>tfw you'll never see shelbys soles from a good angle for a few minutes
Christian Davis
Aaron Wilson
Joshua Torres
I wonder if she'd be down for making chicken tendies.
Jayden Wood
Austin Sanders
>tfw no gf to cuddle and watch bb with
Owen Young
Grayson Perez
Adam Lopez
>camera on Morgan and Alex >Shelby next to them mostly off cam >Morgan leaves >camera zooms in on Alex >Shelby still just off screen
Jace Moore
me on the left
Tyler Lewis
>that one user's dumb girlfriend a couple threads back was CONVINCED they had identical noses
I'm still mad at that bitch
Connor Bell
>Alex and Shelby misting each other
Samuel Bell
going home
Liam Myers
So RHAP is kind of cancer-y depending on the cohost but is listenable unless the cohost is Moo.
Are there any other BB podcasts worth listening to? I saw Evel Dick tweeting about Dick at Night, whatever the fuck that is. Is it good?
Angel Hernandez
I've never watched but there is a free episode from the OTT premiere, so you can see.
Matthew Perez
Ryder Jones
I wonder if she'd let me get a cuddle if we ever met
Ayden Ross
That dude needs to shave Jesus how do people leave their homes looking like trash?
Luis Nguyen
Paul you need to stop
Daniel Cook
Not even a Shelbro but I will be legit angry if she goes home.
In fact, I'll be angry if anyone other than ButtSlut goes home from the plastic side
Wyatt Murphy
While you were posting this, Alex successfully misted Shelby/Scott to send home Chipmunkfoo over Morgan is they end up OTB together.
Dylan Rodriguez
>they think nelly is relevant i'm keking over here
Henry Wilson
Her QT sister is dating an ugly mongoloid, so their standards are clearly low. I wouldn't have shaved either but then again I don't have shitty paki facial hair
Leo Price
Gavin Morris
Reminder that there should be no reason you don't have a gf
Blake Ramirez
wait.. did shelby tell alex she graduated law school?
why is she scared for reciting qt3.14 and saying big words
Ian Scott
Alex is baking cookies!!!
Evan Foster
did shelby tell alex that shes a lawyer?
Brandon Turner
Moo really ruins the podcast If Kidwell or Taran aren't on, I don't watch.
On the Block was good but then Spencer left. So not really
Adrian Russell
Angel Edwards
Landon Jones
Austin Hall
Big Brother Gossip Show is really great IF you don't feel passionate about particular houseguests.
They put on really awesome weekly shows and the hosts have great senses of humor; however they do tear apart a lot of houseguest's actions/gameplay and receive a fair bit of "hate" for their discussions. If you are a big fan of a particular houseguest, this may not be the show for you.
I personally don't like and or listen to podcasts but I find myself drawn to this weekly show. Great analysis and great discussions.
Joseph Miller
Neeley on Shelby: She probably blows people to get things she wants
Shelby on Neeley: She's probably on broadway or a singer
Christopher Rodriguez
Luke Lopez
M I S T r e s s I S T r e s s
Carter Sanders
Hype growing
Levi Kelly
if it were reversed danielle would call shelby a racsist
Juan Morgan
Scott really misted krispy hard when he told her to backdoor him
Connor Turner
shrimpman worried about krispy nominating scott will make neeley american nom and krispy doesnt believe it
Juan James
krispy, justin and danielle think the girls would vote shelby out over scott
Benjamin Peterson
krispy confirmed targeting alex next week and shelby is always gonna be the backdoor
Noah Jones
never underestimate the shrimpman
Alexander Robinson
they still ignoring the fact that neeley is a have not and they think shelby will be the american nom
Ethan Williams
who was the first name announced for HNs? so far that person has been the america nom because im pretty sure they just put it in order of votes
Matthew Gutierrez
Scott was first, then Neeley, then Jason. So if she puts Scott up, Neeley is next in line by that thinking.
Xavier Roberts
>krispy: do you want a cookie >danielle: YESS
spent 5 minutes on how bad shes making the cookies
Easton Morgan
misfits are now knows as the HYPOCRIDIOTS
Jeremiah Thompson
Apparently neeley really is 33 She must have done some heavy drugs at some point
Logan Martinez
first ep of society game is out and it's really good
>survivor 2 tribes >merge after 6 out of 22 are left (3 per tribe will go into it no matter what) >distinct tribe systems involving the selection of leadership >the genius tier comps
enroll now
Sebastian Myers
go away shill
Isaac Anderson
Julian Wilson
hell yeah!
Aiden Phillips
morgan really paranoid and asking jasons help
Eli Howard
lol yeah reddit xD
Connor Smith
Nathaniel Perez
she just asked if she is safe
Chase Thompson
>he's not a foreign exchange student of the game
Zachary Brown
Is America's vote taken the same way as America's nom? So basically America will vote Scott if possible, and if not then Neeley?
Kevin Gomez
>tfw you realize the society game has started and you can't watch because you're on bb
David Gray
>fool doesn't know about society game
Blake Perry
>when he asks you to come over for tvN and chill
David Miller
fuck off Ian
Hudson Fisher
Thomas Kelly
jason and krispy think production changed the order this week since they have been talking about the order. they think they put scott first to fuck with them
Jason Morales
Hunter Baker
>tfw you have to teach class tomorrow and can't watch society game
Austin Myers
Now I can drop this shitty season for a good show like Society Game
Ryan Jenkins
>you will never be morgans exercise bike
Elijah Parker
society game
Connor James
this thread got autistic real fast
Hudson Gutierrez
Caleb Garcia
What's worse:
When the feeds are boring and there is some fun that happens in the threads
or when someone likes this points out the obvious
Nolan Adams
the worst is when samefagging autist shows up and samefags about things nobody cares about
William Rivera
when redditors show up and try to make meta posts
Jaxson James
at least 4 people here care about the society game you fucking dipshit
Parker Ross
I never mentioned society game. way to show your insecurity autist
Landon Cox
twitter shilling hard to put up shelby now
Levi Allen
she wasnt even on their radar. neeley is ded
Mason Cox
Jeremiah Thomas
she is now that krispy has said she is putting up scott
Nathaniel Bell
Thanks senpai, luckily I'm not a waifufag and I don't care enough about any of these people to get angry if someone shits on them.
To that point, I was a fairly headstrong Shrimpbro at the start. But as his awesome stories about drugs / skinheads and broing out with ourguy stopped flowing, so did my fucks about him.
I will give it a try.
Angel Thompson
Easton Hall
>tfw 20 and still virgin >don't want to end up like Scott
what do lads
Adam Nelson
Can't wait until All-Stars2 when Corey trades up to the better more autistic blonde