How to make you boobs bigger/grow?: I’m pretty young and only a size 34A for bras...

How to make you boobs bigger/grow?: I’m pretty young and only a size 34A for bras. Almost everyone else my age has big boobs that actually fill their chest, and it's kind of embarrassing that mine look so small. Is there any way I could help them grow faster?

Tits or gtfo

What's your body fat%?

If it's low, make it higher. If it's high, reroll your genetics or embrace the flat chest.

shes u n d e r a g e im 90 percent sure

Yeah cuz a young girl would post a pepe.

Bait harder faggot.

Welp. First of all. Do you want big bewbs for yourself or for bois? Cuz if it's for bois there're plenty of flat lovers out there

Quit role playing

Why not?

I’m not sure but I’m definitely underweight for my own height. I weigh around 95 lbs at 5’4

You don’t believe me? Want a time stamp?