Its better then Age of Ultron but worse then Winter Soldier
Sup Forums agree ?
Its better then Age of Ultron but worse then Winter Soldier
I've never seen Winter Soldier because I don't like Captain America (never grew up with him and I find his name really stupid).
It had it's flaws but I still liked it more than winter soldier just for the epic moments and I mean that unironically.
How the fuck do you people even stand watching this capeshit
>shitty dialogue
>shitty action
>shitty camera work
>shitty overdone editing
>shitty predictable plots
>plot armour for everyone
>deus ex machina left and right
There is nothing redeemable in these things.
BvS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Civil War
I say its the same as ultron just with a better villain
Do you enjoy any action/blockbuster films? Because you could apply that to any of them.
Civil War was to Winter Soldier what BvS was to Man of Steel. The first one was a focused tale, the second one is more sprawling. I unironically liked all 4.
>making out with his dead girlfriends niece
isn't that a no-no?
How is everyone jewish?
>inb4 he finds out that Paul Rudd is also Jewish
>fat manchildren with no friends are still fighting over superhero movies
Yes, that's correct.
However, pretty much everything in the MCU is better than Age of Ultron and worse than Winter Soldier.
Being better than 'Age of Ultron' is not much of an accoplishment since it is by far one of the worst films to come out of the MCU.
It's better than nortons hulk, both Thor movies, the first captain America and ironman 2 and 3.
I'm very glad Whedon's gone.
First Cap was great and first Thor was decent. They're not worse than AoU.
>better than first Captain America
Definitely not. That one's actually one of the better MCU movies.
The first half of Norton's hulk was really good, then it flipped a switch and went full retard.
I'm convinced Max Payne 3 lifted heavily from it.
Iron Man 3 was good actually.
>muh winter soldier
They're all standard MCU crap.
No way.
Whedon > > > RUssos
Also BvS > > > > > > Civil BORE
this tbqhwyf
Fuck no. Both the Thor movies manages to be technically competent which both 'Avengers' and 'Age of Ultron' fail to accomplish. 'Captain America: The First Avenger' is the best Captain America film. 'Iron Man 3' is the best Iron Man film and 'Iron Man 2' can at least boast about competently visualized and shot action sequences. 'The Avengers' and 'Age of Ultron' both fail on a basic technical filmmaking and storytelling level.
Wrong on both accounts.
>Whedon > > > RUssos
Fuuuuuuuuck nooooooooo. The Russos may not be particularly visually interesting or have much thematic depth in their writing but they are far more competent than Whedon.
>Also BvS > > > > > > Civil BORE
This however I agree with wholeheartedly.