So...Why did they kill him off?
So...Why did they kill him off?
Happens in the comic.
They stayed true to the source material yet did their own thing at the same time with Abe.
I actually have all of the comics downloaded, but no good PDF. Are they better than the show? I'd rather read than watch. But thanks.
he raped lauren cohan in her trailer so they had to drop him or her and she had more fans
They had to. I have always thought the season 6 final should have shown the two deaths, or maybe the first, then the second death in the season 7 premier. Having a cliff hanger for a plot that can really only go one way is stupid. Two kills is just a lack of giving a shit and sticking to the comic death for at least Glen. Kirkmans a faggot. Still, the story can evolve now.
>Starting bullshit
He wanted the most money to renew his contract. You really think contract renewals being done over the summer and the cliffhanger were a coincidence?
>not watching it on tv
lmao at that quality op, it's literally faded
its true if you dont believe me ask him
where can I find that shit, I don't want to watch this show but I wouldn't mind reading the comics
any links?
If they showed abes death in last season finale then glenns this finale
No one would expect that shit and it would be great. Just end it off where he says suck my nuts
No they are incredibly fucking fustrating, especially when Negan is involved
People say that Negan is the best character, i just don't see it. He acts the same every time he is on the spotlight and i just wish the comic would move along, but nah, he has to give a fucking speech every time he is on the center.
Besides the only reason why he is alive is because the main group just suddenly decided "muh morals" and "muh justice and highground" and gave him a life sentence on a jailcell which he escapes from later, instead of just putting a bullet on his head
He keeps fucking shit up and he keeps getting away from situations where he should be killed but the characters are too stupid to do it, its ridiculous
Meant this episode not finale
Exactly. Epic shit
Well abe was supposed to die from the arrow instead of the fat bitch so he was on borrowed time.
Cut cost from the budget, now they can just hire some guy for cheap for another season or two instead of paying these 2 guys a $50k or how ever much they make per episode.
That was actually pretty graphic and shocking looking. Imagine how effective it would have been if they hadn't pulled the cliffhanger bullshit that sucked all the tension out of the scene.
except everything you just said is wrong
negan is now part of ricks army and he has literally saved alexandrian lives.
Hey guys, my autism senses tingle with one the end of season 6 doesn't line up to well with Abe's suck my nuts line. Time duration to second swing, you hear others but not negan saying he got told to suck his nuts. Whatever...I'm cool. Just my autism.
Better question is why did they kill Abe off? I thought Kirkman said that he regretted not keeping him alive in the comics for All Out War
That's the fucking thing
That's the most unrealistic shit i've ever seen in my goddamn life, more than the zombies and the fucking Tiger in the Kingdom
Why would they just leave Negan alive? They killed many Saviors to get to him, but then when it comes to deciding what to do about Negan they just leave him alive? Fuck off
>th gay survived
They should have raped maggie in every hole as they forced her to watch glenn's brain get caved in.
Fucking pussies.
To be desu the bad guy becoming a good guy is one of my favorite tropes
Because Negan cucked Rick so hard that he had to keep him around because he's his bull.
Where are the articles damming AMC for killing an Asian off?
Honestly it seemed like killing Glenn too might have been reshoots after they realized how disappointing only one death would be after that shitty transparently exploitative and cheap cliffhanger. If you notice the way the shots are cut there's a lot of parts where you only see one of the bodies at a time, or they cut the shot right where Glenn's body would be so he's off camera, I think they did that because at that time Yeun was still kneeling there after Glenn is supposed to be dead. It seems like they shot the entire scene once with just Abe getting the bat, but then got them both into makeup again to shoot Glenn's scene and that's why the editing at times weirdly avoids Glenn's end of the line-up because they spliced the two shoots together.
Use Glenn's blood as lube.
He saved him from his comic death and said that just to mislead you into thinking he was safe. They needed to have a shock death in there since everyone has been spoiling Glenn's death for years.
Because Asians are the new black people when it comes to not being represented enough in movies and tv shows.
Daryl punched Negan so he had to kill a second person.
To set an example mostly, you're a fucking pleb who can't understand shit unless it's spelled out for you.
With Negan under ricks thumb he's showing everyone (especially the remaining saviors) that any dissenters will suffer. The fact that it appears to have genuinely rehabilitated Negan is a happy coincidence.
Basically Ricks full of himself, believes he's the only person who can lead the world back into civilization, and holding Negan as a captive is a political move to maintain his authority. Eveyone else who's part of Ricks inner council wants to fucking kill Negan, but that's because Rick is the only one involved who's playing politics.
They should have cut Carl's hand off like they did Rick's hand in the comics.
It is one of my favorites too, especially if the villain has a good enough excuse
I just hate how they literally kill hundreds of people before and then when they capture Negan is like
>"but Rick, didn't we kill like 300 people before getting here"
I hate when villains get away because of the stupidity of the protagonists
It was all part of Negans master plan
Punished Maggie confirmed for killing Darryl this season?
It was probably the show runners' intention from the get go, but they didn't think it was big enough. Tacking on Abe's death as well was cheap. It doesn't heighten the danger and it doesn't make it more of a gut punch. It's a cheap move to try and cop out to the audience.
They could have killed Maggie and gotten the reaction they needed. "Bro, did you hear the new bad guy beat a PREGNANT WOMAN to death on the Walking Dead?! It was fucking BRUTAL!"
That could have been a HUGE draw for people that got mad about the cliffhanger. We knew they wouldn't kill Daryl or Mischone, so the stakes weren't that high. Hell, most of us assumed Glenn would die and it was more irritating because of that.
We waited a fucking year to get the conclusion everyone called before the finale even aired. It's bullshit.
Daily reminder that Negan did nothing wrong.
>Rick murders at least 30 of Negan's people
>Negan murders 2 of Rick's
He was absolutely right when he said he was letting them off easy.
Which wouldnt explain why there are no articles. If they were the new blacks then there would be articles
Read the original posts. It says nothing about why isn't there any articles.
The fact that you can't tell how stupid that plot point is amazes me, even when it is spelled out like that by yourself
Because the writters are retarded and turned all of the cast into pussies who don't just unload and kill every savior every chance they get like they should have, like they had complete reason to.
What reason did Rick and the crew not just unload and the half armed roadblock? Trevor/Steaven who ever had a spray can, the only two with guns at the ready were in the back.
Negan is a autistic pussy unpredicable baby hard ass, so autistic and violently unpredictable its a surprise he wasn't killed instantly when the apocalypse happened, let a lone even became a member of any group, let fucking alone the damn leader. It's all stupid illogical drama and I don't want to watch it anymore
>guy who's been leader for years has his position challenged
>cant handle that and thus does some shady shit to maintain his position
really made me think
Yes, the comics are a million times better. Shane dies in issue 1. Way less filler bullshit.
Wat? Unironically
He's criticizing the execution, not the overall plot elements. Fuck, you could make any stupid plot development look like Citizen Kane if you reduce all its parts to three lines of greentext.
>get humilliated by Negan
>bash 2 of your best friends' brains in
>capture Negan
>don't kill him to prove who is the only boss
>instead make him a part of your group and show you can get away with anything
I can already see the future "IT WAS YOUR FAULT HE KILLED X CHARACTER, RICK! YOU LET HIM LIVE!" episode
The show is at its worst when it uses stuff from the comic.
They also bragged about killing their people in the S6 finale.
Rick and his group are only the "good guys" because we have their perspective. If the show followed Negan as a protagonist, the killing of Rick's group would have been seen as "badass" and "vengeance" for all the people his group lost.
That's just like, his opinion, man. I enjoy the subtle storytelling.
Comic Negan only bashed in Glenns head. Besides the fact that the obvious thing to happen with Negan is him merely bretending all along and killing someone makes me think it'll be the opposite. Negan will die trying to save someone's (maybe even ricks) life and the saviors are gonna go into a full tilt revolt over it.
>Implying a group of people that sick would even hold together a fucking prison gang couldn't hold together on their own and they are mostly all tame in comparison.
It's not like normies know a scene is based off the comics anyways.
Would have been a million times better to kill Abraham in the season finale and Glenn in the opener.
No one would have been expecting it
Rick should have grabbed the axe again and fucking killed Negan, grabbed his rifle and shot the second hand guy, and made a fucking speach about how he's the new boss, then killed them all anyways once everyone had their guns back.
I really hope Negan rapes Michonne like The Governor did in the comics
>muh ricktatorship
Different user but thanks I've been interested in the comic too :)
They actually did it huh
didn't expect it
I haven't watched since two seasons back I think
It always upset me that the show doesn't go near rape territory. They've had attempted rape twice now, but never the actual thing. Not saying I want it to happen, but it'd be a lot more realistic than an apocalypse where no rape occurs and people are afraid to use the f word
Yeah, killing their leader is totally going to get the dozens of armed men to lay down their arms, and not exact retribution on the people who already killed many dozens of their own group. It would totally make them say "whoa, that guy is a badass dude! That same guy who literally killed 30+ of our own people just offed our charismatic leader! Let's just bow down to this guy what a badass!"
Do you have autism?
Shit, I got bored of the show at the start of season 2. Rather just read the comics.
Did you forget what show you are talking about?
Shit isn't that how autistic gangs work in movie world? Kill the overboss and you take his thrown.
I love Neegan but there is NO way he's actually rehabilitated. He's waiting to get close to Rick and then slit his throat just like Rick did to him. Then Rick will probably kill Negan and they'll both die and the comic will skip like 10 years into the future where Carl is in charge.
How'd you feel about Merle?
Merle literally did nothing wrong
Unfortunately I think the show will deviate from the comics by having Rick kill Negan sometime in the next few seasons. They've telegraphed that axe so fucking hard, it's almost painful. The normies that watch this show are too hellbent on Negan dying some "epic" revenge death, so Rick will inevitably sink it in Negan's neck at the conclusion of the Saviors plot.
I honestly don't see how they'll go to the Whisperers after, they should just end the show if they decide to drop Negan. 15 seasons of "we're safe! new big bad! we're safe! new big bad!" doesn't work. Having Negan act as an ally against the Whisperers would at least be moderately interesting to watch.
the show is in its 7th season user. I would honestly prefer them kill off negan in season 8 and basically end it with "the war is over, we can now be peaceful and trade and shit".
its not like a comic where it can just go for fucking years and years and years. It's a tv show, it has to end eventually, and 7 seasons is all ready pretty fucking long.
when will Punished Carl make the dragonslayer sword?
>What kinda cut you want senpai
I do wonder what the endgame for this show is. Realistically I think they could drag this saviors/kingdom/warring factions arc out for 2-3 seasons and then just end the show. What better villain than Negan can they come up with and what better final arc to have then a bunch of warring factions. Where can they possibly go after that that isn't rehashed or more grand in scale?
Why didn't any zombies come up at all?
Seriously are saviors immune to zombies?
>The Walking Dead TV Series
>Caring about zombies
Hopefully never since Carl is a fucking faggot
can't wait to see this on screen
>when your fetish overlaps your art
is the comic actually worth a read?
You are so clueless it hurts
Ironically, the only rape tease amc's done is that one time when Carl almost got his boipucci raped.
Are people usually this stupid on here?
It has a lot less filler and is objectively better than the TV series. Plus it'll probably keep going on after the TV series eventually ends like comics usually do.
REMINDER: If you are still watching The Walking Dead on AMC, you are the ultimate cuck, especially if you were one of the people who complained about last season's cliffhanger.
AMC doesn't care about you and they don't care about the quality of the show. They ruined one of the most significant plot points of the comics to make sure that you retards would be coming back for another season of this garbage. They chose to end last season on a cliffhanger, foolishly thinking that they could keep the identities of the victims a secret for 2+ months even though there is a dedicated fan group out there who has been continuously successful in spoiling episodes before they aired. We knew weeks ago with almost absolute certainty that ABE and GLEN would get Lucille'd, and the spoilers were, once again, correct.
Do not watch this show. Do not give them views. If you have to watch it, pirate it or stream it.
Was that scene with Officer Bob annoying in the show?
If yes then the comics is just %100 that. If no then you're good until the tiger dies.
Because rape puts a dark shadow on the rest of the show. After that the character isn't "character" anymore it's "character that was raped" and "character that is a rapist" it's distracting and generally lazy writing.
where can i watch it then
>All this rape talk
Can't wait to read all the reactions when Negan talks how he HATES rape and is fully against it.
the pirate bay
The comics are designed to sell the comic, the TV show is designed to sell you ads.
Television is the worst entertainment medium in the history of our species.
>If you are still watching The Walking Dead on AMC, you are the ultimate cuck,
Did you just insult yourself?
searching doesnt show the new episode
besides that site is a honeypot now iirc
i dont use it but thats what ive heard from all over the place
>Ok with murder
>hates rape
So Negan is AMC?