Which is better?

Which is better?


The answer should be obvious

Norwegians seem to be the best retards honestly they seem so nice

Sweden, it has more white people.

Thanks USAnon

>this would be considered a facist march in any other euro cunt

Norway bc fjords

reminds me of the time the swedish media compared our skiing to fascism

I know.


Oh norway

Norway, but Nederland would be better than both of them if it wasn't for their oil shekels

sweden>denmark >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nor*ay

Tomorrow is the Swedish national day, and they won't celebrate it. The only thing that happens there is some lefties journalists talking down about Sweden in their newspapers, and the people stay home from work.

Here at 17th of May we all go out in our bunads and with our flags and we sing and celebrate the whole day.

honestly, west-sweden is probably better atm.

bit rude

> R A R E
Norway because Varg and metal. Also less cucked then Swedenistan.

lolled irl

norway because less darkies

norway though they were pathetic in ww2

it's a big deal in norway, like in usa, because you've been under foreign occupation unlike in sweden. it's our national day in denmark today and we only celebrate it by flying the flag. liberation day, 5 may, is a bigger deal to us

I celebrated 17. of May in Perth, Australia, in 2013 with fellow Norwegians.

The locals got a bit nervous, understandably so, because we were chanting in a foreign language. One guy even came up to me and said the police might come after I told him we were just celebrating Norway's independence day.

So you're saying it's ok not to celebrate one's country because you've been independent for so long? It's ok for swedish lefties to call people nationalists for using their country's flag?

What you're saying about Norway is true, but 1814 is a long time ago. Nobody celebrating 17th of may today do so because they are happy about our independence. We do it because we love our country. All countries should be doing the same.

It's like moving out of your parents house, at first it's a big deal but then it becomes normal. Also weren't you in an union with Sweden until 1915?




Denmark or Finland

Actually the national day in Sweden has become bigger and bigger over the years and more and more people start to celebrate it even though unlike you we don't have a big reason to celebrate actually, you who have been under Swedish or Danish rule almost your entire history so it's natural to celebrate.

And another thing the national day in Norway has been a big thing for over 100 years while the Swedish national day was made about 30 years ago so we also would have a national day.

Fuck off