GOAT, one of the most solid episodes. Can't believe no one has mentioned The Hitch-Hiker. Top 5 for me.
>s well for me, been watching since I was a toddler. I cant name a fav because theyre a lot of them I like
>Anonymous 10/25/16(Tue)15:15:31 No.7566395
Are you sure?
My favorite episode (and the one that utterly terrified me as a child more than anything else,) was The Midnight Sun. Absolutely fantastic.
There's definitely some stories that show their age just because of their view of the future but overall the show is timeless like others have said. Never really liked the 80s version though.
Not sure what my favorite episode is. Never really kept track of episode names and haven't watched much in a while. This thread is making me want to start watching it on Netflix.
How do you feel about the reboots? I find them comfy for nostalgic reasons.
I liked that one. remind me of the twist at the end please
I only saw a couple episodes. They were kind of interesting, but they felt more mundane.
Where could I find these episodes?
The Earth is not hurtling towards the sun and the episode was the fevered dream of an artist. In actuality, the world is slowly and inexorably moving away from the sun, slowly freezing all of Earth.
I downloaded them all on KAT before it went down
literally me IRL
Not huge in concept but tight and well.done. The fever.
you fucking watch it pal, or I might cook you
Great episode. Hope you enjoyed it senpai
>no Night Call posted
Truly a pleb site
It's a show that I feel has zero outright bad episodes, the lowest point it gets to is mediocre. It's aged extremely well.
Off the top of my head, I think of The Howling Man, Time Enough at Last, The Shelter, The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, and The Obsolete man.
The Outer Limits is great too
Alcoa Presents whatever the fuck its called was ok
Thriller and Alfred Hitchcock presents should also be checked out by twilight zone fans
I've only watched this show in passing in the past but recently I've been watching a lot more episodes and this show is truly a classic and that Willoughby episode was so well done. I really enjoy watching old shows like this one, it's the closest thing we have to a time machine, just to see the way people acted dressed and spoke during this time period of the early 60's.
Creepiest: The Hitch Hiker, And When the Sky Was Opened, The Masks, Judgment Night, The Grave (w/Lee Marvin as his usual badass self).
I've been watching the 80's series with my sister. It's not really as great as the 60's series but, generally speaking, we've been enjoying it a lot.
Here's the episode we watched tonight:
The original 60s episodes are GOAT! The 80s reboot are hit or miss. I haven't seen any updates since.
I really liked The Old Man in the Cave and its biblical allegory.
The one where they make wishes
The one where they go to mars and the guy becomes a god to the tiny people
The one where they steal the gold and hide in the cave for 1000 years
The one where they go to that diner and get their fortune from the machine
There are probably only a few that I wouldn't want to rewatch:
The one where the old woman won't leave her house
The one where the old woman has aliens in her attic
Printer's Devil and A Game of Pool.
I like An Occurance at Owl Creek too.
Aged better than pretty much every other tv show from the period.
Am I missing something with Willoughby? I thought it was a really weak episode? Was there a twist where they showed the guy in a coma that I'm not remembering?
enough about the classics, how about the stinkers?
one of the worst was the one about the girl who gets sucked into the 5th dimension because of the portal under her bed or something
no real twist, no message, most of the drama and tension fades once the exposition physicist character shows up to fix everything
real weak one desu
But that was boring.
How did you feel about Shadow Play?
"And When the Sky Was Opened" was the only one whose main idea really creeped me out. best episode along with 5 Characters
Ching ching franklin
Which episode had the bit where the helicopter rips the head of the lead actor and the little boy? That was really scary.
And When the Sky Was Opened was genuinely scary.
Surprise it took this long. He may even sincerely be wrong, we will never know.
The Outer Limits > Twilight Zone > Black Mirror
Love this show.
On a side note, whenever I have to choose something to watch with a foreigner who has not quite adjusted to English/American culture, I'll generally watch this.
Its interesting but super easy to follow.
>Outer Limits 107
>telekinetic women named Jean
My favorite episode is the one where a neighborhood discovers there's an alien in the hood pretending to be a human and they don't know who it is and it ends up becoming an allegory for the red scare
The monsters are due on mapelstreet and the one with the extra passenger on the buss.
Show still holds up today if you don't have ADHD.
The Tower of Terror is a cool ride at Disney World.
Is the episode even good? If not, why'd they make a ride based on it?
Judgement Night is the best episode, with the best opening monologue.
this episode is still great.
lolol so random
The Obsolete Man had amazing acting, with Fritz Weaver chewing the scenery like he never has before.
Both are good, kys senpai
>The Tower of Terror is a cool ride at Disney World.
It's one of the best rides there and yeah the episode is pretty gud.
It hasn't aged well because a lot of the episodes railed against communism and the importance of individualism which is diametrically opposed to the status quo of liberal america today
Ehh. Smart and influential show that has lots of watchable stuff and lots of utter trash. Definitely shows it's age both from both storytelling and technical standpoint.
An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge and is not even close. Come at me plebs.
Ehh. Old flick brought from an outside and a straight telling of even older story.
What did they used to call him anons?
>hitler was a jew
Infa 100%
Old Zeppelin Belly Frisby.
found the redditor
this is the episode thats always cited by critics and retards that parrot critics on internet forums
It's surprisingly little noted as an Twilight Zone episode considering that it won in Cannes and Academy Awards before being showed in it.
There's only the 2002 reboot after the 80s reboot. It was... eh. A few are worth watching:
It's Still a Good Life
>Sequel to "It's a Good Life" from the original series, Anthony (played by the same actor) is now an adult with a daughter who shares his powers.
One Night at Mercy
>Doctor saves a man who claims to be Death from suicide
>Family moves into gated community with strict rules for rebellious teens
Cradle of Darkness
>A woman is sent back in time to kill baby Hitler
>Two motorists get lost in the woods and find themselves stranded on a mysterious estate where everything is provided for them
The Executions of Grady Finch
>A death row inmate who claims he is innocent is repeatedly spared during botched executions
>Five college students are exploring Aztec ruins when they stumble on a jar filled with blood, leftover from an ancient ritual; they accidentally knock it over and when they do, the sun goes out.
My favorite episode from the 80s reboot:
the devil at a card game
> not mentioning "the eyes of the beholder"