This is the worst piece of trash I've ever watched
Like an 8 year old wrote it
This is the worst piece of trash I've ever watched
Like an 8 year old wrote it
I agree. DC is too far gone at this point
They tried to copy GOTG, these are the creative geniuses that Sup Forums cucks constantly praise.
Marvel shill
nah its a pretty good action movie
Marvel has you covered with the capekino user.
Even the DC capeshit side here agrees.
Stupid marvel shills. When will you learn your tricks won't stop these movies from making a ton of money and rated positively by the audience.
Nah man it really wasn't.
except it was a shit action movie
Damn good year Marvel is having.
SS is dogshit
is there a good rip yet?
even if there is it'll still be a shit movie
This is one of my favorite films ever right now I swear.
So entertaining, so much better than the mediocre bland Batman V Superman.
>Like an 8 year old wrote it
So the sexual Joker scene wasn't mature?
If only SS was R Rated so we could see Jared Leto be his actual Joker form
>gets up and walks towards Joker
>immediately on the couch in the very next shot
wew lad
he didnt want common to fuck harley, he was patronizing him with the cuck shit. the second common said Harley was hot he was gunna be shot.
he got up and got back down u mongoloid
I actually enjoyed it apart from fucking crap Joker, good he was shit i cringed everytime he spoke
Still better than independance day 2
>So the sexual Joker scene wasn't mature?
this has to be bait
granted a 8 year old wouldn't come up with it, but a 13 year old totally would
Oh come on its better than Dawn of Just at least
dc is trash