>alien species evolving hundreds of light years away
>still genetically similar enough that humans can procreate with them
Why is this a trope?
>alien species evolving hundreds of light years away
>still genetically similar enough that humans can procreate with them
Why is this a trope?
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Plot convenience
You knew the answer when you asked this
Ancient humanoids you dumb fuck
Star Trek has a group called "The Preservers", that were supposedly seeding worlds with humanoid species. On original Trek, they had transplanted pre-industrial humans onto various distant worlds. On Next Gen, they had been placing DNA into various worlds so that humanoids would develop. They claimed to have been the only humanoids in the galaxy before they started intentionally spreading them.
Trek is really about human dramas, not speculating about what aliens might actually be like or other hard sci fi stuff. Most Trek aliens are essentially just new races of human beings because that's what serves the stories.
convergent evolution also supports the idea that there are "ideal/end game" evolutionary forms that will naturally happen. and if you believe that double-helix DNA is necessary for all life as we know it, it'll evolve in similar ways even if the environments are slightly different. you still need water, oxygen, and carbon as building blocks
ex. walking upright/bipedal, symmetry, opposable thumbs, etc
humanoid form might be the most (at the moment) highest evoluationary form in the galaxy
Convergent evolution only implies similar physical traits though. Two species on the same "convergence" will still have different DNA and not be able to procreate.
because the galaxy far, far away is really California
Except they do, and they have.
Science explains real facts. This happened. Science is meant to explain how, not dictate how it couldn't have possibly happened. Many ridiculous things have actually happened despite not seeming possible. Have you seen ICP's Miracles? How do you fucking explain giraffes? Get over yourself.
Did you even watch the show you braindead fuck
literally ancient aliens is the reason
>It's a progenitors descendants have magic genes which never split or combine and whose DNA all have exactly the gene map yet the races are as diverse as lizards, psychics and predators franchise
That episode was silly.
Give me one example of two species that converged that can procreate.
Ancient humanoids are not progenitors, you stupid fuck.
Get better at Trek.
Klingons and Humans.
QED, fucking faggot.
>asked to give an example to explain the universe
>gave an in-universe example
oh wow, you sure got me
Look up the meaning of the word progenitor, you stupid fuck.
Get better at English.
Yeah, you aren't a Trekker and never will be.
Distance doesn't matter, all the aliens in trek are from the same galaxy and thus compatible.
You will never reach the third shap. Move along home.
It's NEARLY canon that Riker will fuck anything.
The tranny alien was originally supposed to be cast as a man, but the producers got scared.
The same reason why they speak English
But they don't
Riker fucked Lal, right?
Then Data acquired Lal's memories, right?
Does this mean Data has memories of Riker's tongue in his mouth?
homosapien and neanderthal
Not convergent species.
leaving this here
It's one of Brannigan's Laws isn't it? - that all alien babes must be vaguely humanoid enough.
It means that even in the future, Alpha Chads will monopolize all the girls, including alien girls while enlisted losers like you only get to use the holodeck.
There are documented cases about pigs and lambs giving birth to human/animal mutants
fucking alpha quadrant.
Link citations or get thee back to /x/.
That or this is some kinda anti-Trump post.
A lot of sci-fi settings get around this by giving all species a relatively recent origin.
Star Wars: The Rakata Empire basically created all the humanoid races from the same DNA.
Mass Effect: Protheans
Star Trek: They're clearly not even different species. Vulcans and Romulans are just humans with pointy ears, they're about as separate as Labradors are from Golden Retrievers.
Because evolution isn't random.
Maybe humanoid shape is the most efficient.
you don't need to actually watch a show to express a strong opinion about it on here, user, you know that
>his documents are the World Weekly News
move along folks
To some degree it is. Extinction events happen and may wipe out a superior species making room for new.
Topic is why is it a trope in general, not just closed to Star Trek.
small budget means less makeup
There certainly is reoccurring forms in evolution. We've see many things repeat themselves over hundreds or million of years. So it's not unheard of on our own planet for us to have mammals and fish they look alike or reptiles and insects and so on.
your mom and dad
Because it's hot
Do you not want to bang hot alien babes?
>Why is this a trope?
All life in the Galaxy was seeded by the Oldest Ones (tm) and resembles them.
By ideal do you mean a combination of intelligence and precise environmental manipulation? Evolution is just adaptation rather than pokemon style upgrades.