Sup Forums, this is your meme, right? Someone please give me the fucking synopsis about this motherfucker I've been seeing him everywhere.
Who is Skeet and what did he do that was so significant
Sup Forums, this is your meme, right? Someone please give me the fucking synopsis about this motherfucker I've been seeing him everywhere.
Who is Skeet and what did he do that was so significant
Other urls found in this thread:
He did nothing wrong
How come no other shows want to have white male/black female relationships. Jimmy neutron was breaking boundaries at the time
Wasn't Sheev a beaner?
looks like Michael Shannon
Was he supposed to have done something wrong? What is he being acused of doing wrong
Please don't injoke I'm having an eximemetial crisis
Childhood is idolizing Jimmy, adulthood is realizing Skeet was right.
I thought sheen was messican
really makes you think
No its actually from Sup Forums
Sheen's full name is Sheen Estevez. You even see his dad at one point, he's a mustached vato mang
>when someone took a huge shit on your forehead
probably a fucking puerto rican. aka white-skinned beaners
The first Skeet thread was posted on Sup Forums.
Someone made one on Sup Forums a bit later on the same day though.
>"A double McSpanky with fries and a Flurp. That'll be $6.53. And $3.47 will be your change."
>"Dude, you're supposed to push the buttons with pictures of food on them."
>"Don't need to Skeet, I memorized the prices and did the tax and change in my head."
Skeet was right. Register entry is used both for inventory tracking as well as final tally for profits. Jimmy should have been either disciplined or fired.
Is Ultralord kino?
that episode where they punish a crocodile for wanting to eat a duck made me rage desu
literally me
You wish.
pff whatever kid
This was my favorite episode
Yeah Jimmy made him Mexican Ironman
this a good thread
and this some good memes
25 posts in and no one has explained the meme yet
Skeet is the gift that keeps on giving
He was a character in an episode of Jimmy Neutron were Jimmy gets a job at a fast food restaurant. He was an idiot. Memes about him are funny because he's such an obscure character and it's humorous how much attention we give to him.
>He was an idiot
He was portrayed as one but he was just a completely normal guy that did his job.
Jimmy just made him look stupid by trying to sound smart.
Skeet is the best meme on Sup Forums right now, because he shits on smart-ass redditors like Jimmy, who think that they know best, when all of their "solutions" end up making everything worse
why is he named after a slang term for semen?
Skeet did nothing wrong. Jimmy caused Skeet to go into unemployment and was a smart ass on the job that fucked over one of Skeet's nights as he had to fix the inventory count.
Skeet was in the right here. Jimmy was being a smartass. Skeet was correct in disciplining his worker.
Pure meme kino
Uh, help? Is this a virus or jap moot went full retard with the CSS?
>Sup Forums, this is your meme, right?
It's the fault of one autist spamming the board, trying to create the next LE EPIG REDDIT MEEEME
Ignore it.
I unironically love Sup Forumsjumbotrondad I need more of them.
aw skeet skeet skeet skeet mother fucker
The thread was posted on a lot of boards. //////r9k, tv, co, b, ck, int, x, sci/////
There was more
Except Sup Forums adpoted it, molded by it. Tv has baneposting but now they have jimmy posting
Why the fuck every screenshot of Jimmy neutron so low res? Did it really look like this?
>15 inches of tissue
JFK was a thick man.
Sheen was a spic you dumb faggot.
>"Heh ya know jimbo, the jews have taken control over the money supply by creating the FED shortly before WW1 broke out. They now have a complete monopoly over government credit which allows them to mass-print fiat money out of nothing and charge interest on funds they create out of thin air. Their goal is to lead all the goyim into eternalized debt slavery. Hitler did nothing wrong."
Jesus. They went a bit overboard with that episode didn't they?
What's next on the revival list?
Bibbleposting is growing strong.
>"Agent Wilson, his men, Dr. Pavel here, and no more than one of Bane's men. And $3.47 will be your change."
>"Dude, you're supposed to push the buttons with pictures of big guys on them."
>"Don't need to CIA, I memorized the flight plan and did the tax and change in my head."
CIA was right. Register entry is used both for inventory tracking as well as final tally for profits.