What is this character's endgame?
What is this character's endgame?
Other urls found in this thread:
Peace in our time
What's any of their endgames?
World War III, UN World Government, Atheism through a fake alien invasion, mass genocide/slavery, singularity... then what?
Beating Trump and making you fat fucking pussies cry.
She's gonna do it too, that's the scary thing.
Punishing legal spics for following the law by rewarding illegals.
>he's an iCuck
Is there anyone besides delusional Sup Forumstards who still seriously believe that Trump has a chance at winning?
Then the ancestor simulation ends and I emerge into reality (no one else is real)
Helmut Norpoth
What the fuck? Selfish bastard.
Literally retarded people.
Oh wait, you already said Sup Forums.
according to her close staffers, 'a hemispheric open market with open borders'.
i dont doubt her ability to achieve it, i just question the motives of such a massive scale social experiment
Nuking Russia, sending Drone Strikes to most southern states and killing everyone who disagrees with her.
First female president of the USA
No, no, there are others who exist, just not in this particular instance
Losing the war to Russia.
Dubs are the only correct and sane ones here
Kek, true. If I were a migrant who came over legally, I'd be pissed for wasting my time and money. Fuck trump though for wanting to get rid of our slave labor. Illegal mexicans do all the shit work and get paid garbage for it with no workers rights. There goes our slaves.
I hope you aren't trying to imply any of those are bad things.
>according to her close staffers, 'a hemispheric open market with open borders'.
Oh you mean that quote that was taken out of context and refers to energy?
half the posters in trump threads on Sup Forums aren't even American which makes it even more absurd. I wish I had the screencap of how every Sup Forumstard predicted a landslide Romney win in 2012 only to get BTFO
Literally destroying the republican party in the united states of american
trump was her plant
>the screencap of how every Sup Forumstard predicted a landslide Romney win in 2012 only to get BTFO
I think it's this one.
be american Thatcher and rule victoriously for a while over a failing empire
avoiding jail
Can't wait to see the Hillary version this November.
Someone explained it to me earlier that it's because Trump's policies will cause the American economy to crash causing third world shitholes to get a huge boost, thus for them Trump getting voted in would be the best thing ever.
shill/cuck general
and of course the faggot mods leave your corrupt cunt circle jerk up
This WW3 scaremongering has to one of the biggest levels of retardation Sup Forums has ever achieved.
>It's screencapped from Sup Forums so you know it's true!
The problem with Sup Forums is that they're already shifting from "Trump is going to win!" to "The election is going to be rigged" which will make November 8 pretty boring.
World War III in ma pants
>literally brings up attacking Russia anytime her 30,000 scrubbed emails and dark money are brought up
If you like discussing Sup Forums so much why don't you stay there? No one wants you here
Stay Hebrew my fellow Israeli... I mean Trump supporter!
no one in their right mind expected romney to win in 2012, nor trump to win in 2016 after what happened in 2008. in 2008 americans proved they are stupid enough to vote in a nigger for a president simply in order to virtue signal.
america is a land for shitskins and their cuckolds. they will never again have a real president, just one democrat freak show after another.
How is it "scaremongering"? Democrats blame russians for everything and constantly provoke them. Also, the no fly zone would start a war if we shot down one of their planes. We won't do shit though, we'll just conintue to make money off of dead sand people like we always do and stay away from big countries. Fuck trump for wanting to be friends with russia and work towards peace.
>he actually believes its about energy
open borders doesnt make me think about energy
Sup Forums should stick in its own echochamber. That's what you got your board for.
Also check these dubs.
She looks Bretty cute there
>Literally I'm a twelve year old from some Yuropeasant shithole and here's my retarded opinion on YOUR politics: The post
lel get the fuck out of here you retarded potatonigger.
>Sup Forums always talks about wanting WW3 to happen so they have an excuse to kill mudslimes and die for something
>The possibility of WW3 finally happening becomes apparent via Hillary's leaked emails
>Sup Forums immediately shits themselves and talks about how they can't let Hillary win because of the chance that she'll start WW3
Uhhh, Drumpf has no chance in hell, Trumpkin.
We aren't accountable to the law in any way.
We own the voting machines in every swing state.
The media is at our heel.
We control polling.
Once we get our Justices in, things are going to really get fun. Say goodbye to your Russian-influenced deplorable alt-right garbage ideas, because they're going in the fucking trash for good.
the real issues is that they are also working on defining a cyber attack that didn't happen as justified cause for actual war
really makes you think
Too late, pretty much already happened even with all manufactured stuff (ME, Drug War)
>Fuck trump though for wanting to get rid of our slave labor. Illegal mexicans do all the shit work and get paid garbage for it with no workers rights. There goes our slaves
Constantly taking about Russia like it's the Soviet Union
yeah. probably wage a retarded war on principle as well
>tfw i actually know a young teen who lives in a foreign country but Sup Forums got to him and he cares more about the US election than most americans
Doing whatever the fuck Soros and the Rothschilds demand of her.
All of Sup Forums is Sup Forums my friend. Perhaps you can drone out other opinions on Reddit?
But that's what it says in context dipshit, it doesn't matter what you "think"
global thermonuclear conflict
enjoy president michelle obama in 2024, amerinigger.
Because they're scared little manchildren that are afraid of getting drafted. It's a board full of the mentally challenged and cowardly. When I'm made God Emperor of the world they will line the streets, not to cheer but to hang.
Sup Forums wants to be the ones to START WW3 that's why
t. r/the_donald poster
Your are really really shitty at coming up with bait Trumpkike. You're about as transparent as the Magnum condom Jamal wore when he was fucking your mother in front of your father last night.
this, fuck me
>these cringey fucks who spend all day whining about Sup Forums
fucking pathetic lmao
I, what...
who the fuck would support war perpetrated by dems and their cronies to entrench the establishment
ctr always makes these retarded non-points
Thanks, I will. Enjoy getting murdered by Muslims in 2017 potatonigger.
But if Trump started World War 3 over a dumb tweet that would be fine, right?
>the Republicans have spent the past 30+ years going after the Clintons
>they finally get the chance to run against Hillary Clinton after spending decades making her look like the devil in the flesh
>they got 16 different candidates all lined up, each of them ready to finally sink their teeth into Hillary Clinton
>then a giant orange reality TV show host usurped their primary
>then he became their nominee because the GOP base is full of dumb racists, thanks to 50 years of the Southern Strategy
>now he's going to hand Hillary the White House on a silver platter
>the Democrats are likely to retake the Senate, and might even take the House now too
>actual, serious GOP politicians have had their political careers ruined
>the Republican party is now a national laughingstock, and will be associated with Trump forever
>all because a thin-skinned man-baby got butthurt about getting roasted by President Obama
Starting WW3 then flying and hiding in Europa 1
Drumpf supporters will stop using Pepe as a symbol of hate once their orange idol gets absolutely destroyed by Hillary this November and they desperately try to bury as much evidence as possible to prove that they "never supported" Drumpf. Once he's defeated, and the GOP is even more of a laughingstock then they are now, we're going to take Pepe back for EVERYONE (Yes, that includes those African-Americans they seem to hate so much). I wouldn't be surprised if a few of his supporters committed suicide on the night of November 8th, it's going to be that embarrassing, but it'll all be in the name of justice. Justice for all those off-topic Trump shitposts and hate-filled memes that they've been spamming on this site nonstop for months now. How's it feel knowing the pendulum swings back twice as hard?
Face it, Sup Forums, you lose. Again. It's gonna be fun tearing your board down to the ground while all you can do is cry about "B-BUT THE POLLS ARE RIGGED!", as if your denial will somehow sway the opinions of the millions of people who already support Hillary Clinton for the next President of the United States. It's almost as if normal people don't support a thin-skinned bully who lies and insults everyone who disagrees with him. Guess now I know why you support Drumpf so much, because he's the spitting image of the average Sup Forums poster. The only difference is, at least Trump has blue eyes and blonde hair.
Sup Forums harbor will be nothing compared to election night. We're going to go full Hill-Roshima on your asses. And the best part is, you have no one to blame but yourselves.
not an argument shill
Say what you want but the fact will never change that the United States of America is and forever will be a better country than whatever yuropeen shithole you come from.
what the fuck are you even talking about
to anyone who doesn't subscribe to your retard narrative, what you just said is insane and removed from reality
Thanks for the (You)'s, dumbasses.
very insightful, thanks for setting the record straight
>Atheism through a fake alien invasion
Children with no concept whatsoever of how the world works who easily buy into scaremongering political propaganda. Holy shit Sup Forums that's pathetic.
>LITERALLY lives in a dystopian country full of niggers and spics
this damage control is north korean tier
Reminder lads
swaglord is very keen on removing all shitposters that do this and he has said it himself when he was attention whoring the other day. A good amount of Sup Forums is banned because of shitposting like this
not an argument, nigger.
Yet we are still better than any Yuropoor country on the planet. Kill yourself jihadist.
Not an argument.
Hillary Clinton is beholden to foreign nations that rape and kill women and LGBT. Bill Clinton is a rapist. You have no conscience.
make sure you don't say anything bad about hillary when she becomes president, you don't want to disappear in the night.
>caring about politics
you're all pathetic cucks
*watches westworld*
*"now this.. this kino that panders to my meme sensibility for scifi"*
Sounds like Russia the most powerful and relevant yuropean country on the planet.
>make sure you don't say anything bad about hillary when she becomes president, you don't want to disappear in the night.
oh shit user you're already dead! RIP in PEPEs :(
not really
your society is crumbling as whites become a minority group and the union is torn between the fighting of different races struggling for supremacy, more and more as the leash loosens and standards set out by your constitution aren't being met and are subverted, as they have been by your king nigger
and we know only whites create societies worth living in, so you're fucked
am I the only one that think hillary was pretty qt when young desu
Russia is as European as America is white.
Much cuter as a kid.
It'll all be over soon.
We will all become one.
Like it used to be
The funniest thing is, what I posted is genuinely how I feel.
I literally cackled evilly when casting my vote for POTUS Clinton II today.
I bet she was a kinky fucking nutjob in bed, too bad she's a dyke.
>shills misappropriating Sup Forums memery
Corrupt Dying Kike Cunt
>I'm not American but let me tell you about America!
lel fuck you potatonigger go get snackbar'd
>we know only whites create societies worth living in
How the fuck would you know, potatonigger? Did some white person visit your yuropean shithole and tell you that?
I wonder when you'll realize you made a mistake supporting Hillary.