So normie faggots are mad at how violent the episode was last night and don't like how ruthless Negan is. Did they completely forget about the shit Rick and his group have done? Did they forget about the Church scene?
What the fuck is wrong with these Hillary voting faggots.
Ayden Campbell
>these Hillary voting faggots.
>It's another Trumpkike Sup Forumsberg mongoloid doesn't know how to use the catalog and makes a thread about some retarded fucking show watched by mentally retarded faggots like him unnecessarily about politics
How about you fucking kill yourself instead?
Adrian Murphy
spotted the shillary faggot
Ryan Brown
Not even Fatmerican, kikelover. You gonna get the Star of David branded on your forehead to celebrate how much you love Israel's own Donald Trump?
Juan Evans
Someone is triggered.
Brody Gray
Rick and crew fucked with negan and killed a lot of his men and Negan just killed some in revenge, it's nothing wrong with that. Negan is a cool and swell guy that just wants everyone to get along
James Morris
Because Rick's group represents America, you fucking third world commie sack of shit. When Rick's group kills it's for the good of the whole, justifiable, and righteous. Negan murders to oppress the freewill and liberty that is inherent in all man, woman, and child born in America. Negan is literally a treasonous sack of shit. Fucker has a harem. You know who was harems? Arabs. That's who you support, you fucking unAmerican shill. Dirty, untrustworthy, dirt poor Arabs.
Aiden Smith
Ooooh wow, you sure showed me with your buzzword you Jew loving faggot.
Colton White
Literally what. Rick wants what's best for his group and only his group. Negan wants what's best for his group too. What's the difference?
Justin Gonzalez
Seek help, weirdo.
Jaxson Morales
People are stupid. They don't even realize they will love Negan by the end of this season or maybe next.
Zachary Robinson
Rick fights terrorists. Negan steals from people like niggers. This is the sort of difference that you sand niggers would never understand because you don't understand the concept of freedom or a God.
Joseph Rivera
Not him but
One is murdering people who just want a stable life and another is murdering canibals who tie up and slaughter people who thought it was a safe haven
If you think there isn't a difference then you are being pretty edgy
Aiden Young
>you don't understand the concept of freedom or a God. I can just smell the greese in your body from there.
Juan Roberts
>oh shit, he caught me! >SH-SH-SHILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!
Thomas Gutierrez
What the fuck is wrong with you
Noah Robinson
Nothing, because America and God live in my heart and mind. The question is what the fuck is wrong with you that you can't see anything wrong with siding with Arabs living in mud huts.
Jaxson Rodriguez
Rick is an ex cop thus he is morally superior, unless you are a cop hating liberal
Nathan Martinez
What does this have to do with arabs.
Jayden Diaz
lets keep this discussion civil folks
Julian Fisher
10 cents deposited into your account
Thank you for Correcting the Record!
Dylan Sanchez
how anyone can watch this trite beyond season 2 is beyond me.
Ryan Baker
Look at it from negans perspective, rick and his group just killed a bunch of his men. Wouldn't rick do the same thing? I get what you're saying though, the audience see ricks actions as morally superior.
Joseph James
Negan terrorizes God fearing Americans, he takes resources that doesn't belong to him with force, and he fucks multiple women. Acts of a fucking towel head. He even has black hair! How fucking blind and infatuated with sand nigger culture do you Euros have to be to not understand something as simple as that?
Dominic Martin
Joshua Garcia
so you're too much of a pussy to voice your opinion about this terrible show on facebook like everyone else so you come to your safe space to get jerked off by a bunch of other faggots
Gabriel Torres
>not allowed to have discussions in more than one place You're a faggot.
Caleb Miller
>implying Rick and Negan are remotely alike Negan is glorifies violence, even has men that take polaroid photos of people he kills. Just like those fucking Arabs with their beheading videos and go pro footage glorifying their towel head gun totting monkeys shooting at American troops. Rick doesn't do that. Rick resorts to violence only as a means of stopping degeneracy like cannibalism and terrorism and other un-American activities.
Jayden Evans
>implying cannibalism is un-american
Oliver Carter
thats the slow children learning that this shitty show will never go anywhere. anger is just one of the stages of grief brah..
/us smart kids bailed 5 seasons ago
Adrian Smith
your discussion is you saying, "normies don't like the edgy character I self insert as reeeeee" and then calling anyone who disagrees with you a cuck, numale, shill etc.
>Look at it from negans perspective I do, he's a just a psychopath though. A very smart one.
Daniel Brown
>50 IQ chimp from Sup Forums doesn't understand what psychological projection is and just uses it as a reworded "no u"
Makes me laugh every single time
Joshua Wright
>you're projecting again it's a good idea to know what things mean before you say them
Henry Fisher
>comparing the similarities between the actions of two characters means I self insert as one of them You are above it all and a greater intellectual than myself. If you must know, I only self insert with Dante from the Devil May Cry series.
Justin Reed
Grayson Watson
He self inserts with negan, so yes, he is projecting by accusing people of something he does himself. You should know what things mean before you pretend you know what things mean.
Chase Anderson
You're a faggot. I'd knock your ass out EASY. Fucking pussy.
Jeremiah Sanchez
People don't "project" in extremely concrete ways like that, there's mental gymnastics and subconscious involved. It's hilarious what Sup Forums shitposters with their incredibly low IQs think is the proper use of that term. Kill yourself, you are garbage.
David Nguyen
You are voting for Hillary Clinton.
Jacob King
>Oh alright a Walking Dead thre- >Politics Goddammit you fucking faggots get me every time.
Liam Torres
Not that user, but if you have to tell someone you could knock them out easy it's gonna be your dumbass on the floor.
Justin Long
I can't believe that this discussion did not end here, like how can you go for bait this fucking transparent
Ryan Clark
You are allowed to talk about the OP if you want. Everyone got mad at OP for thinking negan is anything like rick.
Brayden Parker
I dunno lad, I baited hard and they still bit. I'm surprised myself.
Evan Baker
Alphas have harems.
European kings had hidden harems on the side.
Turks had harems, literally fucking the qtest women on the planet nonstop.
Chinese had harems to breed divine rulers.
A virgin NEET like you isn't expected to understand the significance of a harem.
Landon Sanders
Jeremiah Taylor
>lee s-shills are on my thread xdd Go back to pol faggot
Tyler Morales
Glen's Eyeball Pop is the new Jump The Shark.
Also, people who read comic books are smelly geeks.
Juan Martin
>What's the difference?
Autism confirmed.
Stay edgy, faggot.
Daniel Ortiz
did you mean tripe?
Angel King
>not that user
Stay worked faggot
Noah Green
>Euros >Muslims >Chinks The reason they have harems is because they don't want to look the same woman in the eye again after they catastrophically fail to pleasure her. America never has that issue. America always satisfies. America has a penis like a giraffe choking on a beach ball.
Angel Rodriguez
I LOVE that people think this shit is real.
It's a fucking tv show about zombies. haha.
Anthony Davis
12-year-olds aren't allowed to post here.
Jonathan Hernandez
Negan = Reagan
Ryan Miller
It's not, and you don't have to be so butthurt that people don't feel like watching people getting brutalized to death. People can decide to drop the show whenever they want mr. morality police. You don't get to decide for others what is too much.
Noah Phillips
TWD is a shit show. Keep it in your fucking generals you massive plebs. Christ,
Henry Torres
Negan = Britain Rick = American Colonies
Jack Barnes
Justin Jackson
>I'm with her durr
Lincoln Phillips
Brainwashed idiot.
Ryder Bailey
>Because Rick's group represents America, you fucking third world commie sack of shit Surprise! In TWD setting America is dead. Ancient civilization returing.
Elijah Torres
>America never has that issue. >what is mormons >what is imperialism
Noah Morales
>It's a Sup Forums visits Sup Forums episode
Jace Brooks
I know Sup Forums likes to take the piss out of the whole "3 cents into your account for correction g the record" shit, but out of interest how much money do Trumpshills get for shilling him here?
Anthony Gutierrez
They can witness instead of participate in the day of the rope
Lincoln Ross
>seriously implying Trump has shills, and they're not just crazy white people doing it of their own volition
Levi Hughes
They are unironically doing it for free
Joseph Rodriguez
Rick and Neegan are the exact same except that Neegan went a little further.
Rick would have ended up the exact same way if it wasn't for Carl.
Jeremiah Wilson
Negans crew were the aggressors remember they were gonna kill off Daryl Sasha and Abraham Rick knew from stories and experience Negans group are fuck ups he just didn't know the numbers. So even though Rick smashed on a few on Negans men it was Negans men who brought the attention their way.
Josiah Baker
In the comics, Neegan does it for very little reason.
In the show, Rick's group slaughtered an entire building full of sleeping saviors.
They got off pretty easy for that.
Ayden Sanders
Negan is a criminal. He extorts every group he finds and murders innocent people to intimidate.
Luis Stewart
Nice buzz words. Stop posting your virginity is showing
Jaxson Butler
>remember they were gonna kill off Daryl Sasha and Abraham They were going to just rob them until Abe and the rest got uppity. Saviors gave them a chance to live. Rick's group sneaked into a building to slaughter dozens of strangers in their sleep because another group of strangers they met two hours ago promised them a bag of groceries for every scalp they collected.
Brody Martin
Fact: You are a scrawny manchild Fact: You are a virgin Fact: You have not knocked anyone out in your pathetic life Fact: Everyone you know hates you You should probably kill yourself you're so insecure in life you take to tv to try and validate your miserable existence and yet you still fail
Evan Moore
They didn't get uppity you dumb fuck they spoke and by Negans dumb ass crew being so autistic they got themselves btfo by Daryl
Henry Rogers
>This is a robbery, give us your stuff >You're going to have to kill us >Okay That's the definition of uppity. Rick's group didn't even try to negotiate at the Savior base - they just murdered people in their sleep or locked them in a room to burn alive like goddamn lunatics.
Justin Parker
You're braindead. They just stood there begging for their lives and the crazy asshole with the 2 pistols says "I'm not going to kill you. Wait, yes I will."
Ian Williams
Didn't know the new season started. TWD airs on Monday now? Also who got Lucilled?
William Lewis
Why haven't any of the Saviors killed Negan?
Parker Hall
Because he's the best thing they've got.
Xavier Anderson
Didn't feel jack shit when Glenn and Abraham died, mostly because there was a fucking yearly or so cliffhanger between them actually getting captured and then getting the bat.
Pair that up with everyone and their mother getting spoiled by the comic book and you get completely desentitised to what's happening on screen. Even the Glenn eye-popping taken straight out of Something to Fear was kinda meh.
Anyone else?
Dylan Phillips
You can tell the show WANTED you to care.
Brandon Davis
If the showrunners wanted you to care, they wouldn't have placed the cliffhanger when they did. I know I'm not the only one complaining about this and that's it's been some time, but fucking c'mon. AMC fucked it up big time.
JDM better deliver on his later scenes, cause based on the first episode I'm kind of skeptical he'll get on the same level as comic book Negan.
Andrew Walker
>Oh no, something HORRIFIC happened in a HORROR show about ZOMBIES
Lmao, anyone bashing this episode is so delusional it's comic actually. This will go down as a top3-5 best episodes of twd.
Jaxon Martin
>The Walking Dead >about zombies The zombies aren't a threat anymore. The tv show us about how Americans can't build anything resembling a functioning civilisation.
Samuel Wood
Charles Baker
>Zombie outbreak happens >Humans get together and rebuild civilization >The end
Wow, how interesting....
Gavin Garcia
normies are coward pussies that have no place in this world, just ignore them they will die off in the nuclear holocaust when Hillary goes to war with Russia.