How to make you boobs bigger/grow?: I’m pretty young and only a size 34A for bras...

Girls need more fat than guys. Your estrogen will put the fat in the right places (full cheeks, rounder chest, larger hips) if you exercise and eat more.

Don't just eat like shit, (make it well rounded) but you don't have to eat like a fattie losing weight. I've been skinny all my life and eat whatever the fuck I want. I'm fit as fuck and eat pizza, noodles, and drink soda. Skinny people don't really need to follow the same dietary guidelines as obese people unless you have health problems.

Let me squeeze them. That will make them grow.

Source: Senior year psych major with 4 developmental classes and currently taking physiological psych.

We talk a lot about stuff like this in developmental classes.

Psychology doesn't have anything to do with the body you retard. Why dont you major in something useful like STEM?

If you could timestamp you already would have. You can't because you are a tubby 25 year old guy.

You caught me

Alright I got the build wrong

You are almost passable, though. Have you been on hormones long?

show bobs and vegene

Well, you may be right in that psych doesn't have anything to do with developmental hormones, you're wrong in that it's not a STEM field. Visa extensions for STEM fields extends to psych students and professionals, so it is clearly considered a STEM field.

Fuck off asshole