Israeli Nuclear Doctrine

Uh guys, are the Israelis serious about this shit?

>In 2003, an Israeli military historian, Martin van Creveld, thought that the Al-Aqsa Intifada then in progress threatened Israel's existence.[30] Van Creveld was quoted in David Hirst's The Gun and the Olive Branch (2003) as saying:

>We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.[31]

>In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Arab forces were overwhelming Israeli forces and Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized a nuclear alert and ordered 13 atomic bombs be readied for use by missiles and aircraft. The Israeli Ambassador warned President Nixon of "very serious conclusions" if the United States did not airlift supplies. Nixon complied. This is seen by some commentators on the subject as the first threat of the use of the Samson Option.[18][19][20][21][22]

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That's what you get for supporting muslims, you two-faced treacherous cunts.

If you didn't they would not feel obliged to resort to such measures in the first place.

who is supporting Muslims? How could anyone be justified in holding the world hostage with nuclear weapons?

it's the sane alternative to the mad doctrine
much like suicide is better than killing the world

>Israelis bomb you if you go against them
>Muslims bomb you if you support them

So we support Israel and persecute Muslims. Wah lah.

This doesn't make sense. Imagine how antisymmetric people would become in countries that didn't do anything wrong and got bombed. The whole thing sounds like a fantasy.

>doesn't make sense
it's not suppose to

an·ti·sym·met·ric: adjective

unaltered in magnitude but changed in sign by exchange of two variables or by a particular symmetry operation.

Don't question the jews, you foolish philistine. The jews are always right, they are literally the master race of this planet.


No one will believe this, so you, are, the normal people, should just continue to be commanded by (((them))). Theyre the winning side anyway.

Hopefully Israel will fall before the end of the century


The nutty brinkmanship in Israel comes from all the Russian blood swimming around there

How do we destroy Israel, Sup Forums?

It comes from the kike blood user.
Russians are way more level headed than kikes.
Jews are literally the scummiest race of people to ever walk this earth



y u do dis Moshe?

He's snapped

isn't that basically what MAD is

That is the problem with nukes, so lets see how the fattest man in north korea decides to use them.

MAD is strategic parity between one nuclear power and another, not a single state holding the world hostage with the threat of targeting neutral parties

Israel must be destroyed.

I can conquer israel alone.

I know m8 but it's the same idea surely
>if u attack us u die 2 lol

Enshallah muhajadeen shall conquer israel.

Y'know, it's kinda a miracle that we have ended up in Nuclear Winter yet. The amount of times on how CLOSE to nukes being launched is pretty fucking scary.

Tell me how they would nuke armies invading israel

I too have recently just watched Grazed by the Apocalype.

MAD is "I won't start a war because everyone gets destroyed on the planet"

israel is a white country

B-b-but muh two-state-solution!

No. It's
>Sombody attacks us and we lose u die too

>The amount of times on how CLOSE to nukes being launched.
Like what?.

The two-state solution is a fucking joke mate. It's been impossible for a long time. The de facto reality is that the US foreign policy establishment lets Israel get away with whatever it wants with regard to the Palestinians, despite talking a big talk to the contrary. Just look at the ongoing settlement of the West Bank, and the push now to move the US embassy to Jerusalem.

sure it's a more extreme and less justifiable version of it, but it's still just a deterrent

>implying arabs understand this
>implying it's logical to nuke the west instead of the arabs
It's just a get out of jail card if they lose the war on the ground.

Here you go, although the two most well known ones would be the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Norwegian Rocket Incident.

of course it's not logical, that's the point

Just to give journalists of the future something to write about.

Who gave them nukes ffs

Itsumo arigatou

>tfw I just watched dr Strangelove 2 days ago
It's the doomsday machine all over again

Its fine to say counter-semetic, I believe.

filthy yahudi terrorists

>they could have had the Jewish Autonomous Oblast
But nooooo

why didnt they?

>Cold siberian shithole close to the chinks
>A nice warm cosy place that is also the canonical homeland

Thanks Honduras, you are truly our greatest ally!

Too few gentiles in Siberia to cheat or steal from. They'd have to do honest work out there.

Suicide by Israel anyone?

>an Israeli military historian, Martin van Creveld
So this is some random dude from Israel, who doesn't hold any position of power?
Why should we take his opinion as a fact?

go fuck yourself you swedish neckbeard

>tfw circumcised

Why would you doubt it.
Israel never denied that they hold nuclear weapons.

To be honest he's quite compitent in the field, but he was sort of wrong about 2nd intifada, so in the end everything he says is just his opinion.

P.S. The only real possible plan of nuclear strike, was during 73' yom kippur against Egyptian forces on Sinai peninsular, in event IDF fails to repel them. The rest are just scare mongering.

>using nukes as a deterrent
>holding the world hostage
If that's the case every nuclear country is holding the world hostage.

>threatening to nuke neutral or allied countries for not helping you enough

because nuking uninvolved european countries takes a lot of malice
While I dont have an especially high opinion of Israel, I doublt that they would do something like that

>>We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force.

What the fuck. And to think that I used to support Israel fucking hell.

Does it make a difference where the doomsday weapons land when the nuclear fallout is going to fuck the whole world anyway?

>Implying jews can work a honest job
And I'm not talking about the retarded mizrahi.
Ashkenazi jews are cunning immoral schemers and would sell their grandmother for a couple of shekels.
Their god is money.

Doubt that they would nuke Europe, but Mecca, Tehran, Cairo etc. would go in flames

Thanks for your support.
Just wanted to clarify that all the green text is that guys opinion.