has jason convince kryssie to nom shelby yet or is he staying out of it?
Nathan Turner
afaik he hasn't mentioned that
was he going to campaign for huefu?
Daniel Brooks
he has been trying hard all night
she has her own reasons for nominating whitney though
Easton Morgan
scott can leave if he must but I'm still scared for my little huefu
shit is going to flip on shelby if justin keeps shouting to everyone that he wants neeley out over scott (and shelby out over both)
Asher Thompson
oh fuck off jason
you put some dishes away, big deal. that doesnt excuse your incessant bitching
Leo Ward
these people actually eat at mcdonalds
Joseph Nguyen
fuck this asinine convo, I'm gonna watch an ep of The expanse
let me know if game talk happens awake phams
Connor Bennett
oh my freaking goodness, Shelby is CUTE
Oliver Carter
Shrimpman's still up getting his cook on
Benjamin Evans
Shrimp is starting to annoy me. One time he's cool and behaves like a lunatic on the wall of shane and the other he does whatever latenightshitstains tell him. There is literally 0 reasons for him to vote out Scott over Nelly. He wan't to get her out and does not trust her and he has good connection with Scott. That would give him some brownie points with a side that has better chance to get HOH and Mishits still need him, so he will be ok there. Letting Nelly stay just puts bigger crosshair on him, because neither side wants him to stay much longer.
Jaxon Walker
fuck this asinine convo, I'm gonna watch an ep of The society game
let me know if game talk happens awake phams
Lincoln Thomas
Is everyone just misting everyone? Is there a constant fog in the house?
Logan Bell
yeah, they never cleaned out the paulie/bb18 mist so we have a mist bonanza.
Tyler Walker
fucking twitter is taking over taran's twitter poll twitter
Jeremiah Rivera
Thomas Ward
those stupid sideburns still piss me off. if youre doing an undercut then you have to buzz the whole fucking thing.
Isaiah Green
Is it weird that I want to hold Shelby's hand?
Gavin Lopez
nah, she's all alone w/o a showmance
Caleb King
>tfw you will never be tall enough for shelby
Ethan Bailey
Why is this still on? It's been on for months now.
Michael Rogers
it's not even that
i'm 6'2 (she would think i'm 6'5 cause guys lie about their height as much as they lie about dick size.)
it's just that she is so pretty/has a good job
there is no way i could be in her league
it fucking sucks and hurts real bad desu
whatever. at least i still have a chance with bridgette
Juan Perez
>not defending /ourguy/ even til the very end
you're not a real student.
Benjamin Walker
We are old enough to see a westworld. In 20 years you will be able to go to some country planet and a farmers daughter with shelby's personality will aproach you for a romance quest.
Samuel Butler
new season, new qts
Carson Bell
at least you're over 6' tall
as a king of manlets i can only look tall when standing next to people like paulie or paul.
Landon Roberts
like i stated earlier. you can always say you are 6'0
girls just dont know
it's like dick size. if you are 5 inches, then to 90% of girls you are 7 inches.
Jonathan Wright
>tfw i remember being excited about the new waifus BBOTT would bring backe before bb18 had ended.
who would have expected BBOTT to have so many 10/10 waifus.
only bb17 compares.
Xavier Wood
bb17 did have the amazing waifus
julia, shellie, jackie, becky, meg, liz, vanessa, an even day
but shelby and bridgette are the greatest ever.
James Russell
>Krusty last >Gayson below CB I'm dying over here.
Jordan Martin
Krispy dug her own grave after that veto comp. luckily this will give us more time with the girls and hopefully scott
Jordan Moore
post shelbelly
Ryder Jackson
we need mememakers to hammer that "ruin Kryssie's hoh by evicting neeley" point. tying her to neeley gives our guy better odds.
Aiden Sanders
Alexander Stewart
shelby is cute! cute!
Dylan Murphy
cute. CUTE
Oliver Moore
Kayden Campbell
>Alex- I wonder if mom thought I was going to screw you. Probably. Morgan- Probably #BBOTT That whole family is so lewd.
Benjamin Cook
So with tarans poll clearly bring infected by black twatter this time, how are we feeling about scotts chances of staying lads? the fact the 2k increase in votes only put him 5% ahead of her makes me feel bretty gud but damn this one might be the most nerve racking of them all. Leely is leading basically everywhere else tho so theres that.
Parker Gutierrez
i never thought i'd prefer a pair of bb sisters over Jiz.
but it has happened.
Christian Parker
taran's poll is a good indicator, but ultimately it is the catladies who decide.
they will come through for us once again.
Nathan Gray
All your gets are belong to us
Logan Powell
I was sweating yesterday during AN reveal. I will have a heart attack eviction night.
Jack Phillips
I'm going to miss Scott if he goes.
He's far more entertaining than Steve or Ian ever were.
scott sang a snippet of a pokemon theme song. is he /vp/ now?
Josiah Moore
We are all /vp/ here
Zachary Brown
Elijah Jenkins
This is not true. Ian benefited by being on a season full of alcohol though
Evan Ross
it typically gets into the thousands to be fair
Cooper Perez
Jacob Morgan
His obsession with Alex is one of the best things to come out of this season
"Makes me feel sick the way these motherfuckers want to take Alex out"
Omg he's gold right now
Hudson Price
please tell me some of you are watching this
Luke Reyes
Adam Hill
I'm at work trying not to laugh out loud. How anyone can hate him after this I don't know
Juan Hernandez
Poor Scott's heart is gonna break when he finds out Shelby is a lawyer
Chase Harris
I think he'll find it hilarious and look back at himself and laugh at how he keeps saying he wants to help her get money for school
Jason's the one who will be mortified
Joseph Jackson
Yeah Scott won't be mad but he'll go through every emotion over the course of 2 seconds when he finds out. I hope it happens on cam
Eli Bailey
What's he thinkin bout?
Jaxson Murphy
Alex always
Isaac Bell
A lesson we've all learned from Tiff, Rachel, and now Janelle: Never say anything that isn't a 100% surefire compliment about past houseguests
Lucas Butler
what's the icon to the left of the mute icon and why does everyone use it
Josiah Anderson
Fuck Janelle, if she doesn't know Scott she should keep his name out of her mouth. He's a Big Brother fan and Janelle was on Big Brother, she needs to get the fuck over it
Ryder Barnes
Is she questioning whether or not she knows who he is?
Logan Rodriguez
not that guy, but it just showed up after some update on my phone
Wyatt Bennett
Sometimes I hate big brother, the fans are the main fucking reason.
Nicholas James
Weird, thanks
Ryder James
I Googled it's. It's the NFC logo I keep mine off to save battery
Jack Cox
google this
Evan Thomas
Eat shit and die
John Morris
Sounds gay
Sebastian Barnes
can't wait for the next episode
Jaxon Gonzalez
>society game friend posts >thread dies because everyone started watching the first ep ;^)
Josiah Smith
lol you got me
John Cox
you got me too
Jeremiah Howard
I can't wait until Shelby wakes up!
Justin Roberts
Sebastian Collins
Bentley Morgan
This picture reminds me of moo for some reason. Sorry huefu
Chase Scott
Scott literally going on a REEEE NORMIES rant on live feeds.youtu.be/WiOu14It4Bs O U R G U Y U R
Lincoln Ross
i want to cum on shelby
Dominic White
i want to cum on her after you did
Kayden Ward
bukaki party!
Robert Morris
>page 7
Dominic Brown
^we are all watching the society game right now
Aaron Gomez
nobody cares
Mason Rodriguez
Eli Phillips
>when you ask him if he wants to watch the society game with you and he tells you he's never seen an episode
Daniel Bell
Anthony Moore
Ayden Lopez
so if im actually around 7 inches, should i say im 9?
Christian Martin
Jayden Peterson
who has the webm of this from yesterday?
Brody Sanders
What Scottie doesn't know is that he's going home, cause america is racist.
Brandon Collins
Jaxson Hall
>jason complains none of the girls will come help lower the awnings cause they have lbs of makeup to put on
>they are in the kitchen cooking, nobody has makeup on yet
>doesnt say a word about danielle or krispy who havent even gotten out of bed yet
>morgan goes and helps
what other petty shit will he bitch about today, STAY TUNED
Christopher Moore
is she finnish
Thomas Taylor
Sebastian Miller
>Nelly fully engaged in gameplay. >She sat on the couch with a blanket How can Scotties of this world compete?