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International #757
Culture Pals /cp/
Leftism on the internet
Post guns from ur cunt
His country is less than 250 years old
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hilo dubitativo
Do you hate your accent? I sound like a Sup Forums imitation of a jew
How popular are neo-Nazis and right-wing ethnic nationalist parties in continental Europe?
Why is World War One so forgotten?
Does liberal left have a chance to electorally succeed in Eastern Europe...
There are white countries in South America
/luso/ - fio lusófono
My country never win a war
Global Peace Index 2017
America never lost a war
Sverigetråden - Rasbiologiska upplagan
/euromutt/ general
What does the rest of the world think about this man?
Mfw we have so much land we gave it 13% of it to kuruminhas
Im going to fucking kill myself, just drank fucking half a liter of vodka. PLz help me i dont know what to do
What is happening in Qatar?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
How do you guys from other countries feel about Macron ?
/ita/ il filo
Best Sounding Languages Power Rankings
Does it bother you that you're not living in a big city? Would you move to one if you had the chance?
Why is Spain such a wonder of a country?
/fr/ - le fil 100% français
What's the fucking point of your country?
/lat/ - Hilo Latino de anime
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why haven't the rest of white Europeans moved here to enjoy lax gun laws and low taxes?
/ausnz/ + /balt/
Goddamn, I hate Germans. They say Finns are autistic, but at least they're shy kinda weird autists...
The core reason for protestant superiority is:
Post music in German
"There is enough space for two,user."
Be European
Belarus thread?
Perfect countries with perfect people don't exi-
Is northern Mexico White?
ITT: Post "parasitic words" in your language that you keep saying all the time but don't even realize it
American politicians are all corrup--
Culture Pals /cp/
Be me
/asean/ - You LOSE! edicia
When did it all go so wrong, Sup Forums?
Are all hot Colombian girls daughters of cartel members?
How is the housing situation in your country?
Native American "men"
/brit/ - Woes ed
Faces of Sup Forums thread
What happens here?
Holy shit niggers
What race that ancient egyptian dude looks like?
/ita/ - il filo
There are plenty of hot black girls, but why are cute black girls so rare
Do employers in your country also require new employees to work for free?
Orcs must die
European values
Who is the greatest philosopher in your country?
/rus/ girls
/hell/ - Ελληνιkό Νήμα
Opinions on China?
Singapore has one of the most educated population in the world
Why do people say that Greeks are heavily mixed with Turks yet the Balkans, even Muslims like Bosnians...
I'm leaving for Spain in about 10 hours and will spend roughly a month there. Ask me anything
Kurva anyátok
1. Your country
/fr/ - le fil avec des français dedans
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
What will be europes role in the coming asian century?
American cities?
You know it's true
What are your 3 favorite countries?
Why, Disney, Why? Do not use freaking MS Paint!
How much does a 18 yo 8/10 hooker cost in your count?
The virgin walk
It's legal to have sex with a zero year old in Saudi Arabia as long as you marry her
/flag/ /extraflags/
What does it feel like to live in comfy village?
What happens here?
Post your favorite flag
Me on the top
How high his the cost of living in your country?
/ita/ il filo
Why are Japs so adamant on denying war crimes?
Why are Chechens so alpha?
Sverigetråden - Segerupplagan
Do Europeans like burritos? It's like a kebab but it won't explode on you
/v4/ + friends
ASIA power rankings
/luso/ — Fio Lusófono
What's your opinion on japanese schoolgirls?
23°C (74 Fahrenheit)
United States drops a 10 megaton nuke on your largerst city
I had sex with a Japanese girl :3
Best flag
Why are Americans so autistic about the 2%?
Opinion on whites
Why do Italian women crave the BSC (Big Swedish Cock)?
1 your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッ
ITT we post quintessentially British pictures etc
/BRiD GmbH ehemals deutsch/
Why does this trigger people?
"90% Truth + 10% Lies coctail"
Post and rate parliaments from around the world and I mean only the aesthetics...
White flag
/MENA/ peace and love edition
Itt:provide an example of your native language being spoken terribly
Be Polish
What does an average couple from your country look like nowadays?
Are Japs discriminated against in your cunt?
/ex-ussr/ general
Post your face when you get a Polish (You)
What kind of flag do you want?
Why do indians think of themselves as white?
Why does everyone hate France?
Your opinion:
Why is Britain the only country in Europe to import immigrants from Pakistan while continental Europe import immigrants...
Have you ever wanted to be American?
The tragedy thread
I heard non-Japanese don't love shredded fresh cabbage as much as we do
How am I supposed to take any kind of pride in being English? We're just mongrels
Why are jewish men so handsome?
Do Russians, and Slavs overall differ from Europeans by some face features, body etc? Can you spot a Slav in a crowd?
No Fucking Leafs Allowed
Parliamentary terrorist attack in Iran and suicide bomber at the Khomeini Shrine
Do you think about Poland?
Official coolest nationalities ranking
India will be a superpower in 2.5 years
I miss you ;_;
Culture Pals /cp/
Yuropoors don't use the imperial measurement system
ITT we appreciate not being born in asia
Will China ever become a superpower? Why or why not? Can they compete in Trump's world?
An ideal austr*lia
Just read that English and German have 56% lexical similarity
All the asain posters in Sup Forums are white english teachers
Do you love Russia?
I'm 5'4'', how short I am compared to average people from your city?
What is your country's most important quote?
Would you host someone from Sup Forums?
How can a country fuck up this hard? Not even Versailles and Trianon were this savage
Torta de jamón
You may only post in this thread if your country has world class internet speeds
Is there any worse existence than being a diaspora?
Your cunt
Non-American says "dude"
This is one of the best countries in the world
Why are Brazilians so sensitive to being called monkeys?
Kurva anyátok
Look at this bird
Childhood is vilifying the Ottomans
Does your country have beta orbiters?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1973
Elderly German woman forgets that WWII has ended
What are latin america countries doing in ww1 and ww2?
Are there any Venezuelans lurking around?
Sho me shamo Shessica Sholanda voy a la plasha en masha amarisha tomo shogurt shoplait de vainisha me lavo el cabesho...
Wew lad
Why do europeans hate the USA? i thought it was banter but most of europe really does hate the US
What is it like to not have to pay when your in the hospital?
On the occasion that I ever visit eastern Europe, what can I do to make clear to the people there that I'm Latino brown...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why don't you have a Slavic gf?
What citizenships are the most prestigious?
Is this rumor true?
40 fucking generals
Wow. I can't believe Anzu is a Gülenist
Pakis and indians are sa-
/int d-day thread/ (no G*rmans allowed)
/balk/ a.k.a. mini/tr/
I divided the world based on shared media and entertainment (film, television, music, art, video games, etc.)
ITT we post the best designed flags
Why can't white folks and black folks get along?
Wake up
Culture Pals /cp/
Are you in a relationship? Do you like being with him/her?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
How would you end radical islam?
Are Russians going to finally start questioning their own elections/government now that we know, mostly...
Swear at the cunt above you in your native language. Don't hold back now
/deutsch/ ohne /CH/
He can't read 3000 years old texts written in his language
Do you like Redheads Sup Forums?
/fr/ - le fil de la france et de la navarre
Why does everybody hate Ukrainians so much?
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
Sverigetråden - Nationaldagsupplagan
What stereotype about your country's people would you say is true?
Why is lesbianism very prominent in a catholic country like Hungary?
Sup Forums Nazis
Am I going bald Sup Forums? Balding starts with the hair loss at the crown of the head
Why do the Japanese say "nipaaaaah~~ <3" when they see something cute?
Hey Sup Forums: is France still France, or is it no longer France?
Islam in a nutshell:
European girls
Misogynists are cucks
Are people very religious in your country?
Wake up in Paraguay, 11, december, 1868
A French user told me yesterday that this girls looked like average North African muslims and that Spain was racially...
Why do Poles always say that Poland is shit? humility or self-loathing?
What dreams do you have for the future ?
Kurva anyátok
Hi Sup Forums, let's learn a little bit about each other's cities...
ITT: we create a country using this map
/hell/ - Ελληνιkό Νήμα
Washrooms of Sup Forums
1. Your country
How the FUCK did you non-americans learn my language when I can't even learn spanish
Sup Forums I have 2 job offers
What did your country do during dday
The EU is currently threatening Poland and Hungary with destruction. What the Poles should do...
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
Sup Forums posters you recognise
/ita/ il filo
Most important countries of all time tier list
Romanians have built their own village using scrap material on a disused railway line next to a Paris ring road
If Qatar stops funding extremists, will terrorism end?
/fr/ - le fil par les français, pour les français
What's worse than being a poor German student with poor parents who will never be able to create wealth for himself...
The world
Mfw Sonic has a music for every general
Could i pass as local in you're country??
Sverigetråden – sommarupplagan
Sveriges tråd
My best friend is my cat
/extraflags/ + /flag/ | Classics edition
Would you take a free weekend trip to paris?
Why do Russians love cats so much? They seem to much prefer cats over dogs or any other pets for that matter
Switzerland: the most incredibly overrated country in the history of the fucking planet
Culture Pals /cp/
Today is Sweden's birthday. He has no friends, so say something nice to try and cheer him up
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
How is multiculturalism and diversity working in your country?
Putin btfo of Megyn Kelly over "Russian hacking". How can one statesman be so based?
Ban all Koreans from Sup Forums
1. your credit card number
My "friend" did something really dumb
Post the results of your country's leader
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッ
Celebrate sweden
Megumin thread
/ita/ - il filo
My entire life is a lie....I always thought I was pure Greek :(
Why china is sooooooooo inferior?
Why is English the world language?American
Dead Brits' season has just started
/balt/ /ausnz/
There are people on this board that unironically support the European Jewnion
Sup Forums is laughing at us again
Sverigetråden - Oskuldsupplagan
Excuse me but harvard is not britain
Imagine being killed by a really attractive terrorist
ITT: I will try to collect all countries
1. ye'r country
Why do Jewish people like France so much?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Are you the product of race mixing?
Is Brazil doomed?
All i want is qt hijabi waifu
Post your face when you realize that people speaking italic languages are literally priding themselves on being roman...
Why haven't you started learning Latin yet?
Getting Rich in Africa
What happens here?
Is there a more influential country in the history of the world?
Please visit Poland
Sverigetråden - NDT-upplagan
African women are the sexiest
/ita/ - il filo
/ita/ il filo
You're not a real country if your national cuisine doesn't include meat jelly
/v4/ + friends/
ITT: We act like Filipinos
What the fuck is this?
Why are whites so obsessed with foreign cultures while caring little to their own?
Why is japanese so fucking horrendous to listen to?
40% Asian women refuse to date Asian men
Why do white women hate white men so much?
Why the hell so many americans support donald trump?
/fr/ - le fil des /fr/ qui sont /fr/
1. Your cunt
Ay user, you're way too drunk to drive. Don't worry bro, I'll drive your gf home safely
How is smoking seen in your country
1) you count tree
1. Youre country
What are farmers and farm life in your cunt like?
Russia is the most homophobic country in the world
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Italianons, I'm curious. How many of you still speak one of your local meme languages?
/fug/ - finno ugric general
Well, Sup Forums?
Do Europeans Look down on Asia and Asian countries?
I don't know why the hell korea is so fucking cool. I'm so happy for being Korean all the time
I love our bros <3
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/hell/ - /gr/
/ibe/ - Fio ibérico
Experts theorise the current, inhabitable land of Australia could sustain a population of 120 million people
Has your cunt ever had a female head of state/government?
Turkics ruled China
What happened to Qatar?
What's the point in learning Mandarin when the two most important cities in China don't even speak it?
It's so hot today, I can barely think
Strange food
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Last year, for the first time in post ww2 history
Korean American
Pence claims Russia and Iran are the main threats in a planet
/ex-ussr/ general
Turk with finnish girlfriend
1. Flag
Tfw no jobs
Why Korean women are so racist?
You're a nice vagina
Kurva anyátok
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1863
Israeli Nuclear Doctrine
Why are Saudis so fat?
25 years old
Everyone needs to just stay where they belong
How do Chinese people type if they have thousands of unique characters in their inscrutable Lovecraftian moon language?
What do you call this in your cunt?
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
Am I white??
What's a racist term for Armenians? I was thinking Mountain Roach or something like that
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Can speakers of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Catalan, French...
Why do americans smell terrible?
About to spend 6 weeks in Arles, France for a study abroad program...
Culture Pals /cp/
A STEM graduate from Canada has to find a job in East Asia teaching science to kids because the EU doesn't need him for...
/MENA/- ir*q (keep it out please)
Why does everyone here hate turkey so much?
/nachtschicht/, zu Tage /deutsch/
I'm a 5'7 American manlet who can't even lift 1pl8
Soviet """victory"""
ITT we t. the poster above us
Do you live in a WE WUZ country?
Asians eat dogs
It's our birthday today
Germanic wolfboy at portland pro trump rally
/éire/ = /gael/
I'm 5'9 and mildly attractive. Is there any hope for me in your cunt?
You can only post in this thread if your flag is red, white, and blue
1) your cunt
Where would you move if you had to move to another country?
Have you ever challenged a rival to an IQ test, Sup Forums?
Amerifat Millenials Ditching McDonald's for Pizza and Mexican Food
Sup Forums made me hate every country except for Russia and China...
Sverigetråden - libbeupplagan
Post military parades from your cunt and rate them
One of the most common complains about argentines is about our arrogance...
Where do your people migrate to?
Hello Sup Forums how do you like my flag?
Moors BTFO
Is Spotify popular in your country?
/nederdraad/ + /dansktrad/ = /NederMarken/
Ukrainian girls only hope for escape from poverty is to become "models" and marry a rich man who wants a trophy wife
Hilo latino
Which is better?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
What is the biggest or most creative insult in your language, and what is it's english translation?
If the Spanish are muslims, why are the Mexicans who descend of Spanish people super white?
One of the synonyms of "Shit" is "Poland"
This map is 100% true and the only way South America can have a 1st world country is by uniting the blue
What do hot young party animals in your country do after they hit 30?
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie
/v4/ + friends
This is Central African Republic. It's a Republic in Central Africa
Does your country have an official religion?
Where in Europe?
Americans, how much does a pint of this cost?
Nothing special user, just that reminder
Do stores in your country still close on sundays? Do people in your country still go to church on sundays?
14th biggest economy
/ita/ - il filo
The American dream
Do you love Europeans?
When Muhammad began receiving revelations, his first impression of these revelations was that they were demonic
What can we do to fight Germanophobia, Sup Forums?
The WEWUZ belt
Why this country alive?
America should be a theocracy
Why are Germans such LARPers
Youre cunt
So what does it mean if your feet are egyptian?
What do Brits genuinely think of Theresa May?
What does 2 million zloty buy in Poland?
A Tale of Rural America
Culture Pals - /cp/
You wake up in Marseille, Quartier Nord
So what is going on between these two...
Tfw no Slav gf
What an absolute joke of a cunt
Whats the worst flag in existence, and why is it the dutch flag?
Sverigetråden - hundraprocentupplagan
Tfw failing uni and not telling parents because they swear and shout at me when i even mention that i'm not enjoying it
Why don't terrorists attack Spain and Portugal? Did the jihadists forget that Spain and Portugal aren't Muslim anymore?
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie
Why would anybody want to go to China over Japan...
Which ethnic group is objectively the most attractive?
I love Greece
Japan seems cool, should I visit someday?
Why does USA allow your country to exist?
Given your countries history with France, how do you feel about the fact that France is no longer France?
This is the new coat of arms of Helsinki :DDd
Is China the strongest state?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Ask a russian girl from moscow anything
Does anyone in Sup Forums have experience studying in China?
Mfw europe (outside of poland) is being colonized by the third world
Tfw ameridumbs cannot drive cars with manual gearbox
How was his english? rate anglo senpai. from Jap(aka worst english speaker)'s point of view...
Why don't Brazilian people immigrate to Portugal?
Linguistic interferences to english
Amerilards will defend this
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...