>"le big dick Rick! So based!!"
>reduced to a blubbering crybaby bitch by an actual man
Name a single TV character that got cucked harder than Rick Grimes.
Pro tip: you literally fucking can't.
>"le big dick Rick! So based!!"
>reduced to a blubbering crybaby bitch by an actual man
Name a single TV character that got cucked harder than Rick Grimes.
Pro tip: you literally fucking can't.
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Why didn't he axe him in the van?
The idea that someone could pull up an assault rifle, aim it and fire before you could close a metre and axe him is stupid
wooooaaohoohohoohhhh WASTED AND WOUNDED
They needed to make 20 boring episodes before eventually defeating Negan in the final episode of season 7 or 8.
>season 8 negan defeat
If we're lucky
at one point he even started whining "just... just... just"
there was even a point where he's standing about a foot in front of him and negan asks him to give him the hatchet and he's holding the rifle across his chest, theres no way he could have got it at the ready in those close quarters in the time it takes it swing it into his ace
Le nail bat man just had the bigger BWC than Rick
It happens, some people are born with better genetics than others
As a sidenote thanks for reminding me to watch this
>le why didn't Rick kill Negan
Because then they would have killed most if not all of the rest of his group when Rick got back.
I fucking hate TWD after season 2, it literally takes forever to do ANYTHING
you didn't know Rick was a cuck when he got literally cucked by Shane?
>implying Punished Rick won't happen
>Rick axes Negan
>returns to the campsite and has him and his entire crew lit up by the hundred or so Saviors there with rifles
Real solid plan hotshot
I dont even watch TWD but Rick was always a pathetic crybaby.
for you
This, he was LITERALLY a cuck from episode 1 on.
>Rick drives back
>Slightly opens the van door
>"uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh hatchet?"
>Saviours think "That's our Negan"
>Rick's gang gets in van and goes home to prepare to wipe the fuckers out
Teddy. It just keeps happening
I'm talking about meme cucking not actual cucking
In the comic, he captures Negan, not killed.
He has a fucking camping car, and a rifle, and zombies to set a trap. It's at night, there's a forest. In Rick team " everyone" is a fucking apocalypse veteran.
OP here from the other "KEKED" Rick thread. This pussy's actions deserved to be dealt with ten fold. This season should rightfully convert Alexandria into Negan's slave bitch colony.
Yeah because firing is the only way to use a rifle in combat. Are you faggots for real?
>defeating he wrote
And spoiler please. Besides, Daryl isn't in the comics and a lot of things which happened int he comics didn't happen in the show.
IMO I think part of the point of that scene was that Rick was getting further into the process of accepting his fate, and fear building up, so he couldn't do it.
Also, this
>drive back to campsite
>walk out of rv with negan's head held high
>tell saviors "i am the captain now"
>>Slightly opens the van door
>>"uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh hatchet?"
>>Saviours think "That's our Negan"
I mean Rick has a camping van... If he kills Negan.
*cuck thread.
Considering how beta the other cucks are, they'd probably go along with it seeing as he has killed their alpha
>uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh hatchet?
our next new hot meme?
It needs to be. That and the picture of Glenn's mashed face are hot memes
OP didn't dare to reply.
Nah Steven Ogg (GTA 5 trevor) would have fucked their shit up. Then they'd go take Alexandria. They were pretty fucked.
This. They killed 50 of their men, if anything, Negan prevented all of them being killed on the spot.
Eh.. he looked like the schoolyard snitch type, desperate for approval from a higher authority and eager to please. Probably would've sucked Rick off to beg forgiveness for getting his friends killed
>assault rifle
well its time to start the real war
negan > shane > merl > governor > cop lady > Pete the alchoholic > Wolf kid > Carol's husband > terminus hipsters
/r/ing the pic for the "a hatchet?" meme
Thanks for telling me what happens in the comic.
someone needs to make a pic of rick crying in various poses