Great Tier

>Great Tier

Episode 4

>Good tier

Episode 3
Episode 5

>Okay tier

Episode 6

>Bad tier

Episode 1

>Reddit shit tier

Episode 2

Other urls found in this thread:

more like BLACKED mirror

>great tier
>episode 4
/lgbt/ please go.

It was literally the only fresh premise in the show.

>dude the 80s lmao
you mean the least fresh right?

no u

It was great. Get over your triggered ass for one second and look past the biracial lesbian stuff


ep 6 was great, if it wasnt attached to balck mirror it would be considered a great thriller.

other than that i agree with your list, iv seen so many idiot putting ep 2 as the best one it's terryfying

ep 6 was the shittiest episode.
fucking killer bees, really? Most unrealistic shit ever. The whole public shaming aspect was interesting though but the fucking bees destroyed it all. #DeathToRobotBees

Remove the bees aspect and the CGI range rover and Ep 6 is a lot better.

The bees thing was clearly just a "Oh I read about bees going extinct, I'll work that in" moment.

yeah what the fuck was up with that CGI range rover? Was that some kind of attempt at product placement gone wrong?

>horror game but like in real life
>only decent episode
>dude heaven isn't real lmao
>starship troopers 5
>attack of the killer bees


so ep 4 is not so much realistic either. so is ep 5 ?

they are actually trying to create drone bees to polenisate, so it's a real thing, you should try to read some stuff other than Sup Forums
and the government wanting more control over it to spy on it's citizen is not unrealistic either.

it was directed, written and acter you are just hating for some obscure reason.

now yeah the cgi was poor at some time boo fucking hoo

>the bees the bees aawawhahah
Why didn't they find a way to get Nicolas Cage involved

you people have a level of culture so low you cant even comprehend a netflix program kek

I can only assume they had leftover money in the budget.

They hired the finest immigrant cgi artists.

Episode 5 was GOAT except they tipped its hand way to early.

Me and my friend were convinced at first he was going to become a roach. Then they have the balls to explain it to you like you haven't figured it out.

It was a clever way to point out to retarded normies that zombies are our cultures form of guilt free murder and for that I gotta give it props.

Also if not everyone has that eye thing then what the fuck. This soldier tells people he's married and lives in a nice house?

>talk to friends about BM
>"the chick should have had a happy ending in Nosedive, it ruined the episode for me"
>plebs are so pleb they don't even realize the episode DID have a happy ending

What episode does the Christmas special count as? That's the only one I watched.

yeah one of my favorite episodes of the season too. So what it was predictable. In my opinion it was a realsitic scenario that could be totally possible unlike the killer bees episode or even the eternal life in a cloud episode which didnt work for me

People are aware they are not real bees, you autist faggot. You think it's worth pointing out that you understand what everybody already understands. Christ that's cringeworthy.

BDH was the best part about ep 1.

She's so fucking THICC God damn brehs.

are you a fucking moron ? calling me an autist ?

i know people are aware those are not real bees you mouthbreather, but they all called it unreaslistic and devoided of sense while, beesbot are a real thing that will matter in the future making it a relevant aspect of the episode and a nice classic black mirror plot.

>Look past the entire purpose of the episode
Netflix demanded a lesbian romance episode for female viewers, to appeal to their Orange is the New Black demographic. We see right through that shit.

please be bait

>I can't enjoy any part of this episode because the two main characters are women instead of a man and a women

It must be real fun to be you

>Me and my friend were convinced at first he was going to become a roach
me too, I thought it'll be the same shit as in District 9

Men Against Fire was Great Tier, everything else was meh

>Also if not everyone has that eye thing then what the fuck. This soldier tells people he's married and lives in a nice house?
yeah, that bit was more of a metaphor about young kids "tricked" into the army, coming back to nothing

Stop ruining my bait before it gets taken up. Goddamn it.