Will China ever become a superpower? Why or why not? Can they compete in Trump's world?

Will China ever become a superpower? Why or why not? Can they compete in Trump's world?

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No. Too overcrowded+dictatorship+all of their neighbors want them nuked off the map. Also their language, writing system, and geographical location works against them.

What's wrong with a dictatorship and bad neighbors? They are stronger than all of their neighbors.

Most of their neighbors aren't Sup Forumstards with a deluded meme-filled brain like you.

China is already a superpower

>What's wrong with a dictatorship

>guy from a cunt that never had this form of government

It will because you prefer to go to war to irrelevant Middle Eastern nation rather than China. You could first force China to give back the independence to the territories it stole like Tibet.

To be a superpower, a cunt needs four things: military, diplomatic, economic, and cultural pull. China has a little of 3, not much of the rest.

dictatorships are obviously shitty to live under, but china and singapore have shown their totalitarian forms of capitalism are way more economically efficient then our democracies

>but china and singapore have shown their totalitarian forms of capitalism are way more economically efficient then our democracies

Yep and France should give back the territories they stole like New Caledonia and Corsica.

>Why not?
They are becoming Jap tier

lyl besides, there's no real capitalism in China anyway. Most industry and all financial institutions are state-controlled or closely affiliated with the government.

They can't allow too much free market economics or it would undermine the power of the CCP.

Think the reason that Chinese built the wall

I agree, you Chinaboo, France is an artificial country.


They're authoritarian. Even during Mao era it wasn't a true totalitarian dictatorship since Mao had years where he lost much of his political power.

>inb4 ur too stupid to respond and fall back on calling me a chink or something along the lines of not white.
I knew that because there are very few true dictatorships in the modern world.

I'm sure you were american even before checking the flag.
They already are.

Party dictatorship, whatever. Point being, it's a totalitarian state where most of the population outside the tourist-designated areas lives in abject poverty and misery.

man you've really drank the koolaid haven't you

you have to go back

>it's a totalitarian state
It's an authoritarian state runned by technocrats.

>where most of the population outside the tourist-designated areas lives in abject poverty and misery
t. china pro

Cool b8 m8

>It's an authoritarian state runned by technocrats
LOLno. The CCP is run by bureaucrats and professional politicians who care mostly about money and power and could care less about the needs of the people.
>where most of the population outside the tourist-designated areas lives in abject poverty and misery

The US is run by special interests and professional politicians who care mostly about money and power and could care less about the needs of the people.

>where most of the population outside the tourist-designated areas lives in abject poverty and misery

they will become another japan but even worse
their economy is already struggling to keep up and unlike other countries they can not have a drop in growth

the only currently developing Asian nations who will be developed in the near future are Vietnam and Thailand.

You get a load of the proxy CCP bot in here? He's not even trying to hide it at this point.

>American flag
>siding with China and not the USA
What's going on here?

Not to keep us down, but both Vietnam and Thailand growth are lower than China's. And Malaysia is more developed than Thailand.

Malaysia is full of Muslims
they have growth because of Singapore and Chinese investment there because of it

the current government of the united states is an illegitimate puppet state banana republic

>China isn't run by special interests who only care about money

Sometimes i feel thankful that 0.1% of our population is Muslims, kek.

It is not a totalitarian state. China is not North Korea or Syria. Stop using words you don't understand.

>the current government of the united states is an illegitimate puppet state banana republic

I think he'd broken

wasn't saying it's not, I was pointing out the lie in which he said everything outside of the tier 1 cities are uncivilized disgusting shitholes, and the fact that his statement applies equally well to the US

Vietnam has grown slower than China for every year of its existence.

Hence China's per capita GDP is $8700 and Vietnam's is $2010. Vietnamese are poorer than Indians.

not even close to the same mate unless you're severely overestimating how bad the US is, or how good China is.

China and Chinese people are honestly amoral as fuck, they completely destroyed their value system as a society and are just filthy and rude because Mao told them to be.

Mao said not to bathe so none of them bathe.

Nowhere in the US looks this bad, not even the poorest states like Mississippi.


He never wrote that you dumbfucking jungle gook.

Vietnam is morally and spiritually superior

>Vietnamese are poorer than Indians.
Eh no, just look at both our and their GDP per capita.

But their growth rate is higher.

VN will never become rich. Your stupid government kept the economy shut when the west was investing in China. Now it's too late as the west has been in decline and Chinat themselves would prefer to invest in Africa for cheap manufacturing. At best China will colonize you again. You better start learning Chinese soon.

Vietnam and Vietnamese people are honestly amoral as fuck, they completely destroyed their value system as a society and are just filthy and rude because HCM told them to be.
HCM said not to make money so none of them do.

Investment in China is actually pretty small and the CCP has enormous restrictions on what foreign investors can and cannot do.

Also our GDP per capita is $2,305 already. :')

You better hope you are wrong since 25% of Vietnam's GDP is controlled by Chinese. Get to work for Mr. Zhao.

What's hilarious is how much the Taiwanese exploit you guys, and dump heavy metals in your seas, while you lick up all their cum and beg for investment.

literally untue
meanwhile Mao literally said Chinese people shouldn't bathe because it would make them sick, and destroyed all the temples/Confucian schools and burnt loads of daoist/buddhist literature.

but every eurocuck loves china because their nations are dying and they think sucking up to them instead of the american will save them.

>China thread
>Somehow always about vietnam

2017 estimates are estimates for year end. So no, it is not "already" $2300.

Pic related
African tier.

at least Vietnam will exist in 20 years unlike Spain and most of Europe

Hey bro, you should know of the middle income trap, it's the state that Brasil and Mexico are currently in. No SEA country with "normal economy" (for the lack of better words) can get out of this state (yet).

>Your stupid government kept the economy shut when the west was investing in China

Vietnam had the problem of being engulfed in war until the late 80s and near-total isolation from the non-communist world.

sadly Trump blocked TTP
would have lead to massive investment here

TTP was not a good thing. It would have allowed multinational corporations the ability to sue citizens of any cunt for copyright infringement using their own special courts.

Your shitty people die by the tens of thousands from agent orange, tropical diseases, and apocalyptic pollution.

Keep fucking deluding yourself as you bathe in your own filth you dumb jungle gook.

Mao has been dead for 41 years. China is not the same country. Meanwhile Vietnam looks about the same as it did in 1980.

Get to work for Mr. Zhao, Mr. Kim, Mr. Takashi, and Mr. Fernandez.
They are immoral so they are gonna work your people to death for pennies. =^]

Chinese can't discusse because their government blocked Google.

>Meanwhile Vietnam looks about the same as it did in 1980
Ironic because if you go anywhere in China outside the coastal cities, it also still looks like 1980.

Vietnam allied with the USSR and by the 80s they didn't have the money to invest heavily anymore like they did in North Korea in earlier decades (which made them very wealthy for a time)
and china had to be kept at arms length for practical reasons, they still do even today.
tensions with America were still high so it wasn't until recently that they have cooled and Americans will co-operate with us.

idk why they canceled TTP instead of re-negotiating.

Not good for the average American. Good for the less developed cunts though.

>Meanwhile Vietnam looks about the same as it did in 1980.
OK, you can love China all you want but this is simply untrue, Vietnam now is the best Vietnam ever, as poor as Vietnam now, it was really, REALLY poor in the past.


Vietnam proper hasn't been at war since April 30 1975.

TPP's benefits were far exaggerated. Now without the US, it lost 75% of its membership and probably won't even happen.

These Sup Forums Vietnamese show up here and attack everyone who doesn't hate China. They then claim bullshit like this

You mean late 70s when they had the boarder skirmish with the chinks.

>Vietnam proper hasn't been at war since April 30 1975
You forgetting that post-reunification they were at war with Cambodia for a decade and also the war with China in 1979.

pollution here is much less than China
only Hanoi is obscenely bad because of the geography
Saigon is alright because its mostly from cars/bikes and the winds carry most of it away
outside there its fine
not much we can do about agent orange, just stay away from those areas.

China is worse in terms of the people now, but again Europeans think they know everything.

Google isn't blocked.

Furthermore, /sino/ has 5+ Chinese flag chinamen everyday.

Your government still beats reporters to death and tortures people for confessions. It harasses protestors who complain about Formosa Steel ruining your sea.

"About the same" but yes I am wrong.
Vietnam is 1980 had $700
Today is has $2010.
After 37 years, that is pathetic.

It's not merely about the volume. They used places like Shenzhen to trial a good economic development strategy for the inland regions and they copy foreign products to manufacture them domestically for less.

True, but china didn't make much progress either until the 80s or so. I don't think they would've been better of if the south had won. Then the government would have been weaker and they'd be even more of a war ground for Soviet Union, China and USA.
Lel I hope you're just trolling and not actually that stupid.

>Vietnam proper hasn't been at war since April 30 1975.
I thought the wars with Cambodia and China in 1979 were pretty famous even for foreigner?

>These Sup Forums Vietnamese show up here and attack everyone who doesn't hate China. They then claim bullshit like this
That's just one (or two?) guy.

corsica was bought so fuck off it's ours now

1989 Lanzhou

China people is stupid and want to eat. Without food China will die. Without technology white people - China will die.
Dont worry. Trump right

>These Sup Forums Vietnamese show up here and attack everyone who doesn't hate China.
oh bo hoo, why do Europeans suck off China so much?
they are such scum, but you still think they are some mysterious honorable high falutin oriental scholars instead of shitty greedy hyper materialist american redneck stereotype tier people

He's "American".

"Vietnam proper" are the keywords. Read my post again.

>pollution here is not as bad as in China
t. No sources
Formosa Steel killed 6 million fish and infected a bunch of village people in just a year of operation. But keep denying the pollution. When you guys aren't poor as fuck, it'll be even worse.

>chinese people are worse!
Then why exactly are they literate and not dying at 60? Why are hundreds of thousands of them returning to China each year?
Saying that X people are evil is the delusional claims Mao and Hitler and Pol Pot used to genocide millions.

It's one CCP bot who keeps switching proxies. First he had an American flag, then a Spanish flag, now a Dutch flag.

What is you country? Asian?

>Vietnam proper
English isn't your first language. The border war with China lasted like two weeks and barely got 100 miles inland. Only in the last couple days were they bombing Hanoi, and only 70,000 died.

Compared to 4 million in the Vietnam war.

Furthermore, by this logic China should be even poorer. They fought more wars than Vietnam since 1950.

>Then why exactly are they literate and not dying at 60?

Mate, 93% of our population is literated (still lower than China), and we, according to wikipedia, live longer than Chinese on average.

pollution is inevitable in a developing economy
but you are a fool if you think china is any better
all the worst polluted areas on earth are in china
Beijing especially is horrible

I've been to Bangkok, to HCM, to Hanoi, to Shanghai and Beijing, I know for a fact the Chinese have it worse

have you ever been to china? let alone Asia? you don't know anything.
or if you're Chinese with a proxy then go fuck yourself, china is a mess.

A bit lower, my mistake.

You pretend VN is like almost at china levels of economic development. In reality your country is still full if 60 million medieval rice farmers and the people in cities are only doing okay but much worse than China. Maybe the income is as high, but everything is much more expensive as VN has to import almost everything.

Chinese looted everything north of Hanoi, but it's not like the south is suddenly doing that well. Their government is just shit, they are corrupt like China but they have zero desire to develop the country more.

China's pollution is nightmarish, they estimate that 40% of the population will have cancer by 2040.

I consider all asians to be unclean and rude people. I think it is hilarious that viets claim to be superior when they are over 4x poorer and are slaves to Korean/Taiwanese/Japanese/Mainlander companies.

Claiming moral superiority and stating that all Chinese are subhuman is the exact same thing Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Hitler did. Maybe Vietnamese are this deluded though

Honestly, I am tired now. Not gonna change the minds of people who claim others are subhuman so this is pointless.

Go destroy your Chinese temples,
chinese buddhism, and get rid of your Chinese dresses. Then you can be "superior".

oh boy
yea lets all play this game
China is massive country, it has always been wealthy and powerful, no one will deny this because it is denying the entire history and culture of Asia.

but China today is not China of the past, the cultural revolution destroyed traditions and Chinese culture, now all you have is mass market consumerism, food filled with lead and cyanide because you have no morals to enforce some standards, and nets to catch suicidal workers who are worked to death.

Vietnam may be poorer right now but at least our traditions and values are intact.
I can go visit a Taoist temple and see genuine people rather than scummy Chinese tourists

>our life expectancy is higher


I'm done here with the shills and lies.
>le ccp bot
I use facts and sources. It doesn't matter who I am.

Why are you so nationalist?

you have no facts, just rubbish propaganda
if you consider co-operation with other Asians as "slavery" then you are delusional. I have nothing bad to say about Japan or Korea, they are moral compassionate humans, not cockroaches like Chinese.
I will not deny Vietnam is poor, but so were they all at one point.

>They fought more wars than Vietnam since 1950

China has fought three wars since 1949:

>Korean War
Very expensive and strained their resources, but the war didn't touch Chinese soil itself.
>Indian border war in 1962
Lasted about three weeks.
>Vietnam border war in 1979
See above.

Vietnam was devastated by 30 years of internal conflict, then the border war with China caused a lot of damage, and a decade-long intervention in Cambodia.

In Asia, most people are nationalists, i'm not this guy:

is one of my posts in this thread, there're many Vietnamese here.

Anyway, i respect Chinese civilization, and your history is very interesting. I do not blind hate.

>balkanized china
lol? it's ethnically 93% or so Han. if east turkestan and those uyghur snowflakes got their "secession", their capital:

>writing system holds them back
this is the stupidest thing written so far in the entire thread
no, it's held them (all 55 minority groups in china) together for CENTURIES, even the koreans, who spoke a different language, but used chinese characters.
no matter what dialect you have, you can read standard mandarin. in western countries, you can't even read your own history or ancient texts. even the differences between simplified-traditional are easy for an untrained person to differentiate.

china's steady industrialization isn't going to stop soon, and comprehensive changes are being made within the country to combat the horrible widespread pollution. one example is the three gorges dam, and the many other hydroelectric plants that are being built throughout china.

>muh authoritarian regime
it works, fuck off


Vietnam is national-socialist

Should add, Cambodians hate Vietnam--they told John Kerry to eat shit when he wanted to enlist them in our anti-China encirclement policy.

Sorry.I didn't recognize it.

I respect Chinese civilization too, I'm not ignorant enough to pretend as if Chinese culture/history and Vietnamese isn't intertwined
But China abandoned its history and its values.
ironically a former colony like Vietnam is more pure "Confucian" than China is now.

>destroyed traditions

At least they did something good. Any traditions are backward shit incompatible with modern world. Take Japan for example, such a perfect country in many respects and yet so unbearably backward in tons of basic stuff. It's definitely beneficial to China that they uprooted and threw away all that ancient bullshit. To bad Chinese from rural areas still hang tough for customs and stuff.

oh poor Cambodians, they are angry because we didn't let them genocide each other boo hoo

I always found Chinese flags to be chill (although rarer than us even).

But diasporefags are obnoxious, well, most diasporefags are, ours diasporefags even more so.

What about Christian Vietnamese?
Fuck off EU politician

Actually it was more because the Khmer Rouge wanted to invade Vietnam and kill everyone, but...

Anyway, Cambodia's national culture was mostly obliterated in 1975-78 and what's there now is just a mix of Thai and Vietnamese culture.

Japan never destroyed its traditions though, if anything it embraced them and made them modern.
there is nothing "barbaric" about Taoism, or Confucianism, or Buddhism, nothing wholly ill fitting with the 'modern' world
some superstitions are a little silly but not harmful or promoting ignorance.
and connection with the ancestors is much more healthy than Christianity or Islam.
honestly by western standards I'm an Atheist and so are most people I know, but that's because Europeans are absolutists and dualistic

China already is Super Plower

and China is generous

China is Growing LArger

What are they protestors? OUT OF MY WAY!

youtube.com/watch?v=hPj-SPD_NIg&ytbChannel=Citadel Inc.