so what did you think of the latest Hillary Clinton campaign ad I mean episode of Supergirl?
So what did you think of the latest Hillary Clinton campaign ad I mean episode of Supergirl?
Supergirl is a shitshow, but Melissa is a demon of the semen variety.
Oh I forgot it was even on I gotta watch the new season to see if it improves what with it being on the cw now
superman made it better but now he's gone
>this triggers the Sup Forums crowd
>diss Trump
>make a big deal out of the first female president
>turns out she's a possibly evil alien
top kek
bless Berlanti the trolling fucker
supergirl a cute
I hope she's really an evil alien but also the real president is still alive so we can have both good and evil Lynda Carter
not just an evil alien, but an evil alien who wants to open intergalactic borders and let aliens roam free.
The opposite of a hilary clinton commerical
I watched the first episode on Netflix.
>then I stopped
Even Supergirl is not immune to diabetes
should've clipped that earlier, looks creepy. Also are you the one that usually posts classic WW webms? Welcome aboard if so
>oh damn wait there's an alien wreaking havoc maybe not all aliens are good
>oh, no, nvm this alien that my people have been feuding with for all history is a good guy haha
She only changed her mind when she was accused of being prejudiced, by a cute boi
The sad thing is, I doubt the Berlanti writers realize how deeply they undercut their own analogue by doing that. They think they're endlessly clever, to the detriment of their shows.
The shilling is real.
I loved that Alien Bar scene..
Also we have Megan now won't be long for Young Justice..
We also have based Maggie.
I really hope they go where I think they'll go (make Alex their version of Batwoman.)
>I loved that Alien Bar scene..
There's just something beautiful about one leather-wearing, bike-riding lesbian cop taking another to an underground alien gay bar.
Look at that neck
Guess Kara isn't as pure as the waifufags thought. Hating on those filthy Daxamites.
>"Mon-El, you're a fucking debris dodger"
holy shit was that really necessary?
OMG what a great episode, I rewatched the parts where she's fawning over meeting the president but put it on mute and pretended she was fawning over me, it was super!
It's me
yeah he is so fuckable and her lewd pics are SOOOOO good.
she... I meant she
The entertainment industry has always been liberal, but now it's nothing but DNC propaganda.
Is this what entertainment was like under the soviet union?
what lewd pics you fkn muppet
I can't get over that I've an actress on a basic cable show getting fucked
>what lewd pics you fkn muppet
google Melissa Benoist fappening
doesnt even look like her m8.
my chubby supergirl waifu is pure fk off
last night I dreamt I was having sex with Supergirl at super speeds.
Feels good, Supermang.
>last night I dreamt I was having sex with Supergirl at super speeds.
is that what they call it, you two pump chump
Is she /ourgirl/?
It was painful to watch her in this episode, she seemed really frail
Sup Forums gets triggered over it's own shadow.
Looks like James McAvoy desu
>Sup Forums gets triggered over it's own shadow.
Imagine a black man following you all the days of your life
Supergirl, WonderWoman... We are all with her.
How can i have so perfect teeth ?
I just want to cum on her face
is that so wrong?
Good man. Damn her tits are big.
Didn't think so, but I'm familiar with her old lady voice which is what seems to be the thing that is throwing some people off.
That's probably it, I haven't heard her speak since Dukes of Hazzard.
>holywood bitch
rofl. those girls are either prostituted or giving it away since they are 12 yo.
wait, shit, just realized Wonder Woman was the POTUS in yesterday's episode.
>Kara's superspin
>you should see my other jet
She personally taught the spin to Melissa
That's a good trick
What's with all the people going for a light jog in non-sports clothes in the background?
ha great catch. they were supposedly escaping.
What's with the Sup Forums obsession?
Half of that board is pro-Clinton.
Are these considered 'good' special effects by television standards?
looks like the CW standard, but there are way worse effects in this episode
>Half of that board is CTR shills
Can you say Ben Fischbein over there now?
>What's with the Sup Forums obsession?
I was just making a joke cuz he was
>the people running in the background
This is what happens when you choose female creators for the sole feat of them being female.
I have no idea of what you are talking about.
The show actually has rather shitty effects, which is the only issue I have with it. I don't understand who a show like "The Good Place", that's nowhere related to superheroes has a bunch of people flying around in one episode, and it looks better than almost anything else we've seen in Supergirl.
Which part? The CTR shill part or the fact that you got a ban from Sup Forums for mentioning the name Ben (head of CTR) Fischbein?