It took them fucking 7 seasons to make a good episode.
Why did it take them so long?
It took them fucking 7 seasons to make a good episode.
Why did it take them so long?
Other urls found in this thread:
it really wasn't. you're just an edgy nigger
Havent watched in years-fill me in?
If S1 director was still around and the budget wasn't cut, it would have been consistently good.
Though a similar thing happens in the comic. Interest was dying down and Negan was made to shake things up for #100.
>good episode
Only thing good was Negan. The rest was predictable and boring
That was not a good episode
But they made a good episode with the pilot
Shark jump complete.
Abe and then Daryl got all pissy and got Glenn killes
Was anyone else laughing throughout the entire episode
>the cheesy flashbacks
>the terrible acting besides negan
>the overly sentimental music
This show is a fucking comedy
The whole first season is kino
Pretty sure this website format does more harm than good at this point. You people have low IQs, you aren't allowed to share your retarded opinions. I understand that places like Sup Forums are hugbox circle jerks that convince the lowest and dumbest of the lowest scum that they aren't, but you really are worthless. You were probably spamming memes in a chat box or here while the episode was airing. You're brain dead, emotionally vacant pieces of garbage who should have been aborted.
I only watch this show for the intermittent ~5 minute scenes that are pretty entertaining to watch. When the Governor assassinated Hershel, when Rick killed Joe, when the Terminus cannibals slit all those throats, when Carl lost his eye, etc. This episode just happened to have THREE entertaining scenes in one.
Pic related.
You definitely have an extremely severe mental illness that will become more obvious even to someone as oblivious as you are over time. Enjoy that. I really hope you suffer horribly.
t. Pleb
i used to watch it just to laugh, the whole cannibals thing was funny as fuck
Well done. Bet it took you ten whole minutes to come up with that
BEcause the group didn't have an actual threat looming above them. Negan is what the Governor should had been.
What a waste.
You're trying so hard right now. I will never understand people that partake in every single normalfag activity then still feel as if they're above said normalfags. It doesn't work that way, snowflake
I knew who was dying and there were still some pretty good "oh shit" moments. I kept myself from reading spoilers about how it all played out though, so the moment with Carl about to get his arm chopped off was pretty tense for me.
ITT contrarian faglords
the acting was surprisingly awful
The acting was near flawless all around.
Do "people" like you realize that judging acting requires qualifications? It isn't just for any retarded shut-in waste of oxygen to say whether an actor accurately captures natural human behavior. Search Harvard Emotional Intelligence Test and take it. Unless you score extremely high on that, you are not allowed to say whether acting is good or bad.
I can't even imagine how tense that scene with Carl would have been if I hadn't been spoiled. It's moments like that where I'm reminded of what a disservice I'm doing to myself browsing this site full of brain dead contrarian edgelord losers and getting spoiled all the time.
What pisses me off the most is they will show all that and not say fuck. Pay the fine and be done with it.
Negans just that damn mother fucking good.
You have been blessed by Negan and Vampire Bat Lucille.
Fucks and Big Swinging Dicks will come your way but only if you post "A HACHET?"
The episode was alright, a solid 6/10
You're an idiot, and you sound pretentious too. If they can't convince the majority of people that they have really become the character in that situation with the correct emotions and mannerisms, it's not good acting.
The most glaring examples are Rick's "shocked look" which is just him putting on some wide eyes and hanging his mouth slightly open and looking around randomly. Yeah I get what it's supposed to be, but it's such a barebones performance it's almost laughable.
And then there was his horrible crying act, jesus that was pathetic. If you really want to see some good cry acting look at video related
>the majority of people
>horrible crying act
Are you fucking retarded? He was sobbing so hard snot was coming out of his nose. Doesn't get anymore realistic than that. You just posted a scene where the actor couldn't even shed any tears ffs. Your opinion is shit and you should feel bad about yourself.
Yea the music when they were all sitting there crying after negan left was hallmark as fuck
It wouldn't be any less true if it took him 24 hours to come up with it. He clearly struck a nerve.
These are both my favorite examples of men crying, though
New big bad makes puddles of two fan favorites and basically anally rapes Rick.
I'm so glad it was Glen.
I loved him but it was time they gave the comic fans something.
Yeah, I was hoping for Daryl for the longest time, but I should be happy they even did a big character like Glenn.
Could have been worse, could have been Sasha
Didn't watch it. Watched Westworld. Anyone who watched The Walking Dead premier tonight was a fucking cuck, ESPECIALLY, if you were one of the fat necknerds who threw a tantrum about the finale last season. They knew you mouthbreathers would be back.
>implying there aren't ringmasters for all these useful idiots.
And this is why you will always fail at life: you don't know how to spot opportunity
desu this.
If people who watched the Walking Dead tonight are cucks, what does that make you, someone who didn't watch it but felt so strongly about not watching it that you had to come to an image board into a thread about the show you didn't watch and cry about it?
An ubercuck?
I complained last season, and I still complained about this episode.
Guess what, I torrent them, have done so since the first episode. I'm not giving them a fucking penny.
>muh Sup Forums
can this shit die already?
>Why did it take them so long?
Literally the first episode of TWD is the best episode they have ever made. The first episode is pure fucking kino from start to finish, it's a goddamn masterpiece. It's just all been way downhill since then.
With that said, I agree this episode was better than usual.
why would they even attempt to make it good when you people are watching it regardless?
they cut the budget in half for season 2 and fired all the people that made season 1 work, and how did the viewers react? they didn't, they continued to watch it. In fact more people started watching it.
they know their audience, and they know they can shit all over them.
Unfortunately this is where Negan's character starts to decline, same with Rick & Co. and the show in general
>inb4 someone says it was already declining
For those who don't know (Which is probably a low number of people), Negan is still alive and still fucking shit up. The group captures him after a war between the communities and they don't want to kill him because "LEL IF WE KILL HIM WE WILL BE JUST LIKE HIM!" bullshit, which is one of the things i hate the most about villains and heroes
Negan is entertaining for a total amount of 5 minutes and then you just wish he get to the point instead of making jokes, happens on the comics and on the show as well now, and the fact that he just keeps getting away with his life when everyone has had a clear chance to kill him just annoys me to shit
Can you reword your post that it doesn't present opinions as facts?
Well, that shows how much i really hate that fucking trope where the bad guy keeps getting away because everyone allows him to do so
i chuckled a few times
The show should just end with them killing Negan and the war ending then.
It had a good run.
You're a fucking moron.
>only good episodes are the episodes where major characters die brutally.
Grow the fuck up faggot.
You watch a shit show, with shit acting and shit characters. You grow the fuck up and watch something that isn't zombie babby shit. Stupid nigger.
Thats how it should end to be honest, don't bother with the Whisperers, defeat Negan, kill him, form a massive community between Hilltop and the Kingdom and end the show there
They are not doing anything with the zombies anyway, nothing is said about them nor known if they can die, starve or anything
Wow you sure showed him with those 10/10 arguments
Every time I see this guy I think it's Bruce Campbell from the thumbnail and when I get into the thread I'm always disappointed
>Hating the best character in the comics soon to be best character in the show.
>This guy.
Not the guy you replied to but
>Grow the fuck up faggot.
is also a 10/10 argument
wtf does this have to do with pol faggot?
>knew Sup Forums would adore Negan
though i didn't think Sup Forums would like him THIS much.
So Sup Forums is actually legit full of cuckolds?
Westworld isn't out until tomorrow faggot. Normies need to get the fuck out REEEEEEEEEEE
Is not that i hate Negan but i wish they moved on from "this is now the villain of the month" formula and really moved on to either, doing something interesting with the zombies or just move torwards a conclusion
>this is now the villain of the month
Don't worry, Negan is here to stay.
And they're also moving to a more society-centered plot.
Can some one edit the death scenes with Hotline Miami characters?
It really was, you're the edgy special snowflake.
If I can get a HD clip of the episode, sure.
Your a troll
That's my problem with it, they develop a sense of morals and justice when they have to off Negan so they end up deciding against that and then he goes to fuck more shit up
Negan was a great addition to the show but now its the cancer killing it
Pretty edgy talk mister go to bed i hear your mom calling you. Get off the internet get a job and shut the fuck up before i make you.
Very slow episode for something that was already half way reviled in the previous episode/season. It moves too slow, even for a drama. Sometimes slow works when written into the show properly, but it also helps to cut to the chase at times. This is by no means the worst episode of the series, but definitely far from the best.
Breaking Bad btfo. Game of Tumblr btfo. Any other shows you want to stack against this? I feel raped. I was going to marathon Ash v ED after this but I'm too emotionally drained.
If I can find it, I'll link it. I really need this edit.
How I long for season 1 and 2. Directing and writing was superb, and they actually let Bear McCreary work his magic.
It was intense as fuck. This is literally my first night on Sup Forums since the season 6 finale so I avoided all spoilers. You're ruining it for yourself. Think about what could have been.
the millisecond flashes to everyone getting their gourds conked in had me dying
They should have dp raped maggie as they forced her to watch glenn's brain get caved in.
Fucking pussies.
What was Maggie's reaction?
emotion # 2
"general sadness"
and now the only reason to watch is for crazy Carol and punished Karl
imagine someone with downs yelling.
Shut up nigger
Any gifs ? Too lazy to torrent this trash
How violent? Compared to the obryen head smash in GoT?
I was laughing at the What if deaths, because the head blows looked like harmless bonks
plus his pregnant wife had to watch the whole thing
he calls out for her as part of his brain drips down his face, then a second hit with the bat blows off a quarter of his skull
pretty brutes tbqh senpai. at least no one cursed.
Are you stupid?
so this show is just gore porn at this point
If you kill your enemies, they win.
The Wire, faggot.
I agree. I feel literally raped.
Ya think someone would get a little queasy after all that huh?
Suuuhhck my nuughts
Abe went out like a bro, but beyond that, this episode was lame.
>Cheesy flashbacks
>Maudlin piano score
>lots of dramatic close ups
It felt so inauthentic and calculated. Oh well, now I know what's happened, I can drop it once again.
Worst last words in a TV death ever.
I absolutely agree. It's even more pathetic how Reddit feels compelled to mention how "Game of Thrones is still better XD" in their gay megathread. Can retards not stop memeing for 2 hours? I'm glad I have normal human beings to talk to otherwise I'd blow a gasket at the internet's retardation.
>anyone I don't like is from Sup Forums and I'll dedicate 20 minutes of my life to make a "smart" remark of a website that doesn't save threads
I'm not even a fan of GoT but it is miles better than TWD. TWD is days-of-our-lives in the apocalypse. 0/10, son.
I watched Westworld and then walking pleb, get on my level cucklords
>Negan was actually acted good
Episode was genuinely hard to watch and made me feel sad. Best the show has been in a while. I'll agree the acting from Maggie's actor was a little over the top but other than that the episode was tense as fuck. The moment Abe died I was getting ready to be bored for the rest of the episode but when he smoked Glenn I shouted "OH NO!!"
I'm not sure how this story thread is going to make it 16 episodes without getting boring as fuck, but I'm gonna stick it out this season just to see Rick skullfuck Negan.
I also think Maggie will suicide or sacrifice herself after the baby is born. Hoping Daryl makes it out alive because he's up shits Creek.
The way Negan says it made me almost tear up from laughter.
>Did you hear that?
>He said, suuhck muh nuhts
>720p torrent is 2.5gb