2016 edition
Other urls found in this thread:
gays are NOT WELCOME here
going to start posting for attention more
black cocks are welcome here tho
>wake up at 5am again
How do I stop this
I'm a feminist
Too bad
that's cute 2bh
what even is the juice in pimples anyways?
I'm no cuck but I love the idea of watching my gf sucking and fucking a big black cock.
Why do you say that
I know how dance. I know how party. who are you to tell me I don't know how dance or party.
White girls
i doubt thats actually emily
All low quality posts
Wish they would let cosby go
Sure hope I can sleep tonight. Shakes were pretty miserable yesterday
/cum/ is a low quality general
imagine how many white wombs he terrorized with his strong black seed
Sebum, which is produced to lubricate your skin, dead skin cells, and white blood cells that are responding to what they perceive as a 'breach' in the epidermis
I really doubt you know what a quality post is
you what
Have a middle-aged britslag waiting for me to come over and bang her after this month is done. Hopefully comes to fruition
idk u guys are comfy next to each other an stuff
suck my dick retard
>get a (You)
>it's a mass replier
*pees in your mouth*
how's that for quality you retarded canadian cuck
it's 11:35 so i have to shower and go to bed soon...
You had better meet dunccy there
I doubt you actually peed in his mouth
i don't know exactly but i know if you leave it in it eventually gets reabsorbed by the blood stream so it has to be related to blood in some way
Only decent post itt, I think I will sleeps too
It's p comfy desu
Definitely a possibility
This was the only reply that wasn't low quality
i love eating pooo moommmy!!!~~~~
you wouldn't know low-quality if it fucked your overweight mother
Gonna miss this desu
you're post was so bad i legitimately laughed
Are there a lot of Mexicans in Spain?
>bucks county
>American talking about overweight mothers
Now now user
About to wake this nerd up
Goodnight /cum/
1st generation, bitch
It is an immune response- your body employing various immune components like inflammatory-causing compounds and macrophages (think of them like amobea that 'consume' foreign particles) to respond to the bacteria P. Acnes.
I intend to stay awake for at least another hour
night bud
alright everyone, good night
early to bed, wake up early, as b franks said
>going to bed at 8:45
buncha nerds
but who was bbc??!
It's surprisingly >white and I'm in the south of sbain which you'd think would be the brownist bit
I've met one mexican lad here and a handful of somalis. Tbf unless the mexican is full indio they'd blend in decently well here
so it's related to blood
something blood related i have to say
believe it's blood related as a phd holder in science
early bird gets the worm
night bud
*collapses and poops all over the bathroom floor*
lol yeah
totally didn't post in an abandoned thread
*pulls your pants down*
sad yikes! scooby no!!
>someone keeps referencing that abo cultural practices post I made yesterday
You are a good user
post more funny pictures please
I hate French people so much
You're actually not wrong though. The immune system uses the blood stream to effectively reach these pores that the bacteria like to fester in. SO yes, they get there through the blood
BASED Macron does it again!!!
RIP Trump!
dumb retarded canadian frogposting idiot
i legitimately hope you cease to exist
but you guys are neighbors
love your neighbors and stuff
t. bible
Are you that clackamas guy again?
wanna play vidya but I have to study for one more final
They're cunts
wanna suck a NIGGER DICK while he mocks my small white penis
>he.didnt finish finals last month
god is a cunt
you love god don't you? you can love the french
Made my own autism map
No, I am.
Eurasian boys are naturally the most feminine males. They combine the natural softness of the Asian race, with the short, skinny, nerdy, weak, characteristics of their beta white dads, who are honorary Asian weabos. If our dads with the advantage of 100% white DNA could not win a white girl, what chance do I have when I have half of his DNA and half from Asians, the weakest smallest race?
Eurasians are naturally a race of herbivores, in that we do not eat meat. The flesh of women. We are too soft and feminine. We value women as human beings and equals and do not dare do any harm to them.
I like girls. As a hairless Eurasian boy, I practically am a girl myself. I tried going to a PUA boot camp, but it just made me cry into my pillow in depression, at the thought that women are biologically driven to want the men who hurt and abuse them. I can’t bring myself to ‘neg’ a girl or make her feel bad about herself. All I want is her happiness. I can’t bare to dominate her or push her around.
What a tragic fucking Darwinian universe, in which we the Eurasian Males, who most care about the feelings of white girls, are forever doomed to be permavirgins. We are on the opposite side of the racial spectrum to the ghetto swagging gangsta.
It seems like a cruel joke of the universe that Eurasian boys like me even exist.
Is it possible for Eurasian boys to get a white girlfriend when we are biologically indisposed to hurting, dominating, or mistreating them?
>double my investment in online gambling
>lose half of it in a string of losses in blackjack trying to gain it back
Any other brainlets here?
indeedy doo, it is indeed blood related
he must indeed be a doctor with a phd in science
Forgot to color in that bit in northern Russia
I'm an Eurasian boy at an international school in a developing nation. I have a white conservative businessman dad and a gold-digging Asian Tiger Mom Geisha, which is pretty common among international expats.
The thing is we Eurasian boys rank at the very bottom of the racial-social totem-pole at this school. We are constantly being beat up. The European boys like to organize boxing exhibitions in which we are forced to fight against big African bucks, wearing nothing but our briefs. We are constantly humiliated and emasculated in front of the Eurasian girls.
Since we Eurasian boys are supposed to have little boy bodies, we aren't allowed to wear boxer shorts. Back in America, I used to sag my shorts all the time, gangsta ghetto style. Now I'm humiliated wearing these boy-panties. And these bully thugs are not above stripping our Eurasian hairless bodies to our underwear, right in front of the Eurasian girls, to make sure we aren't sneakily wearing boxer shorts.
I can't stand the continuous racial-sexual humiliations forced upon Eurasian Males, while our Eurasian sisters become the sexual property of the bullies who abuse us. How do I lead a Eurasian revolution to restore our dignity?
I also hate wealthy Californians who go to school in Hawaii
i used to play this blackjack game that let you give gifts, and for some reason there were always muslims playing it, so I'd give them bacon or alcohol
fuck those guys
a blonde girl implied to me that I should kill myself just because Im half-asian half-white
im sorry world. sorry I was born a mutant. sorry i blighted your beauty. it is hard to believe that hapas and aryan blondes are allowed to exist on the same planet, the same universe.
When I talked to a blonde girl, its like the universe collapse with such beauty and beastliness in such close proximity. this universe was made for her and her happiness, and im just a dark spot on it.
if I was never born, the world could be a perfect happy place. all misery comes from the mixing of our races. she was bred for perfection. slowly perfectly she was crafted over generations to be a masterpiece of evolution. meanwhile i was crafted in a single conception. im the 1st generation of my race. i was put together in haste. care was taken for her beauty. haste makes waste.
and so you see the difference. a beauty crafted over 1000 generations, by the careful, steady hand of evolution. and a freak born of the social engineering of 1 generation. we dont belong to the same world. she shames me. her very beauty is a judgement upon me. she basically told me to go kill myself, just by smiling.
blonde girls were crafted by the steady, careful, patient hand of Evolution over 1000 generations, while WMAF genes were haphazardly flung together , carelessly in a single generation of social engineering
100,000 years were spent creating the masterpiece that is blonde girls, while only 30 years of Frankenstein experiments has went into WMAF sons
no, shan't be going to bed just yet. The night is still young.
Not a fan of blonde girls, especially from california
*blocks your path*
Hapa boys live with their face stomped on by their WMAF parents. Who humiliate, emasculate and castrate them. They are sleeping with the enemy. They live in the same household.
Why dont Hapas rise up against their evil tyrant Tiger Mom, Beta Dad, parents in a Eurasianist Revolution?
Hapas are the most oppressed pseudo-ethnicity in the world today. Their enemy is their own parents.
Why don't all these miserable hapas rise up and build a New Eurasian Union?
Seems like you have German ancestors who had a thing for Slavic girls, user.