What did /tv think of this? Not what I was expecting at all. One guy actually walked out of the theater.
What did /tv think of this? Not what I was expecting at all. One guy actually walked out of the theater
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>One guy actually walked out of the theater.
That was me. I didn't know it wasn't in English. I don't pay $5 a ticket so I have to read.
Its pretty sad that the 2014 one surpassed this one. That's what happens when you put the insane evangelion creator as writer and director. That and recycled anime music from the 90s in a big budget movie
typical 'murikan
It was pure 100% Godzilla.
What the fuck were you expecting you stupid piece of shit?
>I love godzilla but have never seen the original nor do i want to but trust me bro i fucking love it
Fucking kill yourself.
Anybody have a solid place where I can watch?
There doesn't seem to be any torrents up so far
I had a rough idea of how it would be before going in, but not how far it's taken. Honestly I thought it was brilliant. It doesn't surprise me that there are people walking out, I just think they have shit taste.
You....need to go back
I liked the 2014 version but Shin was absolutely fantastic. Anno made Godzilla absolutely horrifying and the city destruction scene was one of the best scenes ever created.
Because there isn't.
I just got out. Loved it. It was a refreshing change of pace from conventional Hollywood story structure. I can see how it would be off putting to some though. It's an extremely slow paced film, especially when compared to modern western movies.
A hell of a lot better than the 2014 Godzilla, even if the SFX were lacking.
>10 mill vs 160 mill for 2014 godzilla
>big budget
come on
>I don't pay $5 a ticket
Where the fuck do you live? In non-existent shitpostistan?
I liked fish-eyes baby gojira. Was domo kawaii-chan.
What did you think of her American accent? I thought it was pretty convincing. Will she really be our second female President?
how much nationalistic self-fellating is in this
I recently watched Summer Wars and I'm not sure I can take much more
I thought it was funny at first, babbyZilla was so cute and the bureaucratic fuckery was really fucking fun.
It just kept...it kept mounting though, it kept topping itself.
>Godzilla standing up
>old people wandering through fucking up the kill order
>fucking laserback destroying the stealth bombers
>train bombs
It made it feel like there was a fuckton of damage, like Japan was actually getting it's shit rekt. Plus the cinematography was straight anime-esque.
I enjoyed it.
BD when
Who will know
>I thought it was pretty convincing
>second female president
This doesn't even crack the top 15 shitposts I've seen today, user. Apply yourself
Pure, unfiltered kino. Anno and higuchi redeemed themselves. More heart and soul than any big budget Hollywood crap from 2015-16.
This scene was the best, you know the one
Question, were the just planning to rebuild Tokyo around the giant frozen Gojira? That seems inconvenient.
I assume you have to quarantine a huge zone, maybe even move the capital
Huh. They should probably just nuke it anyway to be safe.
They will build NEO-TOKYO
There's the implication that it can and will wreak havoc once again taking new forms through it's conveniently accelerated evolution.
>Evangelion cinematography
>Evangelion music
>Godzilla is an angel
>the one chick was Rei
>the other chick was Asuka
>American politicians were Seele
Good stuff.
I was very excited for the movie and the direction they were taking it in, and it delivered. People who walked out midway through this movie went in expecting something completely different from what we were being promised.
Holy fucking shit though, this scene was powerful. To me it spells out more than anything in the movie the idea that Goji is this freak of nature just trying to exist rather than this big angry monster that climbed out of the sea set on eating people.
Was he just misunderstood?
>slow paced
>has more cuts per second that spongebob
What kind of person is informed enough to know about Shin Godzilla but not informed enough to know its subbed?
And who the fuck would prefer a dub over a sub in a movie like this? The actors were great, even Patterson was charming and likable. A dub would butcher that.
Also I'm butthurt beyond belief its 5 reviews from getting a certified fresh on RT.
That is a WEIRD comparison user. Really fucking weird.
>at least when he's onscreen
This is the most retarded complaint -- and it's trotted out with almost every monster movie. The moment Godzilla occupies a huge chunk of the film is the moment he loses any air of wonder.
The only two interesting characters were killed off in the first 20 minutes, and sameface army guy and his boring wife's problems occupied far too much screentime. It was a competent movie, but Shin-Godzilla (even with its glaring problems) is obviously better.
The guy who walked out probably took the short bus home.
This movie is fantastic.
So you're the one who rose the short bus.
>Also I'm butthurt beyond belief its 5 reviews from getting a certified fresh on RT.
I'm more mad half of them are like "oh I wanted a goofy godziller movie, but I guess it's fine cuz monsters", like they don't even bother that there's more to this movie than muh monsters, I mean they review superhero movies seriously but not this when the parallels to Fukushima and the bomb are so obvious, and the fact that the night attack scene is a genuinely breathtaking moment in the film
I need a leak.
Cam Rip ... anything.
Have hope user, one American will
Seriously how is there no cam rip or anything yet, it's killing me
Every frame is so masterfully composed. The movie was a joy to watch even during the slower sections.