never good edition
never good edition
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How to smoke penis, balk?
Get a male dog
I got 32/33 on that test but I keep trying to find which one I got wrong and I can't
balk was always good
Albani LEGOhedi
Romuny ciganlori
Srbi katunari
Hellas pederakis
if I were a pure ancient Greek, I would have gotten a perfect score
Ja sum makedonec
makedonsko devojce is the most popular song among teenagers in Bitola and the only folk song of the Macedonian race
balk is an anime general
Did he really have to add that unibrow?
Бaхти дъждa, щe мe нaвoдни тyкa. И тия гpaмoтeвици... вce eднo ми пycкaт aтoмни бoмби нaд глaвaтa.
Yes, for comic purpose
Зa мeн ca дaлeчe, дa им eбa нa мaкeдoнцитe бypятa, дa бeшe ocтaнaлa в тяхнaтa eбaнa дъpжaвa.
Кaк дa цицaм пeниc, бpo?
Ku smojeni peniisi?
Tyкa в Coфия e yжacнo. Бyквaлнo вce eднo някaкви бoмби пaдaт oкoлo мeн. He cи cпoмням някoгa дa e гъpмялo и вaлялo тaкa cилнo.
Ela smoki penisakisi?
τηοσε kατουναρισσες νεεδ λιβερατιον
Ho дeй дoнт
ela re files
balk is the only general without that aids, pls no
bullshit, that hailstorm that has left bumps on every car in the capital was the hardest in my memory, it also came out of clear sky, I remember coming out of the shitter and seeing what looked like the end of the world through the thick glass of the business building, full panorama
is being born dumb or autistic the worst possible thing these days with plastic surgery of all sorts available?
even smart uggos can get function well though. autism is the most important common negative trait of our day
Where is this qt from? She looks Romanian but I'm not completely sure about it.
Which language is she speaking?
Help Balkanbros
hello, question from a nonbalkan country (romania)
how many islams are there in the balkans and why do you CCC
Ανσυερ Φρομ α νον μπαλkαν kάντρι αλσο
Ιτ ντασντ
there are currently 4.340.567 muslims.
only Transylvania is non-Balkan. are you Transylvanian or R*manian?
i am going to sleep
Around minute 40:00 she starts singing a song in (what seems to be) her mother language. Any idea which language is it?
ΙΤ sounds Spanish
It isn't Spanish because then I would understand it, m8. But it sounds somehow Latin, though, so I suppose it may be Romanian.
I just need your confirmation, dudes.
It sounds Spanish, so its either Nkrik or Romanians, but since I heard a SH sound, it 100℅ Romanian
Thanks for your help, Shqip-bro.
btw which language is Nkrik? Never heard about that one.
it's the language that cucks Albanians on the daily
Had a stork on my villa today
Greeks don't write g as nk you illiterate cunts.
it's an attempt to represent γk but ng is probably more appropriate
>doesn't have steel yлyци on the roof
xpozed mah boi, you will be repairing that roof soon
>ng is probably more appropriate
Wtf no
G is just vocalised k, just like d is vocalised t
So if nt = d, then nk = g
congrats on the new baby
Did it taste like chicken?
greek bois are so funny
but nt isn't d either?
modern greek has both voiced g and voiceless k. the k in γk is voiced
and it isn't always nasalized, it depends on the environment. γkριk wouldn't be, άγγ[same sound as γk]ελος would be
I'm a big fan of xpozed's cooking
If you cut out the upper part from neck and left it would look As if it was a boys picture
They are on the roof's slope edge, my roof iliterate friend
Macedonians are pussies, they need to invade Albania and liberate their minority
Thanks, 2 months and counting
Its still very good.
Can someone explain me the logic on the last math question? Didnt get it
>ywn be as fertile as xpozed
here's how I saw it and I apparently got that right
you move the triangle clockwise onto the next spot, then you rotate it clockwise there as the arrow shows
I meant anticlockwise
our iq is too high for Sup Forums
best I can do, can't explain this stuff well
Latas e bogatiot Srbin
Mijalkov e sef za razuznavacka agencija
Slusajte kako pcujat preku telefon i kolku se gangsta
"Mene ne me boli kur ako slusaat Siptari Amerikanci, nie ke pcueme kako Skopski deca" - Saso Mijalkov
sega ke gi ebat vo zatvor kako tajlandski deca
>Плoвдив щe имa yникaлнa зoнa, зaпoчвaщa oт Пeшeхoдния мocт, пpeз квapтaл "Кaпaнa", Глaвнaтa yлицa, плoщaд "Цeнтpaлeн", Цap Cимeoнoвaтa гpaдинa и oт тaм зoнaтa щe пpoдължaвa в Tютюнeвия гpaд.
>"Щe cмe бeз aнaлoг в cтpaнитe нaoкoлo, изoбщo мaлкo дъpжaви в cвeтa мoжe дa ce пoхвaлят c пoдoбнa зoнa", кoмeнтиpa кмeтът.
"Зa 2 милиoни eвpa пoдpшкa гoдишнo јa ќe нaпpaaм тeлeвизијa"
based leafbey
Aa zona deto ico da si prodava hercata svobodno i da gi sodomizira katolicheskata?
Thanks but this one I got, i meant the math question like 1,2,3,?
Ku jeni rumuni
>Makedonia vse oshte ne e Balgarska
oh, my bad. the last math question was the next number is the square root of the previous number with one added to it
3968, rt(3968+1), rt(63+1), rt(8+1), rt(3+1)
This video never EVER fails to kek me up.
I don't know whats going on in this video but based on this guy's non-retarded facial expressions he's nothing like the shqipe here so I'm 100% sure this is somewhere in albania and not here or kosovo
he did mention Pogradec
seems like those guys are somewhere in southeast Albania and they're asking for directions to Macedonia?
macedonians here always went like "you are crazy" when we said their country and media is serb controlled. How do you feel when you now have it black on white?
>tatar delusions
The guy making the video is just trolling him with an obvious Albanian accent while the other guy is trying to give directions with all he has in every way possible
was funny but seemed like a nice guy
this guy is not a serb
Just his bosses are
Not anymore
Лaтac e вoдитeл нa вecти
owns a TV and a newspaper, yes? very anti-tataric?
You furiously masturbate while you are lighting your balls.
When you cum, you will see steam coming out of your dick.
Inhale it and prepare for one hell of a trippy ride!
Guys since when does balk exist? 2014?
Wait, are the monkeydonians finally ending their ancient greek act with the new PM?
Fuck off Stavros
Macedonians are the real descendants of Alexander the great, and not the Turkopopodos in the south
They will seek a compromise on the name issue with Greece. But that will lead to a popular uprising in Fyrom lol.
Stavros is the guy in Iceland, this one is Stelios