1. your happy country

1. your happy country

2. How much do you drink ?


Every weekend.

2.Cocktail/month or little bit more

2)basically never, only birthdays and holidays are excluded

The stats tells me you may be lying.

2.I don't drink alkohol (don't like the taste nor to be drunk)

1. The Supreme United States of America
2. I don't drink alcohol.

1. Azebrajan.
2. Practically everyday, but very little.

2.beer, everyday


almost every weekend around 200-300 ml. hard liqueur - about 10 L. per year

+ about 1 L. beer 5 days a week - about 260L. of beer

I am a light weight around here.

1 Russia
2 nothing, I can't due to my shitty health.

1 Flag
2. Not enough


>An average of 5 days a week

Drink about half a litre of Gin on Fri and Sat

So a litre of Gin a week usually

I used to drink. thso w4e

Those were the good ole days

1. Ireland
2. Never, because no friends to drink with

You mean alcohol right?

1. Netherlands
2. Once or twice a month with friends, usually until I'm very tipsy or mildly drunk. Exception: One week every summer I'll go full degenerate and binge every day, often until I puke.

1. paragay

1. you are gay
2. every day. just wine with dinner


Lol this is basically me, except for I go fill degenerate for 2 weeks usually. It can be two separate weeks or two in the tow.

I very rarely drink. I like ale or Scotch when I do tbqh.

Muslims can drink?