Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
Bernie is more marvel, Hillary is fox
I was sitting on my laptop at my grandparents house. My grandma complained that I can't visit with her and go on my computer at the same time. "All men have tunnel vision. It's a proven fact. Women are capable of doing three or four things at once because it's ingrained in our psychology. And you know why? Because the big man up there decided it. He made women better at gathering things and worse at physical tasks. That's a mans job: to hunt and be strong."
I'm gay; they don't know it. And by no means am I a machismo thick skulled beefcake. I don't consider myself the stereotypical feminine gay but I feel like I'm a normal dude. I'm me. And I'm sick and tired of the idea that God made man and woman different, just for the sole purpose of making excuses on why a woman can't do something. I know this isn't a specifically religious construct now, but religions roots in oppression of women and hyper masculinity in men is revolting.
itz mahvel baybee
Trump is winning so no.
>Trump is winning
senpai I've got some bad news for you
NOT at all. Trump feels likes a comic book no one takes seriously yet some people still love. Clinton is dark and head ache inducing and clearly has no idea what she is doing tonally.
Trump= Homestuck
Either way, you're still the stunted autistic manchild with a double-digit IQ.
mahvel 4 never
Hillary Clinton=Guardians of the Galaxy
Trump=Howard the Duck
Bernie is Marvel
Hillary is Sony
Trump still DC
So marvel will eventually fall by sony's hand?
But GotG was an unexpected, underdog smash hit that is beloved by most people for being fresh and unique.
Hillary is literally the exact opposite. A formulaic, soulless Hollywood remake that everyone hates, but still manages to make a ton of money due to the power of marketing.
So the force awakens?
Force Awakens is still a competent movie with some charming scenes. Batman V Superman is more appropriate.
>charming scene
Also Hillary's success will be widely regarded as some progressive victory and humongous success, something BvS was neither of
>GoTG fresh and unique
>literally Marvel quips in Space
>something BvS was neither of
Did you listen to comments made by that Wonder Woman actor?
It's a shame Vertigo has little to no foothold in the industry.
Batman v Superman was hated by the media (critics) and has a small but genuine fanbase who actually likes it, so that's not Hillary either. It has to be a movie that the mainstream public despises, but most critics were paid to like.
Did you see the part of "widely regarded" not just by a few luck bait articles
You got Bernie and Hillary backwards
>Sony is being cucked by Marvel
>It has to be a movie that the mainstream public despises
Well that's not TFA.
Sup Forums usually supports edgy shitty things that are destined to fail so it's pretty accurate.
I would swap it.
marvel goes for uneducated fucks, for those people who are voting for trump
dc goes for those who have a little mind and they are picking the lesser evil
Is this accurate?
>a corrupt warmonger is the lesser evil compared to a guy who says mean things
Can't make this shit up.
Trump is lex luthor and Hillary is Harvey dent/2face
>grabbing Trump's pussy this hard
That user is false-flagging as a DCuck.
Not an argument.
DC = Trump. He means well, but keeps fucking things up, media is rigged against him
Marvel = Pence. More agreeable, competent guy. Kind of middle of the road, no one can say anything particularly bad about him, but no one is crazy about him either.
Sony = Hillary. Soulless corporate entity who cares only about making money. Doesn't shy away from creating fake controversy and using the media to manipulate movie goers.
This is accurate :v)
Indeed. This is a crisis.
We need to grant the chancellor emergency powers.
>Sony = Hillary
This. They even went for the retarded "if you criticize her you're a misogynist" angle.
I don't argue with retards.
Does that makes Fox Kaine
And I'm a retard because I disagree with you. Therefore you're always right. Convenient.
Kaine is too insignificant to warrant a comparison to any major studio. He's Pixels.