Last year, for the first time in post ww2 history

More people settled in Poland than left. Also the birth rate gone up.

How does it make you feel that Poland is changing before your very eyes and starting to deny the memes?

I kinda like it I also like that 3-4 years is a millenium here and things change throughout such a small time so fast that some places are unrecognizable in a positive way.

Other urls found in this thread:,74/gus-przyrost-naturalny-i-migracje-w-2016,744492.html

how long is it going to last?
I've heard polish people just fucking hate everything positive
so how long is it gonna last till you go back to being a dying nation?

We don't hate everything positive, we hate everything, the negative things as well.

oh, aight.

How long till you get Kremlin'd ?

We have more in common than I thought, Poland.

Good job, friends

polaks are slavic subhumans
poland is an ugly salv shithole

Have a titslut.

polaks are slavic subhumans

We are USA and EUs slut that's scheming behind their back trying to make Belarus and Ukraine the place where this happens so I doubt it for at least the next 50 years.

polaks are slavic subhumans

I am greek

polaks are slavic subhumans

Where are you from?

polaks are slavic subhumans

with prosperity comes migration and decadence.
The investors building up Poland have an ulterior motive in mind.

I'd say Poland is at least aware of the ulterior motive but it will take some interesting political maneuvering that really won't be possible without Poland going full blown fascist.

Will they have a fascist revolution? or will leftism slowly creep into their society with each passing generation as it did in so many other countries?
Time will tell.

Personally, I'd be fine with /v4/ becoming a fascist superstate in Europe between the EU and Russia.

polaks are slavic subhumans

lol @ the mentally ill turko-gayreek faggot in germany

I hope they cut his medicare aid to sponsor refugees and toss his ass out on the streets.

i thought this retard got banned

polaks are slavic subhumans

slavic subhuman

why are you in every thread
get a life

This shithole bans people who make legit threads and lets the shills run wild.

it's okay they I enjoy seeing this faggot lurk int 24/7 and blitzkriegs every polish thread he sees

someday he's going to commit suicide and he will end his frustration

cuz this pussy certainly has no balls to make like a real man and step it up in real life.

polaks are slavic subhumans

I don't want to be facist.

Most people in Poland hate the left but hate facists as well, the sad thing is this majority dosn't vote(or votes because they feel obligated) because they don't have their party one that keeps the church away from power and is neither left or right.

It's a strange state of mind, for example we dislike arabs but like asians. Is it racist? Who the fuck cares, but that's how we think.

Same with the refugees, a lot of Poles would be ok with refugees from SE asia or Europe(non muzzie though) but will never, ever take Syrians or Pakis.

polaks are slavic subhumans

>dislike arabs

the proper term for them is semites

and all semites are terrorist garbage

polaks are slavic subhumans

poland seems pretty ok

which region of poland gets the best weather?

Lower Silesia.

ah neat, then would you generally recommend Wroclaw as a decent city to live (and find work) in?

It's ok. One of the richer places if anything, more progressive than most of Poland, the region is great when it comes to old stuff and nature.

I will return one day.

>More people settled in Poland than left. Also the birth rate gone up.
Is this because you've trapped them all in prison?

It was probably only for a day. He literally has nothing better to do all day. He needs to get new material though.

Once these Brexit repatriators find out that your current government is as backwards if not more so as the current British government they'll leave again. But this time for Germany.

Settled you dumb fuck, as in non-polish citizens did that.


Once Germans - if - figure out that the German government is suicidal they'll will start crossing the Oder for the new Ostsiedlung.,74/gus-przyrost-naturalny-i-migracje-w-2016,744492.html

google translate it

note that this is a leftist news portal and even those noted that stat

>More people settled in Poland than left. Also the birth rate gone up.

thanks hohols

This desu.

>More people settled in Poland than left
Good luck, Poland. You're not going to be homogeneous for long.

ukrainians are 100% assimilated within few years of living in poland, so that's ok

Got 2 qt ukrainian female friends, one makes pies for me from time to tome so I couldn't care less desu.

It doesn't seem mention the nationality of the newly settled people.

*from time to time

Nope. Current migration trends make Germany a magnet and within German the largest attractors are the economically successful regions which have a far higher share of foreigners already than the nationalistic backwards eastern territories.

Well actually...

>Germany a magnet
Sure, for rape and bombs.

Looks ptretty much the same like the result of a single day of normal street traffic. Yet you seem somehow concerned.


No idea why right wing shitlords spreg out, might as well have been 1 train accident instead.

Keep being cucked you cuck.

I am happy for Poland, of course.
Hopefully your country will keep on improving and will soon become a net contributor in European Union

Just kys you cancerous N. tumor.

I hope by 2020 Poland get's out of this increasingly more totalitarian and socialist globalist wannabe super country.

What alternatives do you see for Poland?
Should it develop closer ties with Russia?

Once v4 is net contributor we are leaving the Eu

It's a tricky question that requires a complicated answer.

Exactly what I was thinking. By 2020 the EU gibs are ending anyway.

I would love to hear your answere

you can't leave so easily because your countries are deeply integrated into German supply chain
Even outside of the EU, you would be still very dependant on Germany and other western countries

or if it's still around and somehow willing, America

I'll try to be short. Intermarium 2.0. Cooperation with U.S. and China. Try to improve relations with Russia (but it would depend on them and their expansionist aspirations) while at the same time being very sceptical and careful and watch out for closer German-Russian ties. Play it like Orban, basically keep all options open for as long as it's possible. But yeah, focus on V4 and Intermarium.

China and America are really far away, which makes trade rather expensive.
And I don't think that either of those countries would have the political will to defend Poland against its neighbours

>Intermarium 2.0
Would require for Baltic countries to chose Poland over Germany, which is very unlikely
V4 doesn't work because authoriterian governments like in Poland or Hungary are bad teamplayers. They are ready to backstab each other and there is no sense of brotherhood in V4. Just look at how Poland voted against Tusk and nobody supported them. To me, it's a sign that Poland is rather isolated.

>Try to improve relations with Russia
A wise move, but again, given the chance, Russia would chose Germany over Poland if given the choice.

>Cooperation with U.S. and China
As I wrote before, due to distance, the trade with those countries would be pretty expensive, and Poland would have no levarage in a possible trade deal.
Plus, those countries wouldn't be really commited to defend Poland in case of an emergency

India's always an option, though admittedly they have close ties with Russia
Funnily enough, thanks to Brexit, Britain's another option

>Funnily enough, thanks to Brexit, Britain's another option
I don't think Brits are very found of Poles

We have the largest deposits of lithium in Europe

We will flood the european markwt with cheap batteries to elctric vehicles

We are good

Mohammoudo and friends are next

Also, your fertility rate is still only 1.38 as of 2016


So you wann become a resource based economy?

>Would require for Baltic countries to chose Poland over Germany, which is very unlikely
Literally they already have. The president of Estonia for example have said in an interview that he would wish Poland stepping up its game on the international stage and take the leadership role for eastern Europe like it has before during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth period and lead the Baltics and other countries in the region. Serbia said something similar.
Poland does not have an authoritarian government, nor Hungary. And no, Poland and Hungary are gay for each other for almost a millenium. Czech's and Slovak's are closing ties with Poland too. And all V4 countries got much closer together and are on the same page on the migrant crisis and are opposing the EU estabilishment.
>Just look at how Poland voted against Tusk and nobody supported them.
That was just a missunderstanding and bad communication on PiS part.
>Russia would chose Germany over Poland if given the choice.
Of course they would. Each time Poland dissapeared from the map was when those two cooperated with each other.
>As I wrote before, due to distance, the trade with those countries would be pretty expensive,
Poland is already increasing trade with them and the Silk Road 2.0 with it's central hub most likely planned in Poland will increase trade tremendously.
>Plus, those countries wouldn't be really commited to defend Poland in case of an emergency
China no, but U.S. more likely.

There is already one big battery factory u/c, another one in prague and our goverment is in talks about tesla gigafactory

So our lithium, our batteries and vw and tesla cars

Btw. all these lithium deposits are like 10km from german border

>The president of Estonia for example have said in an interview that he would wish Poland stepping up its game on the international stage and take the leadership role for eastern Europe
Words are cheap. You should rather look at the actions of baltic states, which show that they are closer to Germany and Nordic countries rather than to Poland.

>Czech's and Slovak's are closing ties with Poland too.
Not as close as their ties with Germany.

>Of course they would. Each time Poland dissapeared from the map was when those two cooperated with each other.
And how would an independant Poland prevent closer Russian-German ties and the history repeating itself?

>China no, but U.S. more likely.
USA is becoming more and more isolationist. I doubt most Americans would commit to defending Poland.
And even if that were the case, would you really want the same situation as in 1939, Poland between two powerful entities and with allies far away?
You would be completely dependant on Americas goodwill, and you would become their bitch

I am not sure if you are kidding.
Do you really wanna become an african tier country with no indusrty, only surviving by selling lithium to developed countries?

Why do live in Sweden?

Why don't you come back to Poland?

>hurr durr you can't
we can and will, when in addition it will not affect anything in integrayed supply chain you mentioned, unless you will be eager to change that, but you will be not

>Words are cheap. You should rather look at the actions of baltic states, which show that they are closer to Germany and Nordic countries rather than to Poland.
They are close to Nordic countries in terms of trade, but that doesn't neglect anything I (they) said.
>Not as close as their ties with Germany.
Still, V4 is politically much closer to each other in values.
>And how would an independant Poland prevent closer Russian-German ties and the history repeating itself?
It's trying that by playing the good goy of the U.S. (who's interest it is to keep Germany down and Russia out - NATO - not allowing them to fully cooperate). Creating an Intermarium 2.0 economical and miltiary block would be the next step. Lech Kaczynski tried to do that, but he suddenly died in the Smolensk plane crash and the pro-German cucks took power and reversed that.


I just said they we will use our lithium in our batttery factories and put them in elctric cars made in czech republic

>poland majority white
>population increasing
>western europe becoming increasingly muslim and devolving into civil war

Will we see the Polish military moving into Germany to expand their influence and take clay?

I will in the future.

They can take north

it seemed to me you implied that exporting lithium could replace your economic ties with germany and the rest of EU


We still need access to western european market, just that we are good without eu funds

No we’ll see Poles work for trinkets in German musloim owned factories.

Just like now, but the Germans will also be of muslim faith.

They should take it all just for the banter.

You're forgetting the fact that German economy is also tied to eastern-Europe, especially Poland being one of its largest trading partners.

Kocham Polskę i Polaków.

oh definitly, but if Poland decided to leave the EU, Germany would have no choice but to reduce its ties with Poland.
With that beeing said, I do believe it would be easier for Germany to find another good qualified country with cheap labour, than for Poland to find a highly developed country that would integrate them into their supply chain


This is our clay

You've been saying that for some time already.

You should do it now, instead of cleaning Swedish toilets.

come here then and help us make poland great again :3

well of course
Once Czech Republic reaches a certain level of prosperity, they will stop beeing a net benefactor and will be expected to contribute to the developmend funds

Btw 75% of our export goes to EU

So yeah we are fucked without single market

Once the UK leaves the average will go down and we should be paying already

>than for Poland to find a highly developed country that would integrate them into their supply chain
Dude, why do you think I've been talking about V4 and Intermarium all this time. Not forgetting the Silk Road 2.0 rail lines from China to Poland.
Dude, return Prague (Bohemia was Polish for a short time as well)...
But I'm just kidding.
How do you know?

So let's quit from this sinking undemcratic shithole before it takes us down with them.

Bohemia was never polish lol

We just share the same dynasty for short time

Big differnce

>V4 and Intermarium
Just look at the pictures you post. You don't seem to regard the V4/Blatic states as equals.
You are dreaming about Polands supremacy, ruling over those countries. They would be pretty stupid to join your project